rocks isn’t terrible. The fact that it nullifys most projectiles (before leaving doom), hits both sides, and locks down really well doesn’t even constitute as being terrible.
How good/bad is Akumas tatsu assist with Joe? I’m trying to figure out the best position for my team (Joe, Akuma, Doom) and I’m torn between multiple assists.
Akuma on point is probably the best bet of keeping him alive. Having him on 2nd is risky, and on anchor he will more then likely die if he eats the incoming mixup. However he gets almost nothing out of Joes assist, atleast nothing I can think of.
Joe on point is good, he has the ability to use Akumas tatsu and Dooms whatever (can’t decide on plasma or missles). My only issue is not finding a very useful way of using Akumas assist. Being able to get a god hand off and switch into Akuma for a high damage tatsu loop is great too.
Doom I slapped on anchor which I sorta regret. Doom really gets beaten out by a lot of characters solo and especially not in the corner.
What’s the best order for my team? Assist preferences would also be good.
If you are going to play akuma, you have to stay within midrange of the opposing characters with Joe. You cannot play full screen. Akuma adds a lot of damage to Joe, but Doom TAC does better damage for more execution.
So, are you recommending Akuma as anchor? I’ll think about it. It gives me a reason to get his TAC combo down, I suppose.
I think your team is fine for joe, its whatever you like though.
been messing around in training mode and learned that shocking pink assist allows frank to connect his ‘shopping cart hyper’ into his ‘animation hyper’. afterwards i remembered a video of sentinel using shocking pink to do the same thing. Question: Who all can take advantage of shocking pink, to combo 2 of their own hypers into each other?
I’ve been using shocking pink as an assist since vanilla.
Now I started to wonder if his uppercut move is good enough for asisting.
What do you guys think?
Im running a Vjoe/ Morrigan/ Doom team and I really wanna know if its worth it.
UMVC3 Joe Unrelated topic.
If you guys played the Old V.joe games back in the day and loved them (Like i did) And chose the character because of it (Like i did) i Highly recommend The Wonderful 101 if you guys have a Wii U. It has the same feel and style the Old V.joe games had. and it has an amazing story with hilarious shout outs to V.joe/Bayonetta and DMC. And the amount of Feels you get…makes the pubes on your balls stand up.
I was ranting about how awesome that game looked yesterday. What he said.
His uppercut is definitely his weakest assist IMO. I do think Bomb is a bit under explored, but Voomerang might be the best choice on that team, just to add one more projectile on the screen when Morrigan is doing her thing.
On another note, what do you guys think of Joe/Dante/Strider? I think there could be something to Joe/Vajra, as far as using it to help lock down with Red Voom zoning. Not sure about the damage potential of Joe > Dante though. This combo seems to be on the right track, there might be a nice Vajra extender Dante can get:
Thoughts? Does anybody that uses Dante directly after Joe have a more damaging option?
I use Dante. I dont really do much other then that.
But with the bomb assist you can extend it for another 50k-ish.
And depending on height you could throw some acid rains in the corner.
Like -DT, Acid rain(x2), j.Mxx Hammer. 623 MxxM, Back dash. S xxHHH, 6H, bc, Hammer. Bomb assist, 623 LxxL, j. 236 H xx 623 MM(Ground bounce reset), reverb shock xx Fireworks.
Even then Dante in DT XFC probably does more dmg by lightening x3(or 5) then burning another bar.
I forgot what Dantes moves are called. But you could do that off the top of my head.
Check out the Dante thread though. You’ll have to skim through it, but I remember people doing some bomb shenanigans with Dante to do safe cross ups/double cross ups/overheads.
If you’re looking for uses of Joe’s bomb assist for Dante I made a vid for it.
I’ve been playing doomerangs lately too its very good. who’s the third character?
On that note, what motion do you guys do to perfom the super jump red rangs consistantly? im sort of new to joe and i can only do it on p1 side. I basically do a 360 motion starting with backwards and omit the “9” so I dont jump towards my opponent. is it possible to jump backwards while ranging or is straight up the best you can do?
I do the super jump first, then circle around for the fireball in one quick motion. Most of the time I just jump straight up while charging.
superjump backwards return to neutral voomerang motion is how i do it you have to do it really fast though. Does anyone else have issues Sj charging the other voomerangs. I can typically do it well, but it is much harder to do.
So, I gave Frank/Dante a solid run, but I think I’m finally gonna settle on Doom/Ammy. I honestly feel my neutral game is better with Cold Star than Jam Session, and there were just too many games I’ve lost due to Frank coming in without levels. I prefer Missiles for now, I’ve always played more of a lame game with Joe, so I feel right at home with Doomerang spam. I’m finally in a position where I can start going back to TRB, so I’ll try to get some stream time up in here.

superjump backwards return to neutral voomerang motion is how i do it you have to do it really fast though. Does anyone else have issues Sj charging the other voomerangs. I can typically do it well, but it is much harder to do.
wow I though for sure you had to tiger knee it. ill try it manually.

So, I gave Frank/Dante a solid run, but I think I’m finally gonna settle on Doom/Ammy. I honestly feel my neutral game is better with Cold Star than Jam Session, and there were just too many games I’ve lost due to Frank coming in without levels. I prefer Missiles for now, I’ve always played more of a lame game with Joe, so I feel right at home with Doomerang spam. I’m finally in a position where I can start going back to TRB, so I’ll try to get some stream time up in here.
i really like Joe/ammy. Joe/doom isn’t my favorite but it is workable. Good luck! This team is sure to gets some wins though.
Joe + Hawkguy w/ vertical assist (the arrow rain, forget what it’s called ATM) is far too much fun.

Joe + Hawkguy w/ vertical assist (the arrow rain, forget what it’s called ATM) is far too much fun.
I used to play Joe/Hawkeye. I always used horizontal arrows, never thought of trying vertical, could be something interesting there.
In other news, finally made it back to TRB after a few months… damn I got smoked. Not too surprising considering my Doom is barely a month old, but I feel I could have done much better. I lost first round to a dude visiting from Las Vegas, Trahh. I got hit with the Zero Movie, can’t hate though, dude made it to Winner’s Finals. Then in Losers, I got blown up by Richard Nguyen’s B team TT__TT He was using Dorm/Jam/Missiles, which I honestly think is an excellent team to deal with Joe shenanigans, so I can’t be too mad at that either.
I got some casuals in with Snake Tits too, he’s been rocking the Joe/Bolts/Missiles team for a little while. I was out Joe-ing him, but proceeded to get obliterated by his Strange. It just goes to show I need to play a much wider range of people. I can only get so far playing the same handful of friends week by week, my lack of match up experience really bit me in the ass. I’m also gonna try to pick up Joe/MorriDoom… so we’ll see how that goes.