For corner footsies if you can space it out properly;
Bomb L xx Voomerang M/H.
If done right it keeps them locked in the corner if they dont push block.
And catches rag tags attempts for a free combo off of the bomb.
You’ll be amazed how effective this is against Doom/ Dante.
Heh, I don’t play online. I’ve been to TRB quite a few times, I usually go 2-2, but haven’t gone in a couple months. My Joe/Ammy/Hawkeye team wasn’t cutting it, so I went back to the drawing board. I have 2 main training partners and a handful of other local people I play casuals with, that’s where I test most of my stuff. I’m gonna start going back to The Runback with my Frank team in August, and if it doesn’t pan out, I’m gonna play Joe/Missiles/Morrigan
So after some more playtime in the field, I’m going back to Cold Star instead of Jam Session. Jam Sesh is godlike for cutting off the screen, obviously, but confirming off it consistently is a nightmare. Cold Star gives such easymode confirms, and I feel is just a better overall mixup machine. I was also struggling pretty hard with Dante anchor, Ammy is top 5 anchors IMO, and I also think Frank+Ammy is better than Frank+Dante if Joe gets mauled right off the bat.
Of course the logical choice would be to play Joe/Doom/Ammy instead but, ya know… fuck Doom.
I’ve been to TRB a few times, but lately I’ve been playing during sessions at UCI. I went to Saltmines when I was working in SD for about 6 months, and they were totally not ready for Joe / RR :, but the guys at UCI blow me up.
Also, Reid, I know you’re in the PW forums once in a while, how do you feel about VJ / PW? I used to use a VJ / PW / RR when I’m messing around, but I could probably do PW / VJ / RR and I figure bomb would keep PW safe for a little bit much like Chris’ landmine.
^ Gonna say this from the get-go, if you plan on winning any tournaments then don’t even think about that lawyer haha. It pains me so much to say that but capcom.
But yeah about your question, Joe and Wright can work well together. Missile assist works well with voom pressure, can set up unblockables, and can help Joe pick up after his forward ground/air throw. Bomb assist can help Wright but you’re gonna have to get used to calling it out early. Bombs can also help Wright combo after his forward ground/air throw.
Thing is you’re gonna have to watch out about the order. Wright/Joe = no safe dhc. Safest thing you got I think is Maya hyper to Slow.
Jam Session is better than Cold Star and easy as fuck to convert off of, just jump at them and do J. M, J. H, H Red Hot Kick, Launch whatever for the easy conversion.
I meant it’s hard to confirm off it when it’s not on the ground and the opponent is hit towards you. Good luck consistently converting off a Jam hit at super jump height. Jam basically requires a cross up to confirm midscreen, and you can’t combo off M RHK > Jam from the front like you can with Cold Star. Even a blocked M RHK > Cold Star yields a free mixup opportunity, and any hit off any angle guarantees a combo. Jam does have its obvious zoning potential, however.
Yeah you can convert off of M Red Hot Kick if it hits in front of you, I do it all the time. J. M, J. H, Dj, H, M Red Hot Kick, Dash Forward M Red Hot Kick, H Red Hot Kick, Launch, J. H, DJ H, DJ, HS, TK Cannon. An dif it hits at SJ height just Charge a rang. Everything Cold Star does Jam does better and you get a better DHC off of Cannon seeing how it causes soft knockdown.
I’m thinking of getting back into Ultimate soon and thought playing Joe would be interesting. I’m trying to decide on a second character for the team, since I already know I’m using Doom (due to wanting atleast 1 character I understand how to play).
My choices are either Deadpool or Akuma. Whichever I choose I’ll also need to figure out the perfect order (with Joe more then likely point).
I’m about to try out a joe team. Instead of Joe/Strange/Dante I’m going to run Joe/Dante/Strange. Once Joe dies, Dante with bolts is solid and he can hard tag and DHC into FoF loops for lots of meter and damage.
I’ve seen chatter lately about disruptor being joes ‘best’ assist. But I’m not quite seeing it. Certainly the fast ranged poke is very good, but there’s no triple jump H RHK convertability, and its speed makes even charging a red voom not always possible. At the very least it seems ruptor is a great 2ndary assist to back up some other tried and true favorite.
However, I assume I’m wrong and am wondering what I might be missing? Lately I’ve been playing nothing but xxx Dorm Mag and auditioning points (wesker and task being front runners). Do you guys think, with dark hole and disruptor, Joe should be in the conversation? I looove me some joe, but I usually run em with doom or dante or ammy. You think disruptor-dark hole-Joe is a strong Joe?
Disruptor is good for reversing momentum, more times then not you will not be able to convert off of it.
I like Dorm with Joe but Dante would be a better anchor than Magneto. Joe/Dorm/Dante is a great team.