First thing: I love the painting in your av, always have
On topic: That would definitely be an excellent team. However in this case, xxx Dorm Mag is non-negotiable, so the question is if Joe is a good fit. After some minor but certainly not conclusive testing, I do enjoy dark hole for Joe, but the placement is so specific, it’s definitely not a catchall. When it hits the target it feels like, “this is Joe’s best assist!” and when it doesnt, it’s like, “this thing is worthless!” lol
I just need to see a good disruptor Joe to see diff ways to use the beam during Voom patterns to apply a solid lock (assuming one can). I did my own experimentation and there are decent patterns, but nothing that feels too hard to escape just yet.
Honestly magneto’s assists don’t really bolster joe’s voomerang patterns well. Ground recovery makes joe work much harder than usual only because you have to watch for assists and opponents tech rolling past you, and screwing up inputs. if anything you want characters to stay standing or air recover because you can continuously mix them up.
But its having a dynamic duo together!
Joe is basically Mag’s mini-me.
But it is good to have if you want to plink dash in for a hi-low mix up after Voomerang pressure.
Just dont do it during the pressure! It makes then recover faster could let them escape.
That’s just the thing. I’ve been hearing from reliable sources that ruptor is great for joe, possibly even his best. And I’ve been highly skeptical, despite feeling I had no place to be.
As a supplimental assist sure, but as primary, id need to see it in action.
I havent found anything crazy awesome with disruptor.
Maybe able to hit confirm off a d/j.rhk L/M on the ground. Or an easy confirm on jumping voom hits.
OR voomerang swag combos. (Theory)
Though I will say its fast enough to cover you if want to do charge bomb shenanigans.
Ex: With 2 Rangs on screen/ block stun
Adf Voom.L, Assist, bomb(charge) ~ Then back to voomerangs or mix ups.
But as for his best possible assist. I’d rather debate for Jam session assist.
Even if your ass at confirming off it (Like me) its still amazing since it cuts the screen.
And Joe could always hit j.L xx Air joe. L
Sup guys, I don’t know if many of you remember me from last time I had posted here. I took my vj frank coon team to evo this year and had made it to losers finals. Was pretty happy with my results considering the bracket I had. I’ve finally caved in and replaced frank with doom to try it out. Well the “doomerangs” is quite a nasty combo. Charging fire voomerangs with missiles raining down is great preasure, although the dhc isn’t nearly as good, everything else is. Thought I’d share my two cents on that xD
Thus far Joe is the one character where I legitimately like Rocks best for Doom’s assist. I’m sure that wouldn’t be a popular opinion, but I stand by it and it’s great for pressure, coverage behind Joe, incoming meaty, and mostly: easy confirms and triple jump H RHK stuff. I was talkin about Dorm Mag above because thats the shell I’m playing most, but my actual “Joe team” is Joe Rocks Jam Session. Was just seein if maybe Joe could fit on xxx Dorm Mag. Still not sure : /
I like the idea of rocks for joe but hidden missiles takes cafe of the air for my team. I have log trap to back me up for horizontal pressure, missiles mixed with charged voomerangs and shocking pink can lock a character down so badly they can hardly move
Yeah, all seems to depend on the 2 available assists together. Missiles sounds like a good idea coupled w/ Log Trap. W/ Jam or Cold Star, def like Rocks
I’ll have to check out using rocks with doom though I only picked up doom for hidden missiles for joe and because hes best mid NA =P I had been running Team Kusoru since i pretty much started umvc3, and just been looking for another mid character to cover vertical for joe, so far i like hidden missiles and jam session for sure. really tempted to try shuma though because that laser is amazing
I was actually considering task as well, I like that he can fit essentially anywhere on a team! good assists, good dhc, not qutie sure about TAC, great health and damage output, decent mobility. Hes a well rounded character for sure.
Only thing I cant stand about missiles is that it can be a pain to extend any good combos with joe after missiles come out. they are great for the zoning part of joes game and like anyone else missiles will save your life, but with shuma ray you can follow up with good combos as well as jam session. up arrows would be amazing against those pesky flight characters >.<
One more thing, Fought a guy last night on xbl whos main team was Deadpool/Storm/Dante, was a rather great zoning team against joe, and was awfully annoying.
I tried out Mystic Ray recently and found I wanted more hit stun for my money (figuratively and literally since testing it cost me $5 lol). Task is certainly great and wont argue against him. But I really dig the xxx Doom Dante shell in general and find it to be fantastic for Joe.
I find rocks to be a great middle ground between plasma and missiles. Just fast enough to still be a good horizontal, but a much larger hit area (which can meaty on oncoming) and leads to easy conversions, as well as a great suppliment to voom pressure. Plus, the 2 key things that make it better than plasma for Joe imo: the ol triple jump, assist, RHK (a la log trap) works BEAUTIFULLY w/ Rocks, AND the lockdown for an in close hi-low lasts slightly longer and is more easily converted. It could be argued that Joe doesn’t need to go in, but despite my love for keepaway, Joe is so fun for me because he can ALSO open fools up like a tin can should he wish to.
Believe me, I wouldn’t call upon Rocks willy nilly, as in just about every case Plasma and/or missiles are better (For Nova, for example, Rocks are damn good… buuut Plasma’s just better). And I could be wrong here, but for Joe it really just does seem to be the best Doom assist (coupled with Jam or Cold Star, at least).
I agree.
I used rocks too. Works great for slapping it anywhere.
And lets to hit confirm into a combo on air voomerang hits. Not to mention it pops them up when they’re hit.
Which is exactly where Joe wants to start a combo.
Mmm hmmm. I gave plasma another shot last night just to make sure I wasn’t talkin out of my ass, and sure enough GREATLY prefered getting my rocks off. Lol
I tried that out, and I’m really liking Akuma’s combos and moves.
What do you think is the best order for the team? I really don’t want to use Akuma as a anchor, because I would rather not take the risk of getting him in with such little health. Right now I’m using Akuma (Tatsu), Joe (voomerang), and Doom (Plasma).
I have to say Rocks are amazing, I use them when fighting morrigan on my sub ironman team. I have used them once for Joe, they worked pretty well. They counter zoning, and they help keep opponents in blockstun so I can call bombs.
Akuma can always be used second, His DHC Beam from Joe is pretty good, and if you end your combo with OTG Desperado, you can use SRK hyper into Sphere Flame for the kill on most characters. Joe should most definitely be used first on this team. Doom second gives you TAC infinite. You should also change your assist to missiles, because akuma already covers the lockdown you will need w/o giving you a soft knockdown. Try to play at least in the midrange w/ Joe, its very difficult at first but you will get use to it.
K so finally got the chance to try My new team out(VJ,Doom,Coon) in our local tournaments and I gotta say i was very happy with how well this worked. I ended up taking first place and stayed in all the way through winners bracket. no one could handle the lockdown of fire voomerangs + hidden missiles. A pseudo Moridoom team I could describe as what im running. People couldnt deal with the pressure from the Hidden Doomerangs.
Rocks is a terrible assist, don’t use it. If you want to use Doom Beam is the best adn only option.
And yeah you don’t get much off of Disruptor but that doesn’t matter because it amkes your ground game extremely good. It gets you started like no other assist and keeps you going like no other.