Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

I’ve tried it before but my RR sucks ass. IMO, there are only 3 joe teams I’ve seen work.

  1. dieminions team
  2. joe\dante\doom - good theory team and balanced
  3. joe\storm\variations - good theory team, no balance

joe\storm\variations start losing to xf mechanic characters. I think with the coon version though, its easier to negate XF mechanics with the land mine and time them out that way. Storm\log trap should honestly be god like. Storm hates it when people fly up there and now log trap can just create crossups for days.

Joe\storm take advantage of the 50% damage bonus on helpers better than anyone else. Since Joe does that big ass shot for 1 hit, its like 420k by itself then hailstorm DHC comes in with NO scale. Best assist kill in the game IMO. 45 frames of invincibility, kills almost everything and pretty safe too. On some characters storm on point can combo into that srk super, dhc slow and it combos!! misses on some character sizes but any character trying to full screen fuck storm can’t really do that. They’ll eat the srk super as a counter, and now joe puts them in slow and I’m charged voomerang city.

I was thinking about it last night and joe\storm\coon does sound a bit better than the dante version. Dante however does comeback in xf3 and has a slightly better assist than coon but in this scenario, the log trap is actually serving more versatility than jam session allowing it to be better overall. I do happen to believe that jam session is joe’s best assist. I got all kinds of crazy ass mixup, fuzzies the combine that with how practical jam session is mid game and you can begin to see how f-ing crazy it is.

The best joe team for sure is going to take advantage of the infinite off the bomb. Can someone post up those characters who can do that again? i’ll be able to make a strong team once I know who all can do that.

^Damnit. You make me wanna try out Storm now…
Or stick it out with Dante/Magneto. I kind of like it for starting with Magneto first in harder match ups.
And if you want to you could tag out to Joe at anytime during gravity loops.

Only thing that sucks is I havent found a good way to combo into slow after a raw tag.
I mean I have;
~Raw tag, S, j.H, rhk.m, adf rhk.m, rhk.h, Slow. But thats pretty finicky and works only in mid-ish hit stun.

Or build an extra 1/2 or 3/4 of a bar doing.
~Raw Tag, S, j.H, Air Joe.L, j.L/H, Air Joe.L, j.L/H, Air Joe.L.
Then try for Joe/Dante THC shenanigans.

My Dante is only about 3 weeks old, but I definitely agree with this. The close range utility is really great, but I just love it as an extra wall when spamming Red Vooms. Pretty much the only way to get past Red Voom spam is to super jump, and Jam Sesh covers that hole perfectly. I feel like when you get started, only a small handful of the cast can do anything about it.

I respect everything that your saying and you have very good theory’s. Thing is have tryed Joe/Storm/Coon its a good team. I went to this team when i lost really bad in a tournament coz i thought frank was dead weight. But it didnt last very long so i realised i just had to lvl up my frank (Player wise) So thats what i did, I still believe Joe/Frank/Coon is still an amazing team, You just need to know how to play it. (So Stop plying like Kusoru coz that shit isnt gona work anymore) Anyway Stom -> Does alot of raw DHC damage and can kill any assist character (Doom Missiles). But this team gets out zoned bad by Morrigan and Mags. there arnt any real mixups with Storm wind with joe. so your going to be hit confirming off Logs or J.S. Storm + Log trap is nice but still Mags and Morrigan blow these too up. Damage of log trap is ok. you can do Air loops or J.H loops. With Coon + Wind its really bad. its not like Doom Beam or Frank Cart that locks them down. Wind blows them back so if u tele you will be out of range so that assist dosent really work. Im not trying to stop you guys from using this team, but if you can prove to me that it works in tournament play ill respect it.

Orry_Watts if you still wana play that team. watch how i play.

I just figured out why joe\storm\coon won’t work. THERE IS NOTHING creating the pin for a mixup. That is a MUST on v.joe teams. So yea, joe\storm\coon just isn’t going to work. It HAS to be joe\storm\dante which is my old version of the team.

wind isn’t a lockdown, its just to clear the playing field horizontally so joe can start doing iad stuff. Its actually a god like horizontal tool.

I had the same problems as everyone else on here but my solutions were derived from me playing in our scene. Glad to know I’m on the right page as everyone else.

any team that is xxx\frank suffers from the same problem. If xxx dies, frank comes in level 1. Its such a HUGE fucking risk. Other teams like joe\dante\doom, joe can die and now dante\doom is still formidable. Japan has always played ugly marvel, look @ them in mvc2. However they are incredibly creative players, I would copy them for that.

there is no question that jam session is one of the best assists for v.joe. Clears the playing field, covers the top of the screen, allows escape, allows iad voomerang, charge voomerangs, takes out natural counters to iad spam which is jumping, allows for clean DHCs into DT. Then on top of this, dante is one of the few characters that get a big combo off the bomb glitch. To me, its a match made in heaven. I’ll have to make a video one day but the mixups you get off jam session are fucking riduclous lol. I have some of the most insane shit mixup wise in this game with v.joe. He’s the only character I’ve seen to have high, crossup as a fuzzy that can’t be jumped. 4 corner for freeeeee

i definitely agree… I’ve been using Joe/Storm and they are godlike, but joe doesn’t really benefit storm unless you are using bomb for zoning or a few modified combos… plus they both have TAC infinities… its just that last character that is important… the best one I could come up with is Sentinel…but who wants to play sentinel? also strange works with eye or bolts. but Stom is definitely joe’s best horizontal assist. Also, dante storm is heavily focused on Fair/Foul Mixups but storm’s damage is ass…

I’m still new to Frank, but coming in at lvl 1 is gonna be a problem no matter how good I get with him. I train with a Firebrand/Coldstar player and Frank Wack is supremely boned coming in if Joe dies in the corner (which is always against Firebrand).

I was actually thinking about trying Joe/Morrigan(meter)/Jam Session. Basic gameplan would be to run away with Joe, zoning with Jam Sesh and building meter, then Six Cannon > Astral Vision when the time is right. I dunno how it compares to Missiles, but it seems like Jam Session has to be one of the best assists for Morrigan as well. Joe’s combos wouldn’t get much damage with Morrigan behind him, but I figure I’ll either go for the hard knockdown and build more meter, or just DHC into Astral Vision and set up Morrigan at the end of Joe’s BnB.

Jam Session is good for morrigan, but it forces you to constantly be in motion. She has to move around to make it work. static astral vision doesn’t work that well with jam session either.

i think my new team will be Joe/dorm/Dante. Joe gets bombs mid combo with dorm, DHC damage, tac infinite, and hard tag setups. thoughts?

Best V. Joe teams IMO are Joe/Storm/Dante, Joe/Mags/Dante, and Joe/Doom/Dante. I really gotta get Glitch Charging down.

this is crazy… I started playing around with Joe in training mode yesterday, and came up with Joe/Storm/Dante as a potential team. Then, I come here and see a page of people saying they are they two best partners for him. I think I’ll try it out as an alt team.

Just got back from SEA (was an amazing event) Rocked the Joe/Frank/Coon team, if you guys dont know yet. I ended up getting 5th. Which i still think is pritty good for an Australian. Noticeable mach ups where Xian(Mags,Morri,Doom) ,JWong (Wolverine, Storm, Akuma) and Tokido (Mags, Doom, Phoenix) Now first up was Xian the end score was 3-0 My way. He has had alot of experience with that team, since he told me he plays against Kusoru. My team has a disadvantage to Xian’s team but if played patiently and smart i feel that it can over come the over whelming pressure of Mags/Mori + Missiles (4-6 Match up). At times he played unsafe by going in and getting hit by log trap, and unknowingly knew about Joes Super that stays with the character even if they Tag out. Which made him lose the last match where i slowed mori, so when she came back in with sister sister his inputs where to fast for the slow morrigan to shoot.

Next Jwong. i feel my team beats Jwongs due to he can out zone me (which makes him rush down…alot) so since he must rush down there are risks in getting hit by log trap. Once you kill wolvie it becomes mush easier coz storm cant do mush to catch Joe, just gotta watch out for Hail Strom when calling assists. But trying to block Wongs mix ups is extremely hard and is a diffrent mind game in its self. i got close i got him to 2-2. But then he activated Wong Factor and i hardly stood a chance (6-4) match up, since it was justin i think its 5-5.

Lastly Tokido, that team is very hard for my team. For one he plays a very Zoning game and its hard for joe to work against that. Its also very hard to snap in phoenix and get a very solid mix up on her since she can just air dash out of any mix up form joe/franklvl1. the only good thing is that your almost garenteed to get free Down TAC’s to get 1 meter and lvls for frank which makes fighting Dark phoenix a little easier. But Tokido plays Kusoru all the time in japan so he knows the match up inside and out, 4-6 match up.

At the end of the day i still believe that this team can still place high in tournaments. Its just that teams that work around just zoneing make it very hard for joe to get in with log trap. So its best to have a back up if feeling confident. possibility Strange 2nd or 3rd with bolts to help Joe create better zoning options and ways to get in. Or just put vergil last and go durp with lvl3 (it always seems to work to mater what the team is)

Dont give up on this team guys. It can still surprise alot of people

I saw your top 8 matches, Stef, and I’m really impressed :slight_smile: The only thing I can say about Tokido is that he adapts quickly and you were being really telegraphed with your triple jumps. Two voomerangs will blow through disruptor, and you might have needed to do that a few times to let him know that he can’t just disruptor your face while your triple jump like a monkey. It seems that you can’t charge vooms vs. missiles + disruptor. Also, I don’t think he plays Kusoru all the time because Kusoru doesn’t play all the time. Plus I’m pretty sure they’re in different regions of Japan.

That Jwong match comeback though was hot :smiley:

I’ll post the top 8 vids later, I can’t go to Nicovideo at work for some reason.

Thanks for the help, I decided to stick with this team considering i’ve been using it for so long now and i feel frank and coon both compliment joe really well. I had one more question regarding some experimenting for other options to level frank other than TAC from joe. Ive tried using groovy upper assist as a THC as joe to get over 80+ hits, TAC in to frank to finish getting up to 100+ for level 5. And is it possible to THC as frank with all 3 to level up?

It’s hard, you have to position it in a way that mach speed doesn’t launch or shopping cart wall bounces before the chaingun finishes for raccoon. I think in the corner, you have to be right next to them. I could be wrong though.

I found that with back throwing in a corner you can always tac a full mach speed. while doing an air series (M M H) Rockets final homing hit will glitch the enemy and turn them invisible for a quick second but you can still follow up with a TAC and frank tools

Congrats on 5th place Stef, I caught a couple of your last matches, good stuff for sure. You mention the biggest weakness of your team is super strong zoning, I feel that’s kind of why I’m trying to take a different approach with my team. One of the reasons I don’t like Doom is that he gets zoned so hard, I’m to the point where I wanna win just by throwing shit, a la Dieminion.

storm/dante isn’t strong enough as a shell. Storm/Iron man is better or Ironman/Dante. Dorm/Dante gets special mention because joe sets up dorm really well.

Agreed, Storm/Dante doesn’t seem particularly scary after Joe dies. I would argue Joe/Vergil/Dante would be a better pick, Rapid Slash clears the ground pretty well also.

I tried out Morrigan in casuals for the first time, holy shit is she hard to play. Moving around while perfectly executing Soul Fist spam is really gonna take some time, but I like her. Regardless, I’m already having much more fun with her than Doom or Vergil :\

I’m just looking at teams that let Joe carry his momentum. Sotm Whirlwind is a decent assist for Joe, the way the durability works is great and it pushes back to continue zoning. Plus the DHC you get kills Assist Dead completely safe, it’s a worthwhile team to run and Storm/Dante is a alright duo. Still not as good as Joe/Mags/Dante or Joe/Doom/Dante

Joe/Dorm/Dante sucks, no real horizontal control which is what Joe wants the most from assist.

What’s the consensus for the best beam for Joe? Iron Man?

Tony seems like Jam Session would helm him quite a bit, I wonder how Joe/Iron Man/Dante would fare.