Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

Um…I’m pretty newby to Joe, but he looks fun.

Joe/Dorm/Bolts. Thoughts? More on how to use Joe on here, and if it’s good, rather than different team suggestions. I like Dorm/Bolts too much.

Is there any synergie between joe and racoon?

currently messing around with vjoe/dante/doom, was using jam session and plasma beam, but I actually kind of prefer missiles instead even though its a little redundant.

Hey guys I need some of your opinions!
I’m trying to make a Joe team out out these characters, but I’m open to advice and other characters as well so so don’t be shy about suggesting someone! :slight_smile:
Here they are:
Chun li
Viewtiful joe
Iron man
Again I’m VERY open to character suggestions! As you may be able to tell I play a zone style of play but I like to set up unblockables and mix up my opponents.

So what do you guys think? Any advice would be really awesome :slight_smile:

I’m also interested in firebrand! I think there may be some interesting synergy with chun’s lightning legs assist and firebrands unblockables. Let me know if you guys have any suggestions! :slight_smile:

I read your post in the Chun forums and I’m not sure how Chun works with Joe. I don’t think he’s very useful for her, nor is she very useful for her. You might want to try Raccoon because you can do the Kusoru and triple jump and still call log trap, then convert off of it, but the damage will be pretty scaled. We’ll discuss more over there if you are interested in Raccoon.

anyone tried any Joe/Akuma teams? Thinking Joe/someone/Akuma

I’m loving chun trish and viewtiful joe! i’m not sure about their order though. And Seeing as though you have some experience with joe and chun I thought you’d be the guy to ask. So what do you think about this team? Any advice or suggestions?

So, I tried the Joe/Strange/Doom team. The DHC tech from Joe > Strange is amazing, but I just wasn’t feelin it. I love Strange as a character, but I just don’t like how he plays in this game. It’s also unfortunate that in able to get the kill with Joe, you need Missiles for the combo extension, so it’s not as useful to use them in the neutral game.

I think I’m gonna try Joe/Doom(Missiles)/Hawkeye. That way I can actually use Missiles in the neutral, confirm off them, and TAC for the win. Also, I can keep Hawkeye anchor (which I love), but still have the option to get Doom out and have Hawkeye with Missiles.

Joe/Doom/Ammy is godlike from what I can tell, easy to end combos with VGH using missiles (even midscreen with good plink dashing), great pressure from Cold Star, safe DHC’s everywhere, Mach Speed added to the THC if necessary making it a more ridiculous reversal than it was before, plus a bunch of legit gimmicks like double slow, slow TAC combos… good synergy.

My one question is this: if I want to rush down, is it more worth it to sacrifice Missiles (and thus the more optimal combo into VGH, as well as stronger keepaway) for beam? I don’t have a real horizontal assist on this team as it stands. Rocks?

Planning on running Joe and Sentinel on the same team. Any recommendations for a third? Was thinking about Joe/Sent/Akuma but I am fine with running a Joe/someone/Sentinel setup as well. Thoughts, suggestions?

A few quick questions:

  1. If one is looking to play a game plan that includes the occasional jump jump jump, call assist, H RHK, what do you think are some of the best assists for this? I know log trap is good, but don’t want to play rocket. Missiles I figure can be nicely covered(?), I just briefly tried out arthur daggers and found the RHK can confirm them to a combo, and on paper jam session seems like it could land a lot of hits, though I have no idea how one would/could confirm off it.

  2. If one lands a Slow, are we guaranteed a safe hi-lo mixup after? Not necc safe if they block it, but at least safe to go for, like they can’t stuff the attempt?

  3. I know this prob belongs in the combo thread, but figured id consolidate my questions: if I land an air to air jH, what’s a good (easy ideally) way to convert that to a combo?


  1. Typically any lockdown assist. i use jam session but cold star works too… missiles can be hard to confirm of of tho.

2)I believe Slow is +3 the safest thing to go for is probably a snapback because it is 2 frames. you could call an assist and go for high low mixups, those are pretty hard to react to. plus Joe has a great standing overhead. raw tagging typically works after performing j?joe’s slide.

  1. It depends on if your going for a kill, slow mixups, or shocking Pink shenanigans. for a kill you can combo into m. RHK x2 h.RHK into relaunch air combo into DHC. Slow combos you can cancel into H.RHK immediately into slow for moderate damage.

Tbh I hate the slow super.
Cause you have to worry about getting thrown by your opponent.
Though if you have a good assist you can set up stuff after your own throw.

After that you can chase/harass anything they do with charged voomerangs or v-dodge raw tags.

slow super is good if you can DHC into it. otherwise it is pretty worthless. slow super would be really good if this game wasn’t TOD centric and if you could DHC out of it.

i really want to use Firebrand/Joe/Dante but there is little to no synergy between firebrand and Joe.

i think i might want to use Joe second because his assists are not that bad and his DHC capability isn’t that bad. Thoughts right now i’m running Dante/Joe/x

Slow super is pretty good against Vergil. If you know you cant kill. Just Slow.
Makes fighting him so much less painful…>.<

I run Joe/Dante/Ammy right now.
Its a good team. Dante has some uses with the bomb assist for combos/ decent mix ups.

Though I find Joe/Dante is stronger. Just cause if you get your opponent trapped in Voomerangs all you have to do is just IAD Voomerang and THC.
Then just close the gap for dirty hi/lows. Or for some breathing room to set up the charged Voomerangs.

Who knows, Maybe its a more better counter pick to Morri/Doom. :stuck_out_tongue:

I find Joe/Dante to be a very good counter to Morridoom. plus Dante/Joe can DHC into Slow. but the shell forces you to to play a mid range game but i feel that is where joe is the best only because it is eaiser to confirm off a IAD voomerang from mid range, and he is safe from most attacks there too. And Dante gets infinites from Bomb assist.

I think Joe/frank/dante would be a good team. If used right frank assist can pin them down allowing joe to overhead him or go for a low also joe can help frank get to lvl 4 in 1 combo. Mach speed into air combo tac into frank knock him down take picture call assist take picture that will get frank to lvl 5. Dante really helps fighting characters like doom knocks in out the air.

That team is sharp, this team requires you to be more offensive. Very good ways to lvl up frank with DHC off air 6 Cannon. Or TAC and if u havnt used the dante assist (Jam Session) u can get lvl 4 easy like what Bee does.
and if joe dies you can get lvl4-5 frank off any hit or throw with 2 meters. Only problem is that Dante is a tricky character to learn and his LVL 3 comeback is not that fantastic. You can also Mach Speed in to a combo which allows u to hard tag frank and get lvl 4. But its quite hard to do and the timing is very striked.

Hey Stef, I’m actually thinking about trying out Joe/Frank/Ammy. I know Frank/Ammy have a lot of synergy together, and I was inspired a bit by the recent Kusoru vs KBR ft30. I was wondering though, Kusoru uses Joe’s uppercut assist, do you know why? I know Joe Upper assist makes his THC Mach Speed, which can be useful when doing Dodge > Mach Speed on wakeup, but I’m wondering if Frank has any use for Upper as a combo extender.