Upper assist, the only way i have found it to be useful is to cross over counter with it (When blocking, QCF> assist 1 or 2.) Joe with come out and not get hit…sometimes. so its can be used as a get off me move. But you cant follow after it. As a combo extender i wouldnt bother, it does nothing and if you team super with frank on point, its very hard to get a photo coz joe either finishes at the same time as frank or launches them in to the air, so your out of photo reach. i find Voomerang to be much better, at least its a solid projectile, and it can stop frank from using his ground bounce. so it can be used again in the combo.
Anyone messing around with bomb shenanigans?
I know you can get it kinda safe by V-dodging/upper in the middle of the animation (When its kinda behind joes head)
I like throw it out during IAD pressure or if someone gets caught by jam session assist.
And I’m pretty sure if you do it early enough you could combo after jam session pretty easily with the L.bomb.
After that I dont have anything else…
I like to pop out an L bomb and block when my back is in the corner sometimes. It makes them think twice about their approach and is easliy converted with a slide.
So I think I’m gonna finally sell my soul and put Vergil on my team. I’m interested in Joe/Vergil/Ammy, I just think it’s time to get one hit kills with Joe, without having to rely on TAC infinites from Doom. Does anybody around here use Joe with Vergil behind him?
Damn, I’m in such a team crisis right now. I kept trying to make it work with Hawkeye anchor, but he’s losing steam. I like Ammy, and I should play Joe/Doom/Ammy, but I just really don’t like Doom :\ I feel like if I’m dead set on Joe first and Ammy last, I have 3 options for the middle slot: Doom, Vergil, and Frank. I tried to bite the bullet and throw Vergil on there, but he really sucks the fun out of the game. I was hoping to make it work with Joe/Frank/Ammy, but not having Log Trap misses a few key ingredients for Frank setups, and Joe needs Log to be able to level up Frank and still do damage.
As a last ditch effort, I’m gonna try going full Kusoru. I think it’s the only way I can stay competitive without playing Doom or Vergil, and still have fun. Shoutouts to Solid Stef, too, who shows the team can still stand up to the top tiers.
Dante is a great assist for zoning. Great DHCs.
Mags beam is super awesome for fireball fights. Great TACs.
Plus assist beam, L.bomb, IADB Voomerang is a nice gimmick.
Actually never touched Mags or Dante. Was always interested in Dante, and Mags looks fun, both seem kinda hard to pick up though. But I do love watching the Mag/Dante shell (a la KBeast), the team-super shenanigans are godlike.
I might honestly give it a shot. I know a good Mag player who can help me learn too, thanks for the tip Cicada
Edit: So after thinking about it, I don’t think Magneto is a good fit for me. I’d like to try Joe/Dante/Ammy, it seems like they’d have great synergy together, but I might be back to where I started with my Joe/Ammy/Hawkeye team; great neutral, abysmal damage. Does Joe/Jam/Cold Star have any damage potential whatsoever?
Ok ok ok. After careful consideration, I think I finally landed on Joe/Frank/Dante. Jam Session is too good to pass up, and it’s even better than Log Trap for getting extra levels for Frank after a TAC from Joe. Joe BnB > TAC to Frank > 3x Paddles > Knee Drop > Land > Call Dante > Snapshot > Jam Session hits> Snapshot > Survival Techniques. Gets Frank to lvl 5 and does some nice damage with a DHC back to Joe.
Yeah at first I didnt really like Magneto to much till some kind soul on the Mags forums posted this BnB.
Its so much easier then mid screen roms. And more stylish then j.hxx fly j.l,hhhhh.
Right now I’m running Joe/Dante/Magneto.
I’ve been playing Kusoru as my loser’s bracket team and it works out. I just had a long session with a friend yesterday that plays top tier teams and it gets really annoying for them, so yes, it’s a viable team. You have to be smart about where you place your log traps and such though. I really wish I could find a better replacement for Frank, because my Frank is really REALLY bad, even in level 4 - 5. I’m not sure what to do with him at all.
Lamuness please tell me you use the Team Super with frank and coon to get lvl4 yeh? Basicly with frank and coon you want to standing M alot in to Zombie Push, and plink rush down with log trap, to go for that left right mix up. Also when people see log trap they seem to jump alot so when you can read this go for jump H for grap it works alot and since the log is coming they wont press a button. Also Lop trap > roll if they block it go for instant air knee dive if u are VERY close works everytime. (Dw my frank is quite shit to)

Upper assist, the only way i have found it to be useful is to cross over counter with it (When blocking, QCF> assist 1 or 2.) Joe with come out and not get hit…sometimes. so its can be used as a get off me move. But you cant follow after it. As a combo extender i wouldnt bother, it does nothing and if you team super with frank on point, its very hard to get a photo coz joe either finishes at the same time as frank or launches them in to the air, so your out of photo reach. i find Voomerang to be much better, at least its a solid projectile, and it can stop frank from using his ground bounce. so it can be used again in the combo.
What’s the best way to save Frank’s ground bounce with Voom assist? It seems like the best assist for my new team.
I’m really liking Joe/Frank/Dante, btw. Jam Session is sooo good for Joe, for lockdown purposes and for zoning with Red Vooms. It’s also nice to have Joe 2nd after leveling Frank to 4-5 and killing the opponent’s first character. Frank + Jam has the strength to take out a team by itself, and if Frank goes down, I still have my best character with a great assist. I still have a way to go with Frank and Dante though, especially Dante on anchor, but the team is really fun and I definitely think it’s viable.

Lamuness please tell me you use the Team Super with frank and coon to get lvl4 yeh? Basicly with frank and coon you want to standing M alot in to Zombie Push, and plink rush down with log trap, to go for that left right mix up. Also when people see log trap they seem to jump alot so when you can read this go for jump H for grap it works alot and since the log is coming they wont press a button. Also Lop trap > roll if they block it go for instant air knee dive if u are VERY close works everytime. (Dw my frank is quite shit to)
Yep! That’s exactly what I do lol. Team super is the best for leveling up Frank. I don’t know when to use the zombie push, but I’ll ask in the Frank forums.
I use upper assist for a shitty camera -> FFC guard break. It works!
If you call Voom + qcf+H, it hits at the same time as the groundbounce, so you get to save it.
Does anyone play Joe/Zero? i’m pretty interested in this team and what character would be a good third for them? Vergil,Strider,Hawkeye are the main options. this team is what i’d like to use to get rid of the start of the round gambits with zero.
I have some questions about my current team. Ive been playing VJ since Vanilla, since then ive changed my team set ups so many times that ive ended up with Team Kusoru (VJ/Franky/Coon). Normally i can play this team very well in tournament matches but I seem to have issues once people approach me air mobility (Storm, Maggie, Morg) My issue with this team set up is there is NO air control in my team BUT log trap which doesent do the trick. I feel that frank is dead weight and is too much of a gamble at this point, even once put to level 4+ i still get shut down by characters in the air. I wanna have a mid with zoning as good as joes and an assist to get them out of the air? I had asked Lythero on his opinion and he recommended Deadpool or Dante. Dead pool upguns can be decent for anti air, but katanarama can maximize joe combos as well. Dante has jam session to try and knock them out of the air and safe IAD Voomerangs. Tho i was also thinking shuma mid? Mystic ray could is a great assist and could cover the areas i cant normally reach with joe… any pointers would be great!
Example of once i finally got shut down in a tourney match is after the first set, once i have to fight a storm team it really got to me… (also more matches earlier in the video of me facing a nemo team)

I think anyone who plays this team faces this problem at one point in their team life. It’s just what happens.
So you just gotta play a better Frank, really. The thing about this team, is that you can’t get into a pattern of triple jump + assist. It’s gdlk, but people catch on fast. You might want to try Dieminion style SJ back charged vooms. I’m sorry I’m at work, so I won’t be able to watch your video, I’ll watch it later when I get home.
You might want to try Dante. It seems like the best choice at this point. Shuma’s mystic ray is good, but you’re stuck with Shuma. As awesome on paper up guns is for Deadpool, that assist SUCKS. You’re better off playing with Strider. Coon / Strider is great, but low health and low damage on both their parts.
I’ll post more when I see your play later tonight.
That would be great. There are tons more of footage of my team. Tho I an use triple jump assist time at times, I play a solid foundation with the 3 characters. Ugh I made so many dumb choices in that vid. I really just need something to handle those air characters tho
after reading the last few pages and actually playing this character myself since ultimate dropped, I feel like jam session is undoubtedly one of the best assists for joe.
It allows the mixup game to happen like amaterasu and IMO, these are far more broken because of how you can abuse that slide push on the jam session with adf h that crosses up, mhrk, adf.s to double cross. Jam session also does what kusoru uses the log trap for which is reposition most of the time. Since joe has NO footsie ability really if the opponent has closed footsie range, you can dj j with a helper that will crossup and allow safety with hrhk. Not only can the jam session+hrhk create a crossup but if they block it on the ground, you get free overheads. Less range than lag trap but more opportunity for layers if it works and you get a FAR better character in dante IMO. Jam session also seems to have excellent durability combined with iad voomerangs, its definitely formidable as neutral pattern to get shit going for your horizontal to matter if you choose that layer
the other part is definitely the horizontal issue. I think anyone who has TRIED to play this character honestly across the board in all matchups has realized how difficult this can be. Its not strong enough by itself so it needs help. Naturally people run to doom and I do as well. dante\doom end up making a really strong back duo. Doom gives a tac infinite to the team, making 2 total with joe. Dante tac is impractical ATM so I don’t count it.
most of the videos i’ve seen to NO ONE is using his bomb and I think this massively helps his zoning game. Once you throw it out there and charge it, its 99pts of durability instantly. What I do is throw it out, glitch charge it, adf\adb voomerang patterns over the bomb. I’m stacking the screen with the bomb always next to me. I can always, dodge, explode the bomb, explosion gives joe +frames coming out of dodge when timed properly. I got a shit ton of other tricks to get the bomb into the game. There seems to be a really glitchy zone loop to where if you flood the screen and get the bomb out, you can call your beam assist for free by using the explosion frames to take out any durability. Its 99pts, it better be fucking hawkeye piercing bolt or a super. The pattern seems to be flood+beam assist, bomb, glitch charge, beam assist hits, flood, call beam assist again, release bomb repeat.
so yea, on paper it seems to be joe\dante\doom for sure. I also like the fact that dante\joe can abuse some high level damage off the bomb stuff iirc. The bomb is possibly a top 5 helper ON the right teams.
I don’t know if anyone saw my old posts in the tier thread but joe\storm is LOL funny. Storm wind is god like durability allowing joe to flood all day on the ground but the best part is that once you have 2 bars, you can kill a fuck ton of things. Fucked up part is that joe can punish with dodge, cannon and get 45 frames of invincibility to blow up ANYTHING and particularly assists. It kills magneto, akuma, strider, vergil, hawkeye, amaterasu, and does 90% to doom, 95% to dante etc… its just murderous fucking life to the point where they WON’T call their helper @ all. Its better than strange IMO because it hits pretty much the whole bottom part of their screen where as strange can miss the assists because the point somehow separated themselves. With the storm team if they called their helper, they probably fucked up.

LOL that sounds so OP. I’ve been meaning to try Storm. Maybe I’ll replace Frank w/ her and see what happens. Actually, I use bomb quite a bit. It gets people to stop what they’re doing and force them to jump over it or whatever. I don’t know why people are so scared of bomb, it fucks up his hitstun. Good points on the whole post too.
since I’ve been playing joe\storm, I’ve gotten a merry christmas to happen twice. merry christmas is when you kill everyone on their team @ once. They pretty much have to team super to win like this but due to the incredible amount of invincibility, it can benefit joe a lot. It even works incredibly well against team supers if you time it properly so you can kill 2 characters immediately. I had friend who plays doom+dog and I can blow up that team super with a dodge, qcf+pp, hail.
While I still kind of believe joe\storm was THE best joe team, I couldn’t ever figure out a good build. joe\storm\xxx just has real bad problems. If joe dies, who do you put 3rd? I had dante on it so I can have horizontal+vertical control but when storm jumps into the game, storm\dante is incredibly lack luster. While the assist kill is probably the strongest in the game, it suffers in the build.
I don’t know if you guys know how STRONG storm wind is but it seems to be god like. Its easily one of the strongest horizontal assists in the game even though it doesn’t quite go full screen. However it does allow 2-3 voomerangs to come out for free and that within itself creates good full screen pressure. The projectile is so good, it goes through shield specials iirc. def goes through modok shield.
the bomb can be used a multitude of ways, its actually a god like tool. I probably have 30 ways to use this thing across the board. Its a corner stone to actually playing the character IMO even though dieminion doesn’t use it. Controlling the explosion definitely makes it 100x more scary.
Shoultz, thanks to you, I will try out Joe / Storm / RR. LOL no idea how it’s going to work, but I’ll give it a shot XD