Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

I noticed that it helps Joe’s long-range game once the opponent is pinned down with Voomerangs. It’s obviously bad if they’re close to you, though. I have no idea if it’s competitively viable or not, since I only really use Hawkguy when I’m bored or messing around, but it’s certainly fun.

LOL, sorry, I’m the culprit. He plays me too much ;D

Oh man. My seemingly endless character crisis continues. So I’ve been thinking, and Joe/Vergil/Dante has to be one of, if not THE best Joe team. It’s on the same page as Joe/Storm/Dante, but seems to be better in every way (in terms of a ground clearing assist). The main appeal is Joe with 1-touch-kills; relying on Slow mixups and TACs just isn’t cutting it for me any more. Jam Session’s uses are obvious, but Rapid Slash is also pretty godlike for Joe. It clears space for Voom set up, it locks down full screen when Red Vooms are already going, it pushes to the corner for Jam Sesh mixups… it’s really good. Vergil also covers some of Joe’s worst matchups, i.e. Dorm, Hawkeye, Strange.

I’m pretty new to sword loop DHCs though, anybody know the best way to set it up midscreen, and much damage I can expect after Vergil comes in?

Oh my god. You guys. You guys I think I did it. I think I actually found the team I’m gonna stick with. I got blown up so hard at NCR last April, that it made me rethink my team of Joe/Ammy/Hawkeye. For the last 6 months, I couldn’t find a suitable shell that I liked. I went through:


…which finally led me to Joe/Strange/Ammy. It has everything I want in support for Joe. Horizontal screen control with Bolts, my favorite lock down assist in Cold Star, a legit backup plan if Joe dies, and a very strong anchor. The team can kill in one hit, but has options if I need to go for the Slow reset. Really the only thing lacking is a completely safe DHC into Strange. With his ability to snipe assists with Book super, that’s a weakness I’m willing to live with. One could also argue Strange/Dante would be a better overall pick…but I’m too in love with The Dog. Character and assist. This video is a good display of how powerful the Strange/Ammy team super is though, the synergy in undeniable:

Anyway, I know you were all dying to hear all about how my journey is finally complete, so I just had to share.

/cool story bro

on p1 side, doing 2368 or 2369 is how I do my super jump rangs. you just have to practice it to find a way to swing from down, to forward to up back in one motion. its awkward but doable.

Yo Solid Stef, a bit late on this, but congrats on your placing at Shadowloo this year man. How’s Joe/Frank/Coon holding up for you these days?

With charged air Vooms I just super jump then qcf+Attack. L versions come out fast so M/H versions have to be released earlier so you gotta be quick with the qcf after the super jump. The only time I TK a charge Voom is for qcfupfwd+H that will go behind Joe.

tiger knee backwards then back forward

Hey a new joe user and I was wondering would Joe(Groovy uppercut)/Modok(Psionic Blaster)/Rocket Raccoon(Pendulum) be a good team?

i think joe raccoon is pretty good,and i think modok will have a nice spot in that team. so yes,i think that’s a good team.

If you want to be really lame you might want to consider barrier assist to stand behind while throwing red voomerangs.

is rapid slash a good assist for joe?

If you’re playing a range game with Joe, yes.

Does anyone know how to combo off of RR’s Log Trap with Joe? It hits them too far away and I can’t seem to get in range to combo off it :frowning:

you dash up and use crouching heavy (the slide)

The reliable combo is dash up -> c.H -> M.upper -> M.AirJoe

Does anyone have an input regarding zero / joe? Do they have legit synergy or is it just a two point character team?

Also, is akuma tatsu good for joe?

I’ve thought about synergy between Joe and Zero, there might be something there. Even though Zero is the better point character, I like Joe/Zero/Dante. Seems like you should be able to DHC from Six Cannon to Lightning Loops, maybe even mid screen. To me that would be the main draw of trying out Zero.

Zero’s projectile assist could a good bet. If Joe can get the kill with 1 bar, it might be worth it to DHC to Sougenmu anyway, then raw tag Joe back in for the powered up assist.

As far as Tatsu assist, I don’t have experience with it first hand, but I imagine it’s very good for Joe. I play Shopping Cart/Cold Star often, and any assist that keeps the opponent pinned down is exactly what Joe wants.

Top tier synergy with MODOK:

The video doesn’t play and I’m very curious what this is considering I’m going to pick this duo (or trish/modok) after final round. Can anyone either give a description or post a working link?