Let Me Know When the Fight Starts!: The MvC3 X-23 Video Thread

I don’t know if I can do that, lol. I always end up rushing one end or the other, Cr. Hs and MFxx j.LxxTA L are the things I get most often.

It’s less of a practical issue since I don’t need any more midscreen damage past the “basic” stuff with double relaunches. Probably need to stop worrying about it and get my RR up to snuff already.

Good to know it’s just my timing/spacing though. I’ll probably work back around to it and even doing the 2 HxxCS loops option is a significant boost over the regular midscreen options.

I’m still trying to learn that H loop, but I keep fucking up the L CS inputs whenever I H Feint. Do you have to have so quick hands or something? God help me if I pull that loop online or something :stuck_out_tongue:

You have to cancel the CSxxTA realllly fast, but there seems to be some leniency at the MF HxxCS. But I think you can just bum rush the whole thing and it’ll work just fine, too.

online monster here, had a chance to shoot up some ranked the other day. One of better days anyway:


Mainly a Ryu combo but couldn’t have been done without X23.
You can start the combo with 1 meter but you need a down tac to get to 4 bars if you want to kill Thor. Three bars is enough to do 1.1 damage I think so that accounts for the whole cast except Thor and Tron?

also i dont think ive ever noticed but this combo took half a minute… lol are all combos usually like that?

I also feel inclined to give props to Nemo for it was his Dr.Strange grab tod on Thor that inspired me to do this though i do feel like i cheated a bit on this as it includes a TAC.

little tidbit from this combo: The optimum TAC damage that X23 can do without the infinite if im not mistaken and the countless hours i spent on the infinite helped me get the timing for this 100% though its not really that hard. Also, if i replace my XF1 Ryu combo with this combo, minus the TAC, i can kill Thor with no meter as apposed to my current combo that requires 2 bars.(edit: i had xf at lvl 3 not 1 :frowning: )

The local crew here got streaming started at home, got some good matches in the past couple of days.

vs. Duc, MODOK player:

I pick Tron around 2:00:00, Doom team around 2:17:00

Last night, I got matches against who I consider the best in Dallas, Hypersurge and AB Fonzo. I’m pretty sure I lost more than I won, but I got some good stuff in there.

vs. Hypersurge (Spencer, Wolverine, Doom) at the start.
vs. AB Fonzo (Magneto, Phoenix, whoever he feels like trolling with) at 3:22:00

A ton more footage from the House of Good Meals:

Long set against Barumunk, a Zero May Cry player. I kept killing Zero, then getting blown up by the twins. Barumunk’s a decent player, but I felt like I was being pretty stupid against Dante.

Took a short break and sat down to play DRS.MCZ Nashfan, who is trying to learn Magneto/Morringan/Doom, but mains Mags/Doom/Ammy. Did some less stupid stuff:

Continued, snag a Perfect:

It’d be cool if y’all subscribed to the House’s twitch channel, I’m over there pretty often nowadays, lol.


Maybe now that finals are over I can get out more to the local stuff. Anyway here’s some more games, online is ass but it’s all I can do atm.

So here’s the 6 matches I got recorded from today. Managed to win, tho my team didn’t get very far in the tourney and I got shut out in singles >.>

Team Black Guys got 2nd place in the tourney so I at least feel pretty good about this win. IM/RR still a bit rough around the edges, but it was still a pretty even spread throughout the matches with who was putting in work.

Let me know what you think and where I’m fucking up so I can stop being a pot monster already.

I think you should either finish your combos more or have a better mixup ready if you’re going to let them live. A lot of times you just stop. Other than that, you don’t cancel the scythe all the time, which is scary.

At the 1:00:00 mark I do a 30 minute set against one of our local players. He’s still learning the game so it’s pretty much just me in training mode, but I needed to get some warm-up matches before the tourney. You can see my normal log trap oki setup there tho.

Normally, in the corner, I go for dash back RB > Decap. Slice or L/R and midscreen I go for Tech chase + Log > Left/right. I rewatched my other set and I saw the time you were talking about, not sure what happened with that one Deadpool combo/oki. It looked like RR didn’t come out on the combo extension and then I apparently didn’t call him on the oki, I assume I was sitting there cursing our RR for not doing his job. Def. not the norm though. I always try to have them waking up into pressure of some kind unless they have some assist that I have to respect. The few other times that I don’t get the kill I do call RR but the other guy was either calling lariat or hawkeye on wakeup and they were negating eachother.

On CS, I wait until the last possible second to cancel into TA and the 2 times I didn’t cancel during those matches, I was happy with the spacing and didn’t want to put myself in recovery even closer to them since TA L wouldn’t have hit and TA H just puts me in another bad situation on the far side (and I’d be trading 11 TA L recovery frames for CS’s until grounded recovery frames so it’s actually safer to just land if they can’t hit you before you hit the ground). I think waiting is a pretty strong tactic since you can bait out counter attempts and you don’t give them the free dash back punish that you’ll run into against people that know the matchup. The only other time you’ll see me not cancel a CSxxTA is if some jerk is dashing under me and I can’t get it to come out, lol.

I was rewatching it to watch for your crits, I feel like I was being a bit spammy with my wall-jump+Log > CSxxTA at the beginning. I try to bait them into pressing something against either RR or X23 and then getting the punish from whoever they weren’t respecting but I think I was a bit too spammy at the beginning there, lol.

(I don’t like criticizing people, especially when I’ve no videos of my own and I’m not exactly a hotshot with X-23.)

I’ve said this a lot to X-23 players in the past, IMO I prefer to end my block strings, with with MFC or qcb+L when I have no assists. They leave you at an advantage on block, you can hitconfirm off them if your strings connect on hit and qcb+L keeps you in slightly. I feel without cancelling them using those 2 methods, you’ll be unsafe/have no advantage frame-wise, and it’s really important to keep up offensive momentum with X-23.

I’d also use Repulsor Blast more during blockstrings to keep the opponent locked down and set up mix-ups. I know you wanted to keep Repulsor as an extender, but IMO, without assists, X-23 barely has any mix-ups. Combined with no use of appropriate cancelling to at least keep the pressure on when assistless, IMO, X-23’s offence isn’t much of a threat. Plus, you’ve got Pendulum as an extender too. Though you won’t get as much damage with 1 assist extending, I think it’s worth pinning the opponent down when you’ve got them blocking.

I personally wouldn’t use a fully charged Neck Slice without an assist, ever, precisely because of what that Haggar did to counter it lol. Against Spencer…I wonder if cr.H would go underneath his wire and over Hawkeye’s assist as well.

I want to say perhaps use Repulsor as a pre-emptive counter call to Spencer’s aerial offence since it could AA him and absorb Hawkeye’s Arrows at the same time…but I’m wondering how valid that would be.

I wanna say more wavedashing combined with pokes+assists as well, but you were fighting the likes of Vergil and Deadpool, so yeah, it’s difficult trying to get your ground game going against them and best to take to the air.

Other than that, that’s it, well done!

I think he should keep abusing walljump+log because that’s his best approach on getting in and keeping X23 safe. I also think you should stick with Iron Man’s RB on incoming corner mixups because even if they block it that will give X23 enough time to plan another mixup and open them up, plus you will still have log to extend the combo. It’s basically free dmg if your opponent doesn’t know how to block out X23 and if you have 3 meters that’s a dead character.

CS cancel abuse isn’t all that bad, but one time you cancelled straight into Vergil swords and lost all momentum with X23. If you are looking to bait something out I would use her traditional frame traps and pokes with the aid of MFCs (I know we overreact to people not using MFCs, but you create better pressure from it while still waiting for your assist to charge up).

Great job though, especially on making Iron Man+Rocket to work with Laura.

Most of my neutral game has evolved to work around Log Trap since it counters so much garbage. I haven’t tried calling RB to counter zip stuff, my first instinct is to go for the throw and it’s turned into a bad habit where I’ll go for even against Spencer’s running with a safe assist option. (def. something to check in the lab, if that works on reaction I will be such a freaking happy camper.)

The team is set up so that either can be my starter and the other will extend or both will extend on clean hits (and both of the are great oki assists so it’s not really an issue having to go for a reset rather than a TOD and you always have the infinite option to fall back on, I just don’t have that in my game yet). Me not using RB in her neutral is me just not being used to the assist yet. I spent most of this last month playing IM on point just to get used to his neutral game so I don’t have the muscle memory for calling him in pressure just yet. I still wish there was something else we could be going for aside from her limited lockdown options. The only one that I think is even scary is her dash over dH since it’s one of those things that we don’t even know what side we’re on half the time. Ideally, what I want to be able to do is use log to close the gap and continue pressure with RB then either transition back to full screen or go for one last log/crossup attempt after RB before resetting neutral.

Totally agree about NS…I’m the one always going on about how unsafe it is and how we shouldn’t be using it…it’s like her foot dive, you know you shouldn’t YOLO it, but it works too many times and in the moment you don’t realize your doing it until you see her going across the screen (there are so many times where I’m sitting there watching it going…fuck, that spacing is garbage…she’s dead). Maybe we need to start a support group…Hi, I’m Kyle and I NS too much.

On dash poking, I really love her wall jump game. I will totally use dash poking for punishes and to catch people sleeping but I don’t think you should be using that until you’re half screen anyways (against DP’s zoning from full screen I mix up dash and wall jumps to get to mid and try to bait out a jump special for the punish), but I feel really comfortable with her neutral game and the options she has off of wall jump. I think there were 2 or 3 times where I was able to get a full punish on reaction from someone whiffing a super because I still had access to her CSxxTA options and once people have to respect that, they’re stuck worrying about ambiguous crossups + log.

I totally appeciate the crit tho and hopefully my next match vids will have a more rounded neutral game instead of being the Log Show.

@ephidel: on vergil…I totally yolo’d that TA…I was aiming for his head, lol (I was close shakes head)… Probably my 2nd worst decision of those matches next to the full screen charged NS into a free pipe…

One more edit! Someone on the IM board found this. More proof that I’m secretly a japanese player. http://nicoviewer.net/sm19282468

Match is at 6:16, gotta wait for the buffer, but X23 hit > infinite > dirt nap > xf > dirt nap. Almost the perfect game aside from little drops. This team is made to be an absolute killer. fully believe that If someone happens to know the name of this player, you’ll have my undying admiration.

No idea who he is, but he could’ve done Crescent Scythe H>Talon H after Ankle Slice and that’ll combo. Didn’t matter though, Spencer still died. Still good to see the Silent Kill theory in action.

I actually prefer Akuma over RR, since Tatsu’s quicker(better for left-rights) and good for openings. You can also extend with it after Silent Kill. Plus I like Akuma better than RR. But it’s got short length and it’s harder to convert from.

Yeah, I thought the exact same thing at that part.

On log vs. Tatsu : Tatsu is slight faster, but the scaling and conversion off the hit isn’t as lenient, it doesn’t cover anything but ground height and can’t be used for normal extenders. I’m not even sure that Akuma is a better character than RR at this point (totally apples and oranges, tho.) He might be a better anchor because of Hado spam, but that’s about it.

Log is still plenty fast, covers a huge portion of the screen, has that perfect speed (IMO) so that you can set up crossups off wall jumps and blockstrings. HBD conversions are caketown and you can go into 2 Luis loops off it. Because of the arc of the log on startup, It can be used for dirt nap setups (not the most ideal since it’s harder to convert on hit when you’re invisible, but placement and timing is really easy.) Can be used as a 2nd extender and RR is short enough to avoid most projectile spam so you don’t have to worry about him being stuffed very often. (Especially if you wall jump and call him, you’ll still get half of the screen coverage off the log and never even seen RR pop up.)

I will say that tatsu handles projectile spam better than log tho. Log’s durability is a bit meh.

Wandles and I ran a ~4 hour yesterday. I have ~2 hours of footage I hope to have put up in a day or 2. Mostly handcam of me getting bodied, but what did yah expect? Lol.

Here’s the first vid. Sorry for the handcam and slight angle, didn’t notice that until after. :confused:

Here’s the 2nd video.


I would love some critiques and for anyone wondering how the hulk/x23 synergy is, this should show you how awesome it is.

Oh god i just discovered such a swag combo with X23! do you guys want it now how i always do it with my iphone or would you guys wait for the inevitable combo vid that im trying to make but do not have the equipment yet for it.

iPhone, we’re impatient