Okay, I’ll try and reply to everything I wanted to here, but I always seem to lose my train of thought, lol.
“No offense ETR but I feel like my Ammy might be a little better than yours though - although you play beads a lot better than I do. My glaive was great when I got to use it. IMO, you should finish more combos with Ammy instead of going for the TAC so often!”
This I don’t doubt, my friend. I spend about 80% of my training mode and setups on X-23 in the beginning, and as of the past few days I’ve been primarily focusing on Ammy on point. The Ammy air dash + X-23 Ankle Slicer is one of the best unblockable (and a potential crossup) setups in the game in my opinion. Coupled with Ammy’s massively good frame data, and that X-23 is so low sometimes she can’t be seen on the ground… so I’m putting Ammy out in front for my matches as of late to compensate for my little lack in Ammy setups. I can play the character, but not as a point character, you know?
As for the TAC… Think of it this way: I have a 66% chance of killing your character on a successful TAC, or… I can hit you down, throw out X-23 assist into Okami shuffle and get about 150k more damage. I like my odds there, and I can get some meter too!
“ETR’s X-23 pretty damn good but also a bit risky (this might be a matchup thing, though). Having TOD combos, though at the expense of assist utility out of them, is still scary when someone like X-23 is doing them.”
Thank you for the compliment! I really like to play her like a madman. You don’t see it a lot here (because I have to respect MoFro’s use of Tron assist) but often times if my opponent wants to go in the air I’ll charge an L talon with an assist, and try and catch a non-block, or manage the sick crossup that randomly occurs at the right distance. That’s how I managed to beat Maximilian this Wednesday (Which I didn’t deserve to win, but if you can’t see her charging the move and you press a button as she’s coming at you it’s over) and it’s a source of a good amount of damage for me. There were a lot of times where I stopped hit confirming shorts, I’m not sure why I just went for ABC launcher (I blame laziness. :D), but i promise it’s normally not that bad haha.
I really think X-23 has the privilege of being able to make herself unsafe at times, because often times her moves are safe. I think once you get your opponent in the position where they have to pushblock, and pushblock, and get X-23 off of you without managing to do anything in response, is where you can start being unsafe. I do like your concept of the L Talon when your opponent is coming in, I’m still weighing it against an air ABC into L Talon (Which beats most buttons I’ve noticed) to see which one I prefer. I still think it’s a sexy idea.
I try and wall jump, but for some reason I don’t realize I need to hold up and away from the wall. Idk. I think a lot of people don’t play as well online compared to offline. I don’t like online Marvel, but it’s still practice.
And my Silent Kill setups are all experimental right now. I’m sure I can just do ABCS when they come in… but I’m trying to see how I can use my assists to make it more reliable. That and sometimes I try and time the S when they come in too. Needless to say, I don’t spend too much time in a situational setup.