Let Me Know When the Fight Starts!: The MvC3 X-23 Video Thread

the stripes are sexy, but I run colors 5 and 6 for team synergy.

A few match vids from a tourney today. You’ll see X-23 in a variety of team positions, lol.



I hate this game:

Failed to clutch the game out more than a few times - did very sub-optimal damage outside of x-factor, but whatever. When I get my ps3 back, maybe I’ll start actually converting into full combos, but until then, safe stuff only.

Fraga would be so much better if his Dante could bold cancel, it’s one of the reason he stays getting hated on. But anyway, well done jaytoo! I think starting Tron is your best bet because she can do a lot more with two assist backing her up.

Good job repping X-23. Do you want critique or anything?

Lay it on me.
But if it’s just “add MFC to you game” or “be more aware of your opponent’s life”, I know already, lol.

Yeah, I was going to tell you to use MFCs lol. Not trying to be a dick, but why are X-23 players generally avoiding this? This is something I don’t really understand. Is it the execution? They don’t think it’s worth it? Because to be honest, I don’t think there’s any real reason why X-23 players shouldn’t be using MFCs, other than execution or preference(whatever that may be.) It’d solve some problems X-23 players face in the poking/conversion department.

I feel you need to work on your blockstrings. I recommend using Mirage Feint L on block. All X-23 players must eventually start making their blockstrings safe whilst keeping themselves at an advantage, this is important. Of course, using MFCs are good, but you can also use Mirage Feint L as an easier substitute, just cancel your blockstrings into Mirage Feint L. Mirage Feint L will keep you at an advantage frame-wise and push against advancing guard slightly so you’re still in close range. If your string connects, you can combo off the Mirage Feint L. I dunno if X-23 players are hitconfirming their strings, but to be honest, it doesn’t really look like it. People are advancing guarding X-23 right now, but sooner or later, they’ll just block the string and punish. Stopping your strings short isn’t really advantageous either and using Decapitating Slice without an assist during blockstrings is a massive risk(unless you did it accidentally.)

Obviously, having no good neutral assist/pinning assist’s reducing your offensive options with X-23, I don’t really need to tell you this, but that’s the team you like. Other than that, that’s it really, not much.

I’ll have to agree with this. Doing cr.LMH and then hitconfirming into S is not a good idea. Even just cancelling straight to a MF is better, but using MFC is the safest option (and can convert a cr.H to a full ground combo easily). jaytoo, when I see your Tron get blocked, you dash right in and keep your offense. When I see your X-23 get blocked, she gets blocked and that’s it. If there’s one practical use for X-23, it’s making her strings super safe without ending her offense.
Although it’s understandable in a tournament position. At least in my case, when I lose focus, I end up doing really bad hitconfirms.

Something I’ve been messing around with for my pressure strings is ending with a TK CS HxxTA L. If they don’t pushblock you, you can cancel out of the CS on the first hit since it’s TK’d. If you get pushblocked, wait until the top of the CS to cancel so you connect with the TA L. It works really really well in the corner, and it’s pretty solid midscreen.

Deadly X23, probably better than mine. Outside me I’ve never seen an X23 do feint combos on PSN until this guy.

Camera died so not much footage, and the damn screen got chopped again. I’m still abusing non-covered neck slices, man, someone kick me in the face already :shake:

Lol, yeah. It’s so hard to stop doing those when people haven’t wised up yet… I’ve let everyone in my area know to punish me on that so I’ll stop doing it. I figure it’s better to break a bad habit now rather than wait until your opponent starts wising up and it’s not like NS is that amazing of a tool, anyways.

Something I’m trying hard to work into my game is uncharged AS + dark hole > dash over FC mixup. I relied on too many gimmicks when I first started playing competitively that I’m having to work various lows and whatnot back into my game. It’s working pretty good so far and if I ever want to do full screen nonsense bolts does a good job of covering it. There aren’t a ton of assist that stay on the screen long enough to cover a full screen charged NS, really.

That’s my issue with it. It’s nothing amazing, yet I keep doing it. Old habits die hard–I was looking at my really old X23 vids and I was neck slicing like crazy, that’s probably where it comes from.

Here you go guys - Tron was the real star of this tournament, but X-23 gets in there a few times.

vs. Brootal (Dorm/Doom/Ammy). Dorm wasn’t as much of a problem as usual, brootal really hadn’t practiced much with him yet.

vs. Young Chow, aka guy who owns my soul (Task/Trish/Hawkeye). Illustrates really well how unassisted X-23 has trouble getting in on well-assisted zoning characters.

vs. Nashfan (Mags/Doom/Ammy, Mags/Doom/Phoenix). This is the match I would have won if I had practiced setups and combos more (spoiler, I lose)

3rd place finish is pretty good for not having a console at home, but I’m still pretty salty about that last match.

LOLOLOL. That first match commentary: “That’s one of those X-23 things. Charged up it’s super super positive. Gotta love what we can get away with for no reason.”

So here’s part of what I have to show from ATK this past weekend. I played Don Green in teams and went 1-2 but he had a better read on me this time (I’m pretty sure that team match got recorded too, it’s just not up yet.). He’s the only person that managed to 2-0 me out of all my matches tho so I feel pretty good about that.

Still working out the kinks on my team. Not sure what I’m doing for anchor since no XF strange is a bit rough solo.


And for anyone that didn’t know, I’m the guy with the long hair.

You know, watching that vid made me think the guide is partially wrong - if you look closely, Ammy is actually chicken guarding the charged NS, but I’m still able to safely jump and d.H to beat out her cr.M, which would not be possible if we were are 0 adv. on block.

I’ll test real quick on my vita and post on the other thread… but I’m like 95% sure now that frame advantage on NS is spacing dependent (which would make a lot of sense, lol).

Nice sets guys.

jayto: That anti-phx tech was godly. As I mentioned I think Tron/Deadpool/X23 is your best team, although I think Deadpool should start if you are facing a zoning team since he can handle it better. There was a time where I thought you could of built just a bit more meter with XF1 with Point X23, killed a character, and be in a good position to dirt nap win the next one. That last match was so close, it’s too bad X23 couldn’t pull it out.

Merkly: I feel like X23 should start on this team. You can probably net more dmg with Dorm out in front (you can relaunch as shown but you have to delay “S” a tiny bit) but he doesn’t respond to pressure very well (which was one of the reasons why I think Wolvie/Akuma gave you problems). Also, bolts stays on the screen forever and against pressure there’s no real advantages to throwing it out without Strange getting birthday’d (lol). I have the same problem getting into trouble by random neck slices :sad: but if you are really worried about strange anchor I’d go with X23/Dorm/Vergil.

Also, those are the most ghettoish commentators I’ve ever heard :lol:

Actually, I’m finding his cr. M to be one of the most gdlk normals in this game. If anyone comes in on you from anywhere but crouching height you can almost always stuff them out (I still need to work on my timing and spacing tho because it destroys a ton of the tridash/divekick pressure in this game). I’m still on the fence on the teams and I’m def. still working on how to call those assists with that team. There are times when I feel like I can call strange and start up dorm zoning but I underestimate recovery or whatnot.

As far as Dorm on point: I feel like it’s a better counter to X23’s worst matchups and the lame stuff builds a ton of meter (which is why I’m trying out strange for the time being. Bolts is so good when I don’t screw up the spacing.) In situations where where you get a chance to relaunch with X23 > fly HS, MS with dorm you can then TAC into your third character without messing up your team order. I want to use that to eventually set me up for infinites/strong TAC extenders so I can work X23s TAC fakeout reset into my game and not have to worry about her getting stuck on anchor or stuck on point against a bad matchup (It’s actually a lot more reliable than I initially thought tho I wish there was a way to force a faster tech to make it less reactable.) In most situations where I don’t want to burn the meter I’m only risking 50k damage and if the TAC gets broken I’m full screen with dorm which is where I want to be anyways.

X23 def. gets more from having dorm behind her since stalking flare is such an amazing DHC and assist for her. I like being able to have CS alpha counters for Dorm (which is what I like so much about X23/Dorm/Wesker but it’s harder to crack defensive people with that team without getting HBD’d with how the assists come out.)

I’m def. 100% on the Dorm/X23 pairing but that last 3rd is still eluding me at the moment. For shits and giggles I’m labbing up MODOK at the moment for his TACs but I don’t think he can really anchor too well, lol. Looked at Mags and he’s ok but he doesn’t click with me and his assists are too specialized for X23’s uses, strange has strong TACs but really has no way to get people off of him which is a death sentence on anchor, IM great assist and I’ve seen Wandles make comebacks with him but if he has to go in on someone he loses, Wesker is ok but I feel like he’s been overplayed so his mixups are too played out in the metagame(and no TAC), Doom doesn’t click for me…I always feel like an idiot if I win with him even though he fits the bill well for the team.

So character with strong neutral setups+extender assist that can anchor well and has a strong DHC from X23. If he get’s a lot from Dark Hole and a LowTG then that’s even better.

Some match vids from UCC for you guys.

Starting at 26:00 is my matches against Fonzo, then Justin, both Dallas locals - sucks that we were in the same pool. All of us were previously sent to losers by Stone, lol. I was probably at the top of my game that day.

Then on finals day, my train wreck of a match shows up at 1:45:00. I’d prefer if you didn’t watch it, because it’s probably the worst I’ve played in a very long time.

Took 8th in the end. Objectively, I know I did well, but the manner in which I was eliminated just makes me salty about the whole thing… just have to hold that L til Absolute Battle, probably.

Edit: I remember I saw all the videos in at least 2 pages of this thread, but I guess I forgot the one up there. I will watch it again. But if there is any more with Ammy and X-23, I would like to know.

There is any player that uses Ammy with x-23? I have already heard it is a good combination but I didnt see no one using it yet. There is any video of it?

I tried this combination long ago before coming to Shoryuken. In those times I was not succeeding to make a good strategy on neutral game with X-23 as point character. Then I gave up of my team (Ammy beta/X-23 gamma/Deadpool beta). Now that I saw here that its a good partnership, I will try to use it again, but swaping Deadpool with X-23.

But I need to see this partnership of Ammy and X-23 in action before trying. I am not being able to figure out how this team can do a good work on neutral game with X-23 as point.

EDIT 2: Merky999x, gave me the advices I was needing. Now I will train to finaly try to put my strategy in pratice. But some videos with Ammy as partner still would be good.

PS I’m still alive.

I got some (newish) tech I will try to post about sometime.




What advice can you give with getting the spacing of dark hole assist to work for X23 if you are use to playing with beam?