Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

SolidStef Vs Jwong Winner’s Semi


Tokido Vs. SolidStef Top 8 Loser’s


Sorry that’s all that’s been uploaded with you in it, Stef

Horizontal control is something joe gains once he gets a hard knockdown. plus Dorm provides an assist that works well at mid range, which i believe is joe’s best range. But the team falls apart if you can’t get the knockdown, which is harder in some match ups than others.

Storm is a good choice, but if you really want to run her, Ironman would be best to run as anchor. you gain the some of the same advantages with Dante. You also get the DHC assist dead thing. And Iron man is better for storm resets when you use RB.

Best beam would probably be storm or Iron man. IMO, most matchups don’t require a beam assist. but the best momentum based assists are Log trap, em disruptor, shadow blade, Chun li up kicks… basically things that are fast or take up a lot of space pretty quickly…

i really still want to use V.Joe/Firebrand…

After playing a bit with Joe/Morrigan/Dante, I definitely felt like I was missing that horizontal pressure at times without a beam assist. My friend uses Firebrand/Dormammu/Ammy, and Dormammu was a bit more trouble than usual since I usually run some kind of horizontal assist. Firebrand is free to Red Vooms + Jam Session, but it was hard to keep Dorm from getting started. I think I’m actually gonna try Dieminion’s team, I like the Joe/Morrigan pairing, and like Alukard and RayRay said at Bar Battles 5, Die’s team has actually evolved with the game itself. Everybody thought it sucked in the early days of Ultimate, but it’s come a long way in terms of viability. The team is lacking a bit of air control without Jam/Missiles, but it’s still really strong with proper zoning.

Joe without a hori assist isn’t good. He needs something to control the ground and still let him start, EMD is best for this due to it’s sheet speed.

Thanks man, lol thats ok. i dout they will upload the slapping i gave Xian 3-0

Lol the JP players only uploaded anything with Japanese players, and you vs xian didn’t have any JP players in it. lol


Special shout out :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn there will be 3 of us w/ that team. Haha! GL guys :slight_smile:

Oh reading this more, I think his twitter says he’s not going lol.

Just had a thought for a concept team; Joe/Morrigan/Phoenix. Basically Alioune’s team without Mag, or Champ’s Dorm/Morrigan/Phoenix he tried vs Chris G. Obvious gameplan would be to run away and mash Morrigan assist. Solo Joe isn’t the scariest character ever, but I feel like you’d be ok spending meter on slows a lot of the time. If you get the mixup, they die, if they escape, back to Vooms and mashing the Morrigan button. Phoenix is definitely a pretty big gamble in current UMvC3, but I’m just trying to think of the best options for Joe + Morrigan. It seems like the best bets are:


@EnDaNickofTime, do you use the Joe/Phoenix combo?

After messing around a lot with Joe Doom(-a) Dante and Joe Strange(-y) Dante, good to come in here and see those appear to be respectable builds for the little guy. Though everyone besides Lord Raptor is saying Joe Dante Doom, wouldn’t Joe Doom Dante make more sense?

Anyway, my question specifically is if anyone else finds it difficult to confirm off of Jam Sessions. I mean, ground to ground point blank post-mixup is do-able (and even that I miss sometimes), but when going wild with the mobility and trickiness, I find I can make Jam HIT with relative ease, but then that’s it. And general advice for this?

BTW, even though I’m both nobody AND new around here, something I can confidently contribute: Another major benefit to Jam Session for Joe is the block stun lasts quite long and gives him a long time to “set up shop.” Making them block one can help get a charged Voom on screen, and/or reposition to your liking.

A lot of what I try to do, at least when in zoning mode, and tell me if this is no good, is try to find ways to use my assists to let me flow from charged voom to charged voom. So make them block one, do whatever during cool down (adb/f vooms, multijumps, general gnat-like movement), till I can call the other assist, start charging, etc.

Now if only I can get the hang of a basic combo so I do more than 200k on a hit, I’ll be in business. lol I feel like a well-assisted Joe gets hits for fucking free in most matchups. lol I just can’t get shit for them and then drop Joe. It’s a cycle, and now I’m back for another round! :slight_smile:

@WarioMan my secondary team is Joe/Dante/Phoenix. it works pretty well against teams that don’t have magneto. Shocking pink assist is also good for going Dark.

Confirming off Jam Session from high in the air is def pretty hard. My most consistent method is to super jump up there, H > L Air Joe > Carry them to the floor > Launch > TAC to Frank. The Air Joe doesn’t always cleanly bring them down, however, it’s kind of height dependent. Here’s a version Dieminion came up with using H Air Joe, but I don’t think it works after a Jam Session hit:

Also, if you charge up a Red Voom, just keep doing it until the opponent shows they can do something about it. If you charge one, then dance around a bit calling an assist, then charge another, it gives them plenty of chances to get closer to you. Just keep super jumping and charging, only calling an assist the moment you land.

Oh nice. Never thought of Joe’s bomb being used to help set off Phoenix, pretty genius :slight_smile:

Thanks! Even on the ground its an awkward assist to confirm from, but I’m sure it’ll come with more character experience. Now tryin to decide if I prefer doom or strange in the middle. Both seem very good and with merit.

Also, if anyone doesn’t mind, I posted a question in the combo thread. Only mentioning it here because this thread is active, and that one hadn’t had a post in almost a month. Thx in adv if anyone takes a look

joe\dante\doom is doing a shit ton of work for me, I really like it. This is the best middle ground joe team for sure.

best theory joe team atm, joe\horizontal\missiles. The horizontal\missiles give joe the establishing pattern into the missiles+red boomerang trap which is insanely strong. I think against some characters, its a 10-0 for free. The horizontal assist needs to allow a get away feature like jam session\log trap does. It also needs to set up pin mixups as well and the only one that fits that role is chris gun shot. Strange works a bit but I live in fl0rida, land of the zero’s. That fucker just walks\dashes underneath the strange beam and pops out a lvl 3 buster. Highly annoying.

joe’s bomb game is definitely rounds him out. Not having a great AA, not having a good get off me, not having good instant durability is all taken care of by the bomb. It allows him to function as a character. If you learn to control it with the negative edge, you’ll find a SHIT ton of uses for it. oh yea best joe team will also have a bomb assist loop with it somehow. possibly a top 10 assist as its the only one you can repeatedly call

I agree that the best Theory team for joe is horizontal/missiles. Ive been using Strange/Doom combo ( ShoutOuts to Cranky ) This Team works really well against anyone…Cept for Zero (That small robot fuck) you have insane keep away with charged vooms + Bolts (Diminion Style) Or missiles which keeps air characters…out of the air. Also Get a sexy swag combo with Bomb and strange counter Super which can do about 960K. With out you chiping the fuck out of them with projectiles. U hear them call an assist and the point character is right next to them? 6 Canon + Spell of Viscant will amlost kill a 1M health assist character, Safe DHC throw out the bomb…Super then DHC in to strange counter, if blocked Safe DHC, if hit about 600K free damage. Its much more versatile and well rounded than Kusoru team.

Now the bad things are, short characters can just stand under bots and chuck projectiles (like Zero and Morrigan) who can out zone joe, which can make it a difficult ground game. If joe dies. Strange has to eat a mix up, he has bad air normals and no real way to escape cept for teleporting or Super which are both unsafe and can be very predictable. Doom anchor isnt amazing and its not new so every one will know how to fight against it.

for the theory joe team of joe\horizontal\missiles that horizontal asssist needs to do a few things

you need to escape out of situations with dj j into HRHK like log trap\jam session give you. This horizontal assist also needs to able to create block stun so characters won’t duck it and this automatically removes strange from the best joe team ATM. Joe bomb also should give a loop to this 2nd character to allow for those deadly ass combos.

do we have a list of characters who can do insane combos off joe bomb? it would really help figuring out his stronger builds

Ok, so here’s a weird question from a relative joe newb: what exactly is the expectation of a successfully thrown charged voom? Like, the patterns they take, the lockdown the do or don’t cause, sometimes they feel broken, sometimes they don’t seem to cut it. Basically I’ve based a strategy on chaining them over and over (and not just via sj back), and I’m just trying to confirm that doing this successfully can consistently win matches.

As I’m testing stuff, sometimes they get overwhelmed, sometimes they just dash in right through em. So again: what is the strategic and tactical expectation of a successfully thrown charged voom?

Honestly, a lot of it depends on the matchup and overall durability your opponent can throw on the screen. Magneto and Doom can erase a Red Voom with one Disruptor/Beam, so getting it started when they are on the ground can be really tough. If you get the Red going when Doom is in the air, though, he’s pretty boned. My main training buddy plays Firebrand/Dorm/Ammy, and sometimes he can keep up with the durability war, but if I get enough momentum, there’s nothing he can do at all. If Joe gets going, the universal way through Red Vooms is to either block one and dash forward in between them, or superjump forward, but Jam Session plugs both of those options. If Firebrand is stuck, my friend will usually try to tag Dorm into a Voom and stop the nonsense with a well-timed pillar or teleport. If you don’t have Jam ready and they super jump at you, just let go of the Voom early and try to get some more space.