Let Me Know When the Fight Starts!: The MvC3 X-23 Video Thread

I’ll be stealing some of that Tron stuff.

Do it. Help me prove everyone wrong.

X-23 is secret top 10.
Tron… is secret top 20.

GOOOOOD SHIIIT! I like it. I was getting pretty hype towards the end. :smiley:
I’m glad that was a pretty crappy doom tho. If he sets up in the corner and just starts chucking plasma all day it is so freaking hard to get in on him.

Slightly off thread (still some sexy vids tho) I’m actually gonna try a Tron/Frank/X-23 after FR.

Tron/frank stuff…don’t open if you’re the type to get offended by non-X23 posts…

I figure this way I would have the choice of who I’d want to anchor between level 5 frank or X-23 while still being able to abuse xf2 X-23 backed with cart assist. Also, I don’t remember if it’s in those vids but I’m pretty sure Tron can use frank for relaunches with no problem.

Ninja edit: If you haven’t already, check out okize.me that’s where I’m nabbing the vids.

About Doom - Dirt Nap gave me a big life lead, so I’m pretty sure he was feeling the pressure to get in. I was so focused on avoiding footdive, I actually should have died once, and got blendered at the end, lol.

And yeah, Tron/Frank/X23 is a team I’ve played with. Works pretty well, but Frank doesn’t give Tron meter efficient TODs, and the team as a whole is still weak against keepaway.

I’ve been playing around with Nova for that reason, but either my theory fighting about Nova vs. Keepaway is wrong, or I just suck with him. Or both. Case in point:


On topic, X-23 makes an even shorter showing, and Young shows me how air X-factor can be used to punish Talons. In retrospect, I probably should have killed Taskmaster + Trish when I had the chance that last round, and played a respectable X-23 vs. Hawkeye.

Also in retrospect, I need a new team.


So thanks to UMVC3 Vita and a road trip, I had 4 or 5 hours in the lab yesterday. Managed to find a way to convert into a full combo from SJ height. Hopefully this will help us against Trish/FB style lameout nonsense.

~800k damage ~1.3 meter built
meaty sj.:h:, :d:+:h:xx:qcf::m: j.:m::s:, land, j.:m::h::s:xx:qcf::l:, s.:m::s:, sj. :m::m::h:, :d:+:h:xx:dp::h:xx:qcf::l:, land, assist + charged :qcf::l:, :s:, sj.:h:xx:dp::h:xx:qcf::l:, land charged :qcf::m:xx:qcf::atk::atk:


But the vid’s private. :frowning:

please be practical, please be practical, please be practical…

lol, my bad, check it now.

As far as practical, I can hit it maybe 50% of the time and I just found it. It’s no harder than any of the other TA M or jump loop combos. There’s probably room for extra hits in there too. (The 50% is the midscreen, the timing for the corner is actually pretty lenient. For the midscreen it’s the same deal where you have to hit the TA M right in the mid of your opponents hurtbox so you push them over instead of passing through.)

I’m gonna practise this once I get some free time time, thanks a lot Merkly!

Oh man, this is some sick stuff.

I knew you could link j. M after an M talon in mid air, but i was struggling to figure out how to make it useful. Good shiz, Merk, will be implementing this post haste. Since the trish in my area beat me at my last tourney. Ive already figured out some countermeasures but this just gives me one more option to shut her nonsense up.

Yeah, pretty good. She used to not need this back in Vanilla thanks to huge hitstun on her L TA, so it’s nice to have that solution now.

Not that nowadays I ever want to get under another character (unless I want X-23 killed).


Made this video for the beginner X23 players that sort of dont know what place x23 should be in and dont have a game plan. Hope you enjoy and at least learn something.

P.S how is the recording? paid like 8 dollars for a usb video recorder and while it doesnt do hd, i think i got my moneys worth.

So you got a device that can record my dreams? 8 bucks is an amazing price for that, lol. The vids fine on that, it might be worth checking the encoding to see if you can find a way to get rid of the black bars and some of the text is hard to read with black on black. As far as the content, It’s a great overview vid. I wish all of my matches when that smoothly.

How much damage does the cs>ta throw follow up do and does it stretch hitstun so much that you can use a CS H afterwards? I’ve actually never seen that (tech assimilated :3) so that’s got my vote on the vid.

Yeah i bought it off of Amazon for like 8.99 and i was skeptical of it but compared to those expensive $80+ video recorders, i just went for it. the text you’re right but all the other colors made it seem ugly and couldnt find a way to dim the background. Also as you said its a great overview vid of “if you do everything perfect” this is how the match should come to.

to your question on having enough hitstun to do another relauch after: yes but as im sure you know you need a sort of assist that leaves them in a juggle state or an OTG itself. Btw if you mash and do a full combo it does 656k damage from that grab.

Yup great video, did you use the LogiLink Grabber? I got that one too, just never got around to using it.
Everything else is video editing, you could’ve cropped the black bars out, put drop shadow or something on the text, choose better encoding etc. but the quality is great apart from that.
Text at 1:20 for example is almost unreadable, so that kinda sucks, but apart from that it’s a pretty nice video.
You could’ve maybe covered a few options if some part of the gameplan you suggest fails since you aimed it at beginners, since that’s what i had most problems with at first. I knew what to do when I’d touch the enemy but if I would screw up I had no idea what to do and just spazzed around and hoped for a random hit.

I just want to let you guys know that http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000Z4AQFU the product which i bought while it was cheap, it also gave me a keylogger and am going through a big ordeal which could have all been avoided, had i not been such a cheap bastard. AGAIN PLZ STAY AWAY FROM THIS ITEM!!!

unfortunately because of this keylogger, all my stuff from an online game are all gone. 5 years of work for nothing. I had many video ideas involving X23 but at this moment i just dont feel like doing anything. when and if i get out of this funk, future videos will have to be from my Iphone but the quality should be HD.

Ah man…that blows…Thanks for the warning tho and hopefully you get your lewt back for whatever game you got ripped off in. :confused:

Wow! I use the EasyCAP for my videos too - you think there was a keylogger on the disc it came with?

well the day that i got hacked was the day i installed the software so i made the conclusion that it was that. I could be wrong but as of now, that is the only culprit i have.

for those of you wondering the game was runescape and they took about 1.6billion from my account which amounted to 5 years of work just so you get a sense of what they took. at the moment im really depressed and the company that owns it have a strict no return policy on lost/stolen items so im fucked. As i said i had many ideas for different marvel videos but i just cant find it in me to do them right now.

some combos