Haven’t played my girl Laura Kinney in awhile…here’s a vid for you guys!
Here’s some more guys also there is more on my channel
My love for Laura Kinney has been reignited lol…when the game came out i focused more on the newer characters because I didnt think she would do well in this version of the game after the changes…but playing her more and more has shown me how dominant she still is, in vanilla i ran x-23/dante/doom(rocks) i actually may try that out again…but callin akuma assist and catching someone with it then doing a combo is SOOOOO REWARDING it feels like SEX…I still have alot to learn with this team…but man ill be damned if i dont learn it lol…im also scared to do seX-23’s extended combos online the fear of dropping them is too scary.
Well done pulling out what you did online.
Thanks man…I appreciate it.
I know he will never see this despite having an account on here, but ggs Yeahdood 120%! Always good to see another 23 online, my stupid camera was too close and chopped part of the screen :o
Looking at the match, I clearly dropped stuff I shouldn’t have and kept leaving the door wide open. His Jill is very hard to block and I’m not familiar with that matchup at all, so every time he got me in blockstun he was free to do whatever mixup he wanted to get me in. It got to the point where I knew if I could get rid of Jill, then I would have a good chance to win the match. I still wanna replace Wesker with somebody, because his assist doesn’t help Doom at all. I thought about RR, because his Log covers so much of the screen and Doom can easily setup a combo from it (it still gives X23 a relaunch too).
Another thing is abused Falling Claw way too much in this vid—with Doom beam it’s not so bad, but on whiff that spells death and there were some case where I got blown up.
i reuploaded my combo video, now with a better camera =p enjoy
So here’s the a link to the stream from this past tuesday. Luis1Luis1 was beatin’ ass for most of the night (Online ETR loops anyone?) so major major props to him for that. I don’t have anything worth watching really since I’m not an online warrior by any stretch of the imagination and we had bad enough lag that there were times when I couldn’t even pushblock.
So again, major props to Luis1 and his 17 or 18 win streak! (starts around 0:37:00 or so.) We’ll be running again ~8 CST every tuesday on XBL. Just add theTylerGilmore and join his lobby once the stream starts. Hope to see you guys there next week!
Feint loops online, very impressive. I need an Xbox 0:
Don’t worry about it Merkyl I know online X23 in nutshell can be rough stuff. Besides, I know what your X23 is capable of off other vids.
All i know is online so whatever lag is going on thats my “normal” to me. you’re all welcome to add me on Live if you want.
gamertag: Luis1Luis1
Hey guys I heard a rumor going around that X-23 has a TAC infinite…dat true?
It’s true, Kubo confirmed it and LuisLuis just figured it out and is off to make a vid about it.
here it is for those that have not seen it.
too impractical, different for each character, tight like a (insert offensive remark here), you yourself have to gauge the small window after Talon-M(am i going to make it for MH? H only? M delay H?), and will make you spend hours in the lab with little to show for it.
If you ever die by this infinite, stand up and give a slow clap for the F-er who actually pulled it off and just drop the controller and let him kill your other characters. No greater honor.
Ugh, ended up having two matches on Finger Cramp and they could not have gone worse for my X-23. From 5:00 onwards.
I’m still not familiar with using X-23 backed with Whirlwind so I ended up defaulting to random talon dives and getting bopped for it. Then in the second game I messed up my reset and my incoming character mixup and died for it. Then I dropped every opening I got with Storm. Ammy’s my worst character and she’s the only one who I got anything out of :(.
This might sound blunt, but if I were you, I wouldn’t use that team online, save it for offline. X-23/Storm/Ammy just don’t work out well if you want to do technical stuff with them online, unless you’re fortunate.
When it comes to using Whirlwind, I just use it like any other assist really, call it and dash alongside it, st.M>Mirage Feint M+Whirlwind and sometimes Talon M, but it takes a while for Storm to come out.
Think in the 2nd match, you might’ve been able to XF loop him into Silent Kill, but online, I dunno…
Unfortunately offline isn’t a huge option for me since most of the people in my area stick to AE, so I only get to play Marvel in person once every few months whenever I drive a few towns over for tournaments and stuff. Online’s a bit iffy at times but it’s my only source of consistent practice. If I play it enough and stick to 5 bars I can usually land my stuff though. I used to have jump loops consistently but all that Storm/Ammy grinding has taken some of my time away from X-23. Just gotta step it up and hope nobody’s recording next time!
can somebody show me video of X-23 + Dormammu combos ?
I don’t think X-23/Storm/Ammy is necessarily an offline-only team. X-23 is obviously difficult and lag affects her… but Storm is a character who is pretty straight-forward and easy. Lag spikes affect Ammy a bit more but I don’t find it that unbearable. But then again… I play Chun online a lot too so maybe I’m just conditioned for that type of thing. My advice is to play with only 5-bar connections.
Also, what general area do you live in? I’m still playing around with a few teams but X-23/Storm/Ammy is one of the teams I’m considering. It would be nice to play someone using the same team to learn from.
Yeah, it’s definitely doable. I also played Chun online for a bit, Jill too. It’s amazing what you can do with green bars. I live in Louisiana but my connection’s generally good enough to play anyone (I think those FC guys are in New York?) and I run on XBL. I’m up for games anytime.
Pretty much any of her basic BNBs can use OTG into Dark Hole as a relauncher. On some characters you’ll need to backdash first though
A lot of you guys videos have X23 with color #3, is that her best outfit or something?