Let Me Know When the Fight Starts!: The MvC3 X-23 Video Thread

I used that OS back in vanilla too - learned it from watching Tatsu in WNF =P. Using drones obviously makes the high/low mixup the strongest, but using a different assist keeps the command throw OS safe. Back in vanilla, I’d use Tron assist - if they held UB, they’d be forced to block the assist and X-23 would be safe, sometimes even crossing them up by rolling underneath. (On some characters, and with a certain timing, you could even get a guard break if they didn’t jump!)

To use the OS with a faster assist (not drones), just call assist at the same time as you whiff the cr.M. Whiffing cr.M is actually pretty important if you use a different assist - you need to whiff it so you’ll move forward, and your assist will face the correct direction if they roll out of the corner.

The nastiest thing about this mixup is if they roll back, you can use the first H-feint attack to get them into fuzzy guard, then instant overhead j.M on the majority of the cast. That is, assuming they block the first overhead at all, lol.

Of course, using an assist other than drones makes the mixup vulnerable to neutral tech jab. Waking up with invincible stuff would probably work as well…

Personally, for corner oki, I’m partial to simply calling an assist (I use Tron’s Gustaff Fire, too), dashing back to catch people rolling out of the corner, dashing forward in reaction to a roll into the corner and doing a stock mixup. They’ll have to block the assist first, so I have time for that mixup. The easiest and nastiest is just doing M MF and then QCF+L. Depending on slight timing differences, it might either hit on front or instead crossup and auto-correct the TA. Otherwise, I try a H MF mixup and screw up 90% of the time (one of the main reasons as to why I don’t go for the OS).
It definitely doesn’t sound or look as cool as the OS, but I focus on making sure the opponent can’t evade in any way.

EDIT: Just remembered I already posted this before back in Vanilla. It used to be pretty simple and not 100% effective back then, but the auto-correct TA shenanigans did make it much stronger.

Howtoread’s X-23.

Well, it’s mostly his Joe putting in the work.

Holy fuck, and I thought Megaman Steve and the other guys on Spooky’s streams were annoying.
I only watched the first video but jeez…these commentators

Also don’t really understands why the other guy wants to kill Laura so bad, i think Lv.3 XF Strider is alot scarier than Laura :x

Typical London slang lol. I’m from South East London, so I’m used to it.

Howtoread’s X-23 has a habit of offing people in Level 3 XF, so they do everything they can do to keep that from that happening. And I agree, I don’t think X-23’s even particularly good as an anchor. Far too many holes in her offence without assists that’ll limit you and no real safe way of getting in quickly if the opponent knows the MU properly. Strider’s the main issue there anchor-wise.

Thats why I really like my team. I can choose my anchor. if im fighting melee type characters, that have health, or like to stay on the ground I have x 23, she can get in on anybody with x factor.

If im fighting someone that likes to lame people out at the top of the screen I have morrigan and she can shoot people out of the sky. lol.

And its not about simply what character is more dangerous, its about the player and who they are better with and where the focal points of their particular team is?


Dont think this has been posted yet

Things that immediately stick out in the video: Tatsu uses his option select and also cross up mirage feint x talon attack.

Starting at about 56 minutes, Traumatisch pretty much sweeping the top 4 of the 3v3 WGC2012 UMvC3 tournament. I don’t think he was playing completely at 100% but it’s still great to see him making the other players look bad.

yeeesh, immediately after watching Tatsu’s vid, I went to the lab to try to learn the mirage feint crossup talon, but I can’t get it consistently for the life of me. Anyone have tips? Especially in the corner at close range…

Yeah, I saw Traumatisch just rip through Fuudo(he plays Marvel lol?)/Mago/Tokido. That was pretty funny.

It’s much more lenient if you do it from a blockstring. so M H MF MxxTA L rather than just random derp MF MxxTA L. From the blockstring you’re pretty much buffering everything through so you don’t have to do it so quickly. Other than that small tip…you just gotta rush through it and keep in mind the directions of the input (sometimes you can get it to auto-correct but I had trouble with consistency with that method.)

@Traumatisch: Good shit bro! Why does no one punish your whiffed Falling Claws, though?! (I hate playing against people that know the X-23 matchup, lol.) Very convincing wins tho. I like your incoming TA H mix-ups; I need to start using that instead of my dash under stuff since there are too many people with stupid big :d:H attacks. Good luck at your next tourney!

Is there a link to the vid or stream arrchive of traumatisch?

Seems like he was playing really well, and I would like to see it.

I don’t mean to be rude but c’mon dude, it’s like 3posts above yours :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, the first time i clicked that, it took me to something completely different so I dont know what happened…

my bad.

Thanks bro :).

I failed pretty hard in my singles matches, mostly due to tournament nerves. I lost my first match to HowToRead’s Joe/Strider/X-23 team. I feel like I couldve done better if I had more time, but that’s just the way it is. I do better in long sets enerally, which is why I’m hesitant to go to tournaments in the first place.

After that I missed the winning chip pillar with Dormammu and got XF3’d by Doom twice after obliterating the first two chars with X-23 twice.
For the people scratching their head over my performance in the Nations cup ; due to organisational errors, our second match (semi-final against Japan) was delayed by 7 hours. The people I came with and I were supposed to have left by then already so there was a bad focus going on in the match in general and play got sloppy because of it.

Anyway I got a lot of work done with X-23, even if not by optimally using her. Like I said, I think that’s more because of tournament nerves than anything else, but I had a great time and I hope I got a bit of reppin’ done for our girl Laura.

edit. I should clarify a bit. The match against HTR was the first match I lost, not the first match I played. Overall I went 2-2 in singles where 3-1 would’ve been enough to advance.

Bah, it’s only sloppy if you get blown up because of it. Since you on the nations match it’s good shit. ;D
I was running a few matches yesterday and it’s surprising how effective assist+TA H is on incoming. That’s def. my new fav. incoming mixup.

Wandles and I are going to FR the first of March so fingers crossed for some more X-23 rep there. Hopefully we’ll have at least something to show for it.

Finally found the NL vs UK match.

the last match is a treat. If you must know I face Zak Bennett after the video ends, and he pwns me and Moreno pretty badly, but Bubblan takes care of him eventually to take us through to the next round.

edit. Forgot that my first match is at the end of another video :

around 41:00


I hate my X23 so much lol.

I hate this matchup, Trish+Morrigan fuck em’. Could of ran something to get those bitches out of the air, but I wanted to step my fucking game up hahaha. Yesterday I was actually getting feints to work online shit was magic! But, I didn’t record it v-v

Got 13th out of 60 in tournament this weekend. My somewhat fraudulent anchor X-23 made a short showing on stream in the second round:


Not pretty, but it worked out, lol.