So I’m fairly new to joe, played a joe/doom/strange team for a while before realizing i dont like doom or strange. Currently I’ve been playing joe/task/akuma and I feel like there is a better choice for my anchor. I’ve already ruled out strange and doom, dante probably not.
What do ya think about Joe mag sent. Honestly watching how easily Kevin beats certain people is really making me conisder this little guy
That sounds pretty solid. In my opinion, you need a beam + and lockdown assist to get the most out of Joe, so you have that going for you. Joe could benefit from Mag’s TAC damage, and Drones + Red Voomerangs is stupid annoying.
If you run Joe’s Groovy uppercut assist you get mach speed doing THC. You should be able to get some stuff with Magneto out of that.
Tbh I think Groovy Upper is Joe’s best assist.
Just cause the Alpha counter on the thing is fully invincible till he hits the ground. (Cant do anything till he hits the ground too. Unless super cancel.)
Anyways what are your guys thoughts about running Joe in second.
Cause I’m thinking of running Nova/ Joe/ Magneto. (All helmet team)
It would be good to a see a Joe rushdown equipped with drones in the hands of a skilled player.
Having a lot of fun w/ the Joe/Dead pool/sent or doom team im using. Using happy trigger to shoot the shocking pink bomb assist across the screen is so annoying.
I’m about convinced that everyone in this thread is horribly ignorant. I won’t call you guys stupid, but you are definitely lacking certain competence here in this thread.
<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“Warring Triad”>I’m about convinced that everyone in this thread is horribly ignorant. I won’t call you guys stupid, but you are definitely lacking certain competence here in this thread.</blockquote>
oh… ok… please enlighten us…
Most people here are going for style rather than optimization. They aren’t playing to his strengths but their fantasies.
What team do you use and do you believe it is optimized… what would an optimized joe team look like…
Busted me.
Idk what Joe is fully optimized for, since the most fun and success I’ve had was always going ham.
Joe is versatile enough and decently random enough to always be able to do something somewhere.
But here is a team I’m thinking about running. Joe/Dante/Taskmaster
-Jam session helps Joe control more of the air and makes it difficult to even get close once you get started on IAD Voomerangs/Charged Voomerangs. Its not like Missles lock down but its enough to chip them enough.
-Task arrows are kinda like sent drones. They dont stay out as long but!
The cause hit stun to always combo of stray hits if your in the IAD groovy. Even if your trying to get a sweet spot by IAD back with those arrows you should be able to close the distance and confirm.
IAD Voom Confirms nets an extra 30-50kish dmg. Only hard part is converting off air hits. Doable at certain heights/sizes.
Dante second just cause I like install supers with Joe. Six Cannon is a soft knock down.
The most dmg I got with just Joe solo off an overhead is only 670-680k dmg. But someone with an easy TAC infinite (Doom!) would give Joe the damage he needs to kill.
Even if they break it out your pretty much full screen away again. Ready to just try and chip.
tl;dr- Joe has great DHC options, but is better at starting a TAC.
Hey guys, we actually have a Viewtiful Joe player on our team. We recorded some matches and we’re wondering what you guys think. As a side note, Reid was using a PS3 pad in this video when he usually plays on Xbox pad. A bit handicapped but he did pretty good!
Here’s the link:
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/82431/Warring%20Triad">Warring Triad</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I’m about convinced that everyone in this thread is horribly ignorant. I won’t call you guys stupid, but you are definitely lacking certain competence here in this thread.</div>
Good job forming an actual argument. <div><br></div><blockquote class=“Quote”><div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/82431/Warring%20Triad">Warring Triad</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>
<blockquote class=“UserQuote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/58425/EnDaNickofTime">EnDaNickofTime</a> wrote: <a href="/discussion/comment/7980777#Comment_7980777" class=“QuoteLink”><span class=“ArrowLink”>»</span></a></div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I’m about convinced that everyone in this thread is horribly ignorant. I won’t call you guys stupid, but you are definitely lacking certain competence here in this thread.<br /><br>
<br /><br>
<br /><br>
oh… ok… please enlighten us…</div>
Most people here are going for style rather than optimization. They aren’t playing to his strengths but their fantasies.</div>
Who are we kidding, if we’re talking full optimization wouldn’t it be Joe/Doom/Vergil? But that’s not really a discussion worth having. <div><br></div><div>In my opinion (god for bid we have opinions on a message board), Joe needs 2 things to be “optimal” on point: Cold Star assist + a beam. Cold Star star allows Joe to fully abuse everything ‘cheap’ in his arsenal. He can hit confirm off of a MRHK just like Log Trap. He can hit his un-reactable overhead while the opponent is in block stun. And Cold Star gives him the best possible mixups after hitting them with a Slow super. This assist does much more for Joe, but those are the obvious things.</div><div><br></div><div>Beam assist allows Joe to dominate on the ground with his IAD Voomerang spam, plus acts as a way to plug holes while charging Red Vooms. The best beam for Joe is Iron Man because it keeps the opponent on the ground and has the best active frames giving him the best Voom spam and mixups. I use Hawkeye because his beam has more durability, it comes out the fastest, and he’s a much better character than Iron Man. Doom’s beam is ideal here not because of the quality of the assist (the durability is sound, but it knocks down which reduces Joe’s up close game), but because of his team support potential and his pairing with Amaterasu.</div><div><br></div><div>To me, the most optimal Joe on point team is Joe/Doom(Beam)/Ammy(Ice). Missiles + Ice would certainly work, but he would be missing a lot of horizontal dominance.</div><div><br></div><div>So, Warring Triad, if you’re gonna accuse us of being ignorant, try bringing something of value to the table or kindly get the fuck out.</div>
<br><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/81915/Trent%20Williams">Trent Williams</a> said:</div>Snip<br>
Oh shit that combo at 6:05. Blew my mind.<br>Gotta test some things out now…<br>
i think joe, strange, doom might be the best joe team. Joe and strange seem to be best friends and also this is the team that gives joe legitimate tod combos that otherwise would only work with vergil 2nd i think.<br>There is a crapton of tech to be found with that team, stuff like using shocking pink into sixcannon into seven rings dhc to activate the counterhyper through shocking pink to do 360k unscaled damage anytime is incredibly good.<br>
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/66515/Cranky">Cranky</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>i think joe, strange, doom might be the best joe team. Joe and strange seem to be best friends and also this is the team that gives joe legitimate tod combos that otherwise would only work with vergil 2nd i think.<br>There is a crapton of tech to be found with that team, stuff like using shocking pink into sixcannon into seven rings dhc to activate the counterhyper through shocking pink to do 360k unscaled damage anytime is incredibly good.<br></div>
Good stuff. Saw the stuff you posted in the other thread.<br>Which is stupid good. Joe can set up the Counter hyper himself, though its finicky and I havent tried mid screen.<br>~S, sj.H xx Air joe L, j.H xx Air joe L, j.S, dash forward, bomb L xx TK Six Cannon. (Or Bomb L xx Dash forward TK Six Cannon.)<br><br>Its finicky cause if you mess up the TK it will miss. Though if your super lucky you could bait the counter hyper. <br>Not as good as the Hidden missles set ups, but its better then nothing. xD<br><br>Not to mention Bolts is a really good assist for Joe. It scares people to do nothing and wait.<br>Which is exactly what Joe needs to get a red voomerang or a dash forward overhead.<br>
<font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2” style=“line-height: 20.390625px;”><span style=“line-height: normal;”>This Past weekend was one of Australia’s biggest National Tournament OHN. I play 2 Matches on Stream from 1:13:00-1:42:30 I play My Kusoro Team.These games are in my Pools Winners side, my first game is against on of the best New South Wales players and the 2nd game is against the Best Queensland Player. The 2nd Match is one of the most Hype Matches you will ever see. </span></font><br style=“font-family: ‘lucida grande’, ‘Lucida Sans Unicode’, tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20.390625px;”><font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2” style=“line-height: 20.390625px;”><span style=“line-height: normal;”><br> Let me know what you guys think.</span></font>
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/66515/Cranky">Cranky</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>i think joe, strange, doom might be the best joe team. Joe and strange seem to be best friends and also this is the team that gives joe legitimate tod combos that otherwise would only work with vergil 2nd i think.<br>There is a crapton of tech to be found with that team, stuff like using shocking pink into sixcannon into seven rings dhc to activate the counterhyper through shocking pink to do 360k unscaled damage anytime is incredibly good.<br></div>
This is one of them. And I wasn’t here to read all these nice comments until now, my bad.<div><br></div><div>Strange/Doom is a good shell for him. Eye/Beam or Bolts/Missiles. Bolts lets you shut the ground down on one side long enough to send out a Red Voomerang, and Missiles lets you maintain constant pressure. Bolts also makes people think they can make the assist useless by blocking, which is a free overhead. </div><div><br></div><div>As above guy said, Vergil/Doom. Rapid Slash makes Joe a strong keep away character, and Beam/Rocks/Missiles depends on the match up.</div><div><br></div><div>Daggers helps him a lot, as does Drones, but Arthur/Joe is really redundant and not very optimal, and Drones is attached to the Wackbot and really easily sniped/killed.</div><div><br></div><div>It sucks, but the game is built in a way that the higher you want to go with a team, the less you get to play around with mid/low tiers. Joe is mid, but still more solid than most recognize. He is a slippery, aggravating stream of damage. In a game where Magnetos can outclass you, kill you, and leave the second character with a meter or two, characters like Joe who only break even on a kill need to be backed with really solid, ridiculous characters. Joe fans won’t like this, because they’ll probably want to put him with other uncommon characters as well, but uncommon characters are that way for a reason.</div><div><br></div><div>Oh and Jam Session is really good for Joe.</div><div><br></div><div>But one odd combo you can put him with is Zero. Zero gets relaunches from Voomerang, and Sougenmu Lemon Wedges are like a midway between Daggers and Drones.</div>
<br><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/66515/Cranky">Cranky</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>i think joe, strange, doom might be the best joe team. Joe and strange seem to be best friends and also this is the team that gives joe legitimate tod combos that otherwise would only work with vergil 2nd i think.<br>There is a crapton of tech to be found with that team, stuff like using shocking pink into sixcannon into seven rings dhc to activate the counterhyper through shocking pink to do 360k unscaled damage anytime is incredibly good.<br></div>
Ok, I have to admit those vids you posted of this team are pretty godlike…<div><br></div><div>My first team in Ultimate was Joe/Strange/Hawkeye, I’m really thinking about trying out your team. I’ve heard Strange and Ammy have great synergy together, do you think a lot of that stuff would be possible with Cold Star instead of missiles?</div>