Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

Afterthought. Deadpool. That scaling glitch can work with Ammy, otg assist for long slow combos…may work. And Deadpool’s high/low game isn’t anywhere near Joe’s, but he can still make use of cold star’s lockdown.

Isn’t task one of the chars who get all that silliness with the bomb assist? I never paid much attention to the specifics, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen vids of task abusing the whole “seemingly no limit to bomb assists within a combo” complex.

On that note, which joe assist do you guys tend to pick and why? Id been just doing voom for the pocket projectile, but am now am thinking the DP may be more strategic. Just to have the alpha counter option.

Also, I have no problem at all w/ plasma joe, in fact I prefer it to bolts. What I hate to give up is that dhc!!

Bomb assist with task isn’t as broken as people make it seem, metergain like crazy, but scales a lot and doesn’t last forever (when shield skills loses out on hitstun, and that does happen eventually), not necessary when Task does more than enough damage with regular assists.

Nemesis can bomb combo and get meter for days, though. Unrelated fun fact. I don’t think bomb gimmick teams are viable at all, though.

I use Voom assist. It helps Frank Wack in neutral, and it also saves his ground bounce in combos. I like bomb for Dante, but Frank needs the help more, imo.

You can get this sweet DHC into Doom if you use missiles instead of beam:

I still think Plamsa Beam is the better choice for him though.

This question may be a bit vague, but its worth a shot:

I’m wondering if there are any specific movement sequences you favor while jockeying for position. There are so many patterns with multijumps, air dashes, different vooms, assist calls, etc.

Its easy to say “jump x 3, call assist,” but maybe there are some particularly effective maneuvers people are using to set up mixups, pop a hit, flow into continued initiative, etc.

I imagine the matchup dictates a lot of this, but whether general or match-specific, id be interesting how good joes aquire and maintain control. Certainly I have my own ways, but I’m a new joe, so dunno how helpful sharing would be as of yet.

Edit: for reference, I’m bouncing between joe strange dante and joe plasma ammy. Still interested in insights even if with other builds.

Pardon the double post, but this is a seperate thought entirely:

For years now scientists have been on the look out for a rare, mysterious, creature of legend: the character who prefers doom rocks over plasma beam. And while its far from time to exclaim euereka, I was messing around with it and it certainly has its plusses for joe.

The slight slowness allows for a bit more workable lockdown, and works nicely in tandem with cold star. Its much easier to confirm from from a further distance than plazm.

The height works as a welcome meaty so on incoming one can guarantee oneself a red voom lock if one is inclined (haven’t tested shit like hard drive, but with proper timing meaty should be meaty.

Rocks appear easy to confirm stuff like triple jump’d M or H RHK. And if they block the RHK, the rocks then hit afterward continuing the lock.

There’s a good chance plasma is just better for joe, and if one plays missiles, one wants missiles. But for anyone using doom for their horizontal assist, give rocks a shot before dismissing them. Give it a shot! …then dismiss them. Lol

I like rocks with Joe. i think they are great for absorbing other projectiles and allowing joe to start his zoning, they are great for RHK cross ups, and they complement joe’s okizeme very well. They also cause air recovery which i believe is a great thing for joe.

Just got to play a live opp while rockin the new assist (see what I did?). I do think I dig it, but def need to try plasma before I’m sure. I feel like joe might be soft to counter-zoning, please tell me if I’m wrong about that. Voom pressure doesn’t seem like it will dominate all other projectile wars. How do you guys tend to deal with someone out ‘guile’-ing our 'guile? Most def like joe doom ammy as the team, what I’m not certain on yet is if I prefer cold star or bloom (joke!)

Solid stef: I’ve been watchin a lot of ur match footage for reference. Great shit dude, very impressive play overall!

My first Vanilla team ever was Joe/Hulk/Rocks xD Rocks seems ok, it’s like a not-as-good Drones. One huge flaw using it though, is that it changes his team super away from Finger Lazors, so it’ll mess up the whole Doom/Ammy dynamic.

Ahh, no way man, that shit still works! In fact I dare say doom recovers even faster. Its one of the few bonuses of rocks!

Its funny, I saw my buddy Chrisis recommended disruptah for joes horizontal for the fast poke, and here I am wanting to slow down my plasma beam! His reasoning is for a quicker setting up shop for zoning, mine being for the lockdown setups. I told him I liked rocks for setting up mixups/rushdown and his answer was, “in many matchups you never have to go in.”

My takeaway, aside from Joe is a godlike zoner, is that it seems to really depend how you wanna play joe for what is best. I do love to zone, but moreso I love setting up a lockdown for high low mixups, and setting up easy confirms or more mixups off a triple jumped RHK. Can’t really call disruptor then tjRHK where as with rocks you can combo off it.

That said, what do you guys try to facilitate more? Sonic Vooooom all day? Or a little mini-Magnus? Lol I want both, personally, but am def looking for assists that let me rush when I wanna! The indecision never ends :slight_smile:

Ah, I see how the THC could still work with rocks. Personally, I’d still go with beam though. I also feel Plasma Beam is better than Disruptah just for the small lockdown ability.

I would definitely consider myself more of a zoning Joe. If I can win a matchup by Vooming all day, I will. I would even say leveling Frank isn’t my first priority, he’s more there as an answer to Joe’s lack of damage, it’s just bonus that I end up with a godlike point character if things go my way :slight_smile: I still get in that ass when I need to though, and I feel like my assists of choice allow me to play either game. Cart is just as good for pushing away as it is for locking down for a mixup, same with Jam Session. I’m not really worried about level 1 Frank either, Strange gets mauled just as hard coming in, and at least Frank has more HP which means more meter for Dante if things go sour real quick. I actually really enjoy slugging out tough matchups with lvl 1 Frank + Jam.

I think that optimally you want both. Rushdown and Zoning when necessary this is why i think that a projectile assist that locks down keeps opponents standing is important for Joe. Also, its a 1 reason Joe/Storm is so godlike

Agree. Im all about characters and assists that can switch between both based on the needs of the matchup. Never tried Joe Storm. Might work pretty well w/ Cold Star in back.

Oh god, the Storm/Ammy team super :open_mouth:

Don’t call an assist. Ever.

Hmmm. Super wise storm seems good, but whirlwind seems kinda weak to attack with. Guess it depends on the 3rd, but id go ammy and having cold star as the only attacking assist… not sure. I dig that doom provides offensive and defensive assistance.

Plus it doesn’t seem ideal for charging a red voom. It can work, but its slow to come out and doesn’t lock too long, so call assist, start charging is pushin it. I’m def sold on storm as far as hypers go, but whirlwind assist is a tough sell.

Side note: still really diggin rocks. Wonder how long that’ll last lol

Whirlwind pushes opponents across the screen and locks down long enough to get a shocking pink out and start voomerang spamming

Boy’s who went to EVO, How did you guys go? What team did you use? And what team did u lose to?

i did really bad,i went 2-2,lost to some guy by the name of vhs teddy,last game. i had to use stick,and im not use to it,no excuses though.
and as for my second loss,i lose to kaneblueriver. im telling you,that guys is no slouch at all,he’s pretty legit. my team was joe deadpool arthur,but im most definitely dropping arthur,he is such a boo boo character.

I was reading the theory thread, and this guy was talking about Joe and how he can negative edge shocking pink into a 1 frame detonation. I was wondering if anybody else knows how to perform this. From my understanding, negative edge doesn’t exist in this game for this very reason. Also I was wondering if anybody has any setups with shocking pink? I know whenever i use V dodge + assist, I cancel v dodge into shocking pink and charge it. I’m starting to have a shocking pink out when I use slow and detonate it when the Hyper animation is over to keep my opponent in blockstun, so I can mix them up.