Dark Hole + uncharged NS works surprisingly well. Past that, if I’m wall-jumping, I’ll do S+dark hole from the air or just the normal assist + blockstring. It’s really good for corner resets where you call it and let them air tech into it or at least into pressure on block. (Great against people that mash assists on tech.)
If I want to advance under some pressure tho, it’s hard to go wrong with the NS as a starting point.
Dark Hole is a very hard assist to set up. The basic set I try to use to counter projectile abuse is actually my Trauma, cr. h xx neck slicer but I hit assist 1 plus cr. h together so the timing is perfect.
Spacing is really difficult but rewarding. Using standing M xx H or just st. H after you press dark hole can keep the opponent in block stun long enough for it to come out. Of course L and H talon are also the best air options. Stay away from M talon without drones or hidden missiles. Without those it can be air thrown.
Hope this helps. I think Dark hole is one of the best assists for Laura.
Positioning really from the start. I can actually get 833k one meter if I do l, m, h, m. Mf, j.m, j.h, l-cs xx l-talon (important) raw launcher, j.h, l-talon twice with dark hole and gunshot.
This actually maxes out the hit deterioration and its the best combo I can pull off
You should be able to pull off 900 off a clean hit. 1 mil in the corner. Meter positive Thor TODs if you can get 3 CS and the stalking flare/meteor followup.
Hello everyone I’m new to the x-23 forums but I have a video to share with you guys I play my secondary team of x-23,Vergil,frank against hi’imnasty an awesome nor-cal player I switched to this team which I hadn’t played in a LONG time but I felt like I should give it a try and it, I was very rusty and nervous but I just mostly want to get advice from you guys and help, constructive criticism is always welcome, note yes I dropped a lot of stuff but like I said this was my secondary team that I hadn’t played in a while.
can you give me the notation on this combo up until the first launch?
You should be able to launch, after the dark hole into H, down H, DP H, L talon attack, Otg, super
Rage trigger (because its mashable) doesnt more damage than WXP. WXP is nearly useless because of this.
In my testing it doesnt matter how high the hitstun deterioration is, you should always be able into H, Down H, DP H, L talon attack. And even if you cant do that, I know for a 100% fact that Launch, H, DP L, L talon will always finish. I play Viewtiful Joe with laura and I tested that with the Bomb assist infinite.
(M-Feint) L-Talon, st.H xx H-Feint, j.M, d.H, M-CS xx L-Talon, st.MH xx H-Feint, L-CS xx L-Talon, MHS
This is not necessarily true, this late into a long combo, launcher itself doesn’t do enough hitstun to connect H afterwards. If anything a TK CS, L-Talon might work, but Dark Hole adds a lot of hits to the combo.
This is straight up wrong. Fully scaled, WXP does 12k more dmg than fully mashed RT. Test it yourself on Sentinel, on whom you can connect Ankle Slice xx WXP on. Even if it were true, WXP dhcs much better into a variety of supers compared to Rage Trigger, and allows for more time to setup incoming characters when it kills…
I forgot that Talon L combos into H at that height. why do you do down H as opposed to regular H after the first MF hop?
its been a little while since i was really in the lab breaking down the nuts and bolts of her combos and hitstun length, so ill have to get back to you, i just remember that my go to combo for the infinite was H, DP L, L talon.
Interesting little tidbit about the WXP vs Rt situation. I didnt know that. Forgive me for my ignorance. And I agree, WXP is far better for DHC purposes. Alright, maybe its not as useless as i thought.
I use viewtiful joe, and I do the bomb assist glitch to get infinite (well in my case, since I havent quite mastered it yet, multiple) relaunches, and after each launch, I do H, DP L, L talon, in order to get back to the ground quickly so I can block the bomb again.
That’s not a MF H, that’s an MFC at the beginning.
crossup TA L, s.HxxMFC, j.M, dHxxCS LxxTA L land s.MHxxMF HxxCS LxxTA L s.HMS etc.
I think it is always possible to connect a TK CS HxxTA L but you have to be at the right height so that the TA L will connect before they tech out.
Also, you can get 965k on that combo if you leave out the sj.MM and dH so you can relaunch with Dark Hole the first time and get a 2nd CS loop off of wesker into RT.
At the end of the combo I posted it is near impossible to get another relaunch h CS xx L TA. The hitstun is stretched to the very, very max. For example one of the catches of the grounded MF loops HAS to be s.H as s. MH will cause them to flip out. Even if it is possible, I have never gotten the second relaunch into CS xx L TA to work once.
I do this variation of the combo (with the sj Magic series) both for optimal corner carry and because I think it is her best looking combo (main reason I don’t do 2 mf L CS loops). Her vanilla combos looked infinitely better though. Those hop combos that got higher with each hop/jump were hella sexy.
edit. I tell a lie. With this specific variation, you can catch them with s.MH both times it seems. However, this is from a non-realistic starter in L.TA into s.H. You can confirm into the combo both with grounded magic or with s.H MFC s.H but like I said, this will make it necessary for one of the links to catch them out of a H MF loop a s.H, which is hard and fickle and the main reason why this isn’t my BnB yet.
I got that number from the lab last night so it’s def possible, but you have to relaunch with Dark Hole first which means you have to trim down the first sj portion to just sj.HxxCS HxxTA L and when you relaunch with Wesker + NS you have to let them drop really low and do a TK CS HxxTA L (It’s right on the edge of being a sj cancelled TK but still a bit off the ground. There’s a height where you can cancel into the TA L without having to wait for them to fall back into it’s range.)
What were you doing to be get them to not tech out of Dark Hole in your combo, I managed to connect WXP 1 time in a big handful of attempts
My submission to that one “betcha cant do this” challenge.
Its funny because at first, this was not going to be my submission but as i was experimenting with the snapback, i found out that you can TK it after S and then this combo was born.
You have to be pretty quick in dashing back + calling assist + cancelling the dash into OTG AS. My advice would be to combine the first two into a single button press (L + M + A1 to both dash and call assist at the same time). It takes a little bit of finger gymnastics but nothing too hard.
Yeah, that’s how I do my dorm calls…I can get them in the dark hole, I just can’t get WXP to hit before they tech most of the time. (Being the reason that I try to only use him for first relaunches.)
I like it, why not use the CS H on the parts where you get the hard knockdown from the TA L or to make it a bit flashier, do L the first, M the second, H the 3rd. You might have to TK the M and H, but I feel pretty confident you should be able to land it.
Also, what’s the trick to getting the Nova ground bounce in the corner? I gave up on the assist because I couldn’t get it consistent.
I was doing CS-L because i had a different combo idea in mind that did not involve hard knockdowns and thats why the CS-L got stuck in my mind but i should go back and redo it with CS M and H if it allows me.
On the assist, theres no trick. I just call it like any other assist so i think its a timing on your part. Try plinking it if its not working.
Cool. I tried all sorts of stuff to get it to work but the 2nd hit of the AS kept negating the ground bounce. I’ll have to go back sometime and double check.