Let Me Know When the Fight Starts!: The MvC3 X-23 Video Thread

TA M is awesome. If you’re getting thrown a lot, it means you’re not covering it, meaning further that your team has no room for laura. Daggers, Tatsu, Rapid Slash, Doom beam/rocks, and many others allow her to get in safely. I play people like Chris G and CJ a decent amount, so it’s not like I’ve a lack of practice.

Talon as a whole, is amazing. L, M, or H all have insane usage, and you shouldn’t write a move off because you’re getting thrown. You should ask WHY you’re getting thrown. The only move she has you shouldn’t be using is DS.

As for Arthur, Gold Armor is almost always a bad idea. I’ve already explained and proven it on the Arthur boards, and for the most part, they agree. I’m also one of two Arthurs in the country that actually win games, so meh.

Is that like a corner specific combo? Pretty swaggy.

Interesting to see Diemme in action also.

I agree that all of the TA’s def. have their uses.
That being said, almost half of the time you used TA M in the on screen tourney matches weren’t covered by assists and both of the times MastaCJ killed X-23 in his match were immediately following a TA M. Her wall jump is infinitely better than TA M since you still have the option to block as well as the ability to change your trajectory in many more ways. The only options she has out of TA M are TS, CS, or a normal and almost all of those options are unsafe on whiff and none of them are that hard to dodge.
There is honestly no reason someone should get hit by a TA M since it takes so long to start up and even covered with an assist your opponent only has to jump>block>throw and avoid the assist for free unless it’s covered by drones or something that is active longer than their throw animation which is a pretty small set of characters and assists. Even past all of this, Assist+TA M gets destroyed by reactionary supers since there’s no way to keep the assist safe and unless you blow xfactor, there’s no way to cancel out of it and avoid the punish in most situations.
I honestly believe the only reason TA M shouldn’t get punished is luck or lack of match-up knowledge from the opponent.

And DS is fantastic for opening up turtles or people that get too accustomed to blocking NS in the corner. It’s just not one of those things that you should be going for more than 2 times in a full 3-set IMO.

Like I said though, good shit on those matches and I look forward to seeing more of your team. I always love seeing people getting worked over by Laura. :smiley:

Also, to anyone that cares: I didn’t bother putting up a new vid for it, but that stair relaunch is possible midscreen without any modification. You just have to make sure the TA M hits dead center so you don’t pass through. It takes some getting used to, but it’s not really any different from the corner variant.

**Edit to avoid double post: **Here’s some play from Wandles at ATL Revival (team tourney) this past weekend. There’s not a ton of X-23 play since he does so well with his Hulk but for anyone that wants to see how rediculous the Hulk/X23/IM team can be his matches start at 56:00. http://www.twitch.tv/funkyp/b/306969238

That is corner specific, because of the dive after TAM

As for TAM, I usue it a lot against high level players, and it’s responsible for a lot of my wins, and definitely responsible for my perfects. Obvious abuse of it will get you punished, that’s anything.

CJ just destryoed me XD. He did the last tiem we played, too. He’s up on me 4-1, and I doubt that trend will change anytime soon. He’s far above me at this point.

Also, anyone in the corner who isn’t chicken blockign Laura is an idiot, and the use decapitating slice isn’t going to change much, really. Just kill them anyway; they’re retarded. The only time this should be used is in xfactor, because your opponent might freeze, and it’s a tad faster. Anytime I use it in tourney, I die for it.

The wall jump is cool, but I prefer to just wavedash, or j.m in, in those situations.

To be fair, that’s TD, LTA, MTA, NS, DS, and AS. They’re all unsafe. :frowning:

Edit: The feints, too.

I was messing with it earlier before I had to come to work and it works fine against Zero midscreen(he’s my training dummy and I only had a little bit of training room time, I assume it works on everyone else though.) I didn’t expect it to work which is why I didn’t just add it in with the first vid but I was pleasantly surprised. I can do a quick vid if people want, but it’s the exact same combo and timing. The only places that might give some people trouble starting out are not catching the sj. M fast enough, missing the timing on the TA M (you have to hit them dead center to not pass through), or just missing the link after the TA M. Otherwise, I feel it’s a pretty reliable combo for the damage it puts out.

I’m def. not one to try to fix something if it’s not broken so if TA M is working for yah, keep rocking it. The guys I play with locally found out how easy it is to punish that really early in vanilla so I had to switch to walljumps. Most of her stuff seems a lot safer than it really is which is nice when you’re playing people that aren’t super savvy with the matchup. I’m not looking forward to people learning when to throw punish all of her shit… >.>

Zucco stopped me from using it for a long time, until I got the spacing down. Still can’t use Neck Slicer (charged) on him, though.

Liking all the technologies I’m seeing in the vids with Laura.


This is basically video of the first decent Japanese X-23 I’ve seen in a while (Vergil/23/Dante). Faces off against Final Roundbats winning Mag/Doom/Phoenix player SpinKing who’s known as one of the gods of poverty/2nd rate fighters in Japan.

Chris G really is a genius.
The raw tag combo at ~3:45 is fucking sick and it doesn’t even seem hard to pull off.
Also, was the cancel at ~11:03 a known tech? because i don’t think I ever saw that before.

LOL. Chris G trolling.

He really should have been focusing more on XF2 kills one 23 was touching people so that he could kill off the 2nd character free. Spending meter when you’re sitting on 2+ bars and XF2 isn’t ideal. X-23 is hella easy to play in the 2nd spot when you have 1 and a half to 2 meters. Especially if their first character is already dead the match is over. Once you get the spacing/timing for the XF2 combos down you can just run people down into corners and bring 2 people down with the XF2.

For the exception of Sentinel but Sentinel sucks any way.

(Hmm…while this is not the place to really talk about this i guess a little OT won’t kill the thread)
You really think he was trolling? You responded pretty quickly so i presume you didn’t watch the whole thing, but he seemed pretty serious about making the team work and acted like he had some problems with his controller.
Either way, I hope he will use the team a little more tonight at Big Two, it’s alot more fun to watch than his Morrigan to say the least =P

It’s effectively a troll team for me until he learns to XF2 kill people more efficiently with X-23. That’s the only way that team is gonna work. He can’t be dropping 2 character kill situations or purposely going for meter spending when he has that XF2 and only 2 people are left on the other team. It just shows he hasn’t been in the lab long enough with that team.

The set up is there…Chun Li is hard to hit, builds a shit ton of meter, doesn’t reallly need to spend the meter, then Hsien Ko is just coming in being low tier without an assist, and then goes back in to give 23 an assist, if 23 hits somebody XF2 kill 2 people. It’s hella easy to set up and the only real issue is dealing with Hsien Ko’s varied team synergy issues.

I love watching his Morrigan because I knew that shit was gonna be good before he started pulling it out. Good to see it work in tourneys.

What are you referring to at ~11:03. The only thing that stands out is his mistimed ankle slicer + assist a few seconds after that in the corner and he’s just dashing into c.M after that.

Not SpinKing but LiquidMetal.

Erhh… what technology… the guy does literally nothing impressive :/. Just your basic (whiff) punishes.

Chris G had a couple of nice series with her, but again, nothing really advanced or impressive.

Think Deviljin was talking about the vids posted above haha. I agree with what you’re saying about both players. Though, I’m happy that Kubo, a top Japanese FG player, is using X-23.

Ah right my bad, watched the stair combo vid and I must admit, it does look pretty sexy.

It just irks me that I see so little true X-23 gameplay, like, ever. People get impressed so easily nowadays -_-. They just pick her up for Dirt Nap or Unblockables and get their mileage out of FG fundamentals like spacing, whiff punishing, well-timed throws etc. I have yet to see anyone truly frame trap like I do. But maybe I’m tooting my own horn too much there.

One could also interpret this as a compliment to her design, meaning she can be played effectively in a number of ways, rather than being a boring and linear character cough Vergil cough.

Sorry, I’ve recently developed a growing hatred for Vergil.

I hate Vergil as well lol. Zero can burn in hell as well, like, literally, what were they thinking when it came to that character in UMVC3? Were they doing hard drugs?

I personally think, not a lot of tournament X-23 players really look at the info posted here, maybe because it isn’t concentrated. Or maybe they don’t have time to look or they don’t find the info helpful(I know some like Meep wanted more emphasis on resets, rather than combos.) I also think they’re still in a Vanilla mindset and find that most of their combos aren’t working, so they’re resorting to ABCS combos/XF into ABCS lol. They’re also unwilling to learn MFC/safer strings that don’t involve MFC for whatever reason, but I’m not gonna hold it against them, they probably have their reasons, it’s not a big deal.

I agree with what you and others like Ephidel and Merkly’ve been saying when it comes to compiling the info into one post and using several sections.

Maybe we could even get a Wiki going. But that’s a bit too far ahead.

At least Zero has some character to him, and his shit is unique and fitting for the char and a nice translation from the games he was in, even if his tools are broken as shit.

Vergil, it seems, was simply designed to be stupid. Everything about the character just screams easy mode to me. Everything tracks, godlike normals, easy mode supers with easy-mode mixups. Sigh… that character is so fucking bland it’s unreal. I normally don’t think this about a character very quickly, but what a fucking waste of a slot.


I think that’s the best way to play her. Put her on point and kill one character via mix ups and frame traps (while being a battery character and not spending meter unless you absolutely have to for the kill). The ideal situation I want to do for my team is kill the first character with spending zero to one meter at most with X-23 then put my secondary Dante up first and just have him run more mix ups on people. Then if he dies X-23 comes in and pretty much becomes a 2 character kill character which will basically end the match unless they got Sentinel in the back (or Morrigan with 3 meters).

Ultimately…picking her for the unblockables is the “Wesker/Wolverine” way to use her that most players that have been successful with her have adopted. Simply because they know in a game like this you can just get hit by something random and die. X-23 is a type of character where you have to have MFC execution to bring her normal attack game to a level of scare factor that can actually compete with the long ass normals of the other characters. Which means if you don’t have that type of execution off hand the easiest way to pick her is to just run forward with an assist while she’s in XF2, land a random hit and kill 2 people. Can’t blame anybody for doing it since that’s ultimately what she’s based around. I also feel it’s the most boring way to play her but it’s the only way to play her in a game where you can die so fast in MVC3 that’s immediately consistent.

That leads to why people are having a character spot crisis with her on point now because it was ridiculously easy to use her on point in Vanilla with the right assists. Now with the meter gain nerf gone you have to think more about what you want to do with her rather than run in and press 4 buttons. This has led some people to knee jerk throw her in a second or 3rd spot which works fine but I think she has a lot of great options on point to utilize with her buffs and how even the scariest characters don’t really have that much access to meter at start of round.

A lot of X-23 players would falter without relying on the dirt nap technology but that’s ultimately how she was made and how all players will eventually have to revolve their game around it in some fashion. Which is good since it basically FORCES an emphasis on resets/mix ups now with the meter gain nerf. Before you just ran forward and hit 4 buttons after you touched somebody but now we can incorporate actual frame trap technologies and mix ups into it to make it more interesting.

Though I feel to make her truly complete and and make the dirt nap game more solid and not just a “hope running forward with an assist or dive kick works here”, people will have to get those finer frame traps and mix up games with 23 down.

I personally feel she’s ideal to play at the start of the round now at this point because you can give her the most assist wise and you can double her as a secondary character that will kill 2 people on one touch if she kills the first character. That way you can run her as the battery and the user at the same time. Which means the effort you put in for killing a character with her up first pretty much guarantees the match is over when she comes back in and touches a character one time with XF2. That way you get the best of the intelligent pressure/mix up and the game killing easy mode salty MVC3 stuff that you need to win consistently in a game like this.