Let Me Know When the Fight Starts!: The MvC3 X-23 Video Thread

Ephidel: you’re not the weakest here lol, I am. Gonna watch your vids soon.

I saw this before, I’m gonna test this out but I remember I said before, it seemed pretty freaking disgusting lol.

You can actually add another mix-up I think. You can do a “fuzzy” guard set-up where you do a jumping attack, and if they block high, because they’ll be left in a few frames of standing animation before they crouch, you can land an instant overhead. Credit goes to Traumatisch for that one. :wink:

This really has the potential to be absurd. I’m gonna give this a go.

Yeah, I saw your vid. when you posted it a few weeks back. I wouldn’t mind some notations of what you’re doing for each of the mixups (vid quality makes it a bit hard to follow what you’re following up with.) I actually took pictures of your original post back in vanilla so I could sit at my tv and work through your setups. Lol. My biggest issue was that I can’t stand how Spencer plays (I wish someone else had a similar assist.) Other than that I thought your setups were pretty sick. How does is work out for you in real matches? It’s just M(2 hits)+assist>H>mixup of choice right?

Also, for that last incoming character a friend that I run a ton of casuals with absolutely blows be up with a simple dash under + spencer assist on incoming. Even if you stick out an attack and hit them, they’re most likely getting grabbed by spencer then f’d into a full combo. Even if you do nothing, you can still get grabbed by spencer’s assist (apparently they don’t want you to be able to get thrown unless you press a button but capture doesn’t count? UGH…) It’s such a stupid easy mixup it makes no sense how hard it is to avoid…If you’re lucky you can double jump or CS away from it…but if you don’t have air mobility…you’re pretty much fucked into a 50/50…

haha thx for tryin to cheer me up, but I am still convinced. I’m not trying to beat myself up or anything, because I know my X23 isn’t THAT bad. But, offline or online I just get blown up a lot of times and getting punished for things I know I should of blocked.

anyway, here’s me trying to get laura/storm/wesk to work. This guy beat me like 50 times lol, and my camera died in the middle of the sets.



Alright heres some notations for the vid cuz the quality is pretty bad.

Standard loop for high health characters: s.M(1 hit) H qcb.H MH qcf. L s.M(1 hit) H qcb.H MH dp.L qcf.L s.M(2hits)+spencer H

For lower health characters(about 900k and under) you want to use a different loop to make sure you build up the level 3 off of one reset. This loop does less damage but builds more meter than the loop for high health characters: s.M(1 hit) H qcb.H MMH j.MMHS j.MMHS qcf.L s.M(2 hits)+spencer H

If you land a talon youll want to switch up the loop for hitstun decay: after the H qcb.H MH qcf.L s.M(1 hit) H qcb.H MMdown+H qcf.L s.M(2 hits)+spencer H

After the last H you have these options(there might be more so just experiment)
cross up low: qcb.M(delay) c.M
cross up high: qcb.M(right away) qcb.H S qcf.L
cross up command grab: qcb.M(right away) qcf.H
cross up instant overhead: qcb.M(right away) dash j.M down+H qcf.L this is character specific but works on most tall characters, works even if theyre crouch blocking but the timing will be tight
cross up talon: qcb.M(delay) qcf.L the timing on this one will take a little getting used to

front low: qcb.L(delay) c.M
front high: qcb.H(delay) S qcf.L
front command grab: qcb.L qcf.H
front instant overhead: qcb.L j.M down+H qcf.L this one is more reliable than the cross up ioh and is slightly easier to time
front talon: qcb.M(delay) qcf.L this must be done faster than the crossup talon to hit from the front side

All of these options lead to another set of ground loops and can be turned into another reset situation. They also lead to a corner to corner bnb.
Instead of canceling the H into a mirage, cancel into qcf.L(charge) dash HS sj.MMdown+H dp.H qcf.L dante+qcf.M(charge), assist hits, tk H crescent into qcf.H talon.

Good shit Ephidel, here’s my 3 cents on the matches.

You don’t seem to use her wall jump which is an incredible mobility option. Wall jump into TS or TA L is a lot better than TA M > TS (def. a lot safer, if nothing else.) TA M is nice when you get that ambiguous cross-up by being right over their heads (you can do this with wall jump too if the spacing is right) but I think getting in with her strong pressure strings and using MF M + assist or MF M > cross-up TA is better/faster/safer for her cross-up game. Wall jump also gives you a chance to block against people with tracking/fullscreen supers, which is that guy’s whole strategy in a nutshell.

Also, I used to get blown up all the time since TS is so unsafe on whiff. Anyone with a decent poke or that can dash out from under the TS will get a full combo for free. Using wall jump into TS still gives you the option to cancel into a TA L before landing to either get the hit or frame advantage on block. (if the TS connects, the TA L will still combo) You could also cancel into TA M or H to GTFO if you’re about to land into a bad situation. (Wall jump > TA > CS H > TL H > TA is fun for running away or just being a jerk, too. :3)

Also, I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but I think saving Wesker for the otg extender/air throw reset is more useful than using him for the crossup/opener (though I would def. throw it in occasionally as a quick block check since I know I have a hard time thinking both left/right and hi/low at the same time). If they block him you also don’t have a safe way to get down to the ground against faster characters for the reasons mentioned earlier. Storm would protect your landing better and would probably give you a chance to run in and start ground pressure even if they block the cross-up.

Our fight night is tomorrow and we’re doing another mini-tourney. Our recording guy is supposed to be there, so hopefully I’ll be able to post a few more of my matches. Unfortunately, Wandles said he wasn’t gonna be able to make it, though, so you guys will only have my scrub action to look forward to. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Just saw your post, Jacob. Good shit, man. I’m def. gonna give Spencer another honest try because that shit is just too good.

Another thing for Ephidel, I’d probably use Storm’s Elemental Rage to punish Strange’s fireball tactics. …Unless he can cancel it into SoV or something else to make him safe or something.

OK, I’ll try and run Jacob’s Wire haha. X-23/Spencer/insert good assist here. I’m at my wits end trying to find a good team. After another losing streak yet again on online, I’m pretty disillusioned and I feel I’ll never be good at this game. But I have to try.

Hopefully, I can get some matches recorded…

I feel like x-spencer really changes up how matches run their course at this point in the game. Right now, most teams can kill off point characters either by popping x factor or by spending a lot of meter. This lets them mixup the next incoming character and go for the kill then. Basically its the same idea: kill two characters for one guess. But the reason x-spencer is so good is that it shifts that guess from mid game to early game without spending any resources or sacrificing positioning while still carrying the same consequences. I feel like as time goes on, people’s defensive capabilities when dealing with incoming mixups are only going to get stronger because thats just how it works. But x-23 ignores that. Even if someone is ridiculously good at protecting their incoming character, theyre gonna get hit with dirt nap and lose them.

Merky i really recommend you give spencer a serious go. He was good in vanilla and hes just ridiculous in ultimate.

And ryuga i wouldnt worry about losing streaks online. Just be warned that the loops are pretty difficult to pull off consistently online so get ready for some sadness lol

edit: Also Jacob’s Wire. thats hilarious

Some actual tournament play with Laura :3
Second match is pretty sexy

Also, does she not have a ‘Vergil’ Soundclip? Because at ~1:20 she’s definitely saying Dante! when tagging in Vergil


Good find Radical. Here’s the rest of his intrepid journey for anyone else that’s interested. Gotta love the commentary on the W2 match against MastaCJ…that’s what I hear in my head anytime my characters get hit too…shame


Also found this from him.

X-23 got kinda beat around in those vids but I like the potential with the assists. Vergil rapid slash can relaunch and arthur daggers is a fast left/right mix up assist that can’t be ducked under.

Which reminds me, I put together some interesting stuff with Jam Session assist when people block it towards the ground that I’ll put a vid up for soon. I got the idea from it from discussing in the tier thread about assists that push the opponent away on block or hit. It’s probably the easiest to set up with Jam Session since Jam Session starts up the fastest of all the assists that push back on hit/block.

The only issue with jam session assist is that they have to block the assist near the ground for the set up to work. If they get hit then then the best thing to do is probably to confirm off the hit into a small combo and then try to force them into it again as they roll up.

It also works well with Whirlwind and Rapid Slash assists although those start up much slower. Whirlwind gets a nice benefit of being able to use the set up on hit or block though since it doesn’t create a knockdown/juggle state on hit unless they were airborne when it hit.

I’ve been messing around with the ‘Ash Loop’ style self-relaunches and I found a nice one that I’ll try to do a crappy phone vid with soon. The only downside with her decent self relaunches in Ult is that they seem to be corner only and your opponent has to be standing or very very close to the ground for them to work. It puts out decent damage to make up for the downside, though. (840k with 2 assists and 1 Meter. One non-juggle ground assist, 1 self-relaunch, 1 otg assist relaunch.) Also! There’s no CS loops in it, either…stupid CS loops…

Also, I’ve got some vids with a few more x23/Felcia/Frank level up combos off of more practical hit confirms that I should have up around the same time. Just gotta get a few more clips recorded for that one.

Another quick X-23 video.** Showing off how you can set up block and/or hit mix ups off the special pushback assists.** Assists that push people far away from you on hit or block. X-23 can use her M feint to create some guaranteed bad situations for the opponent if they are near the ground.


Just a random thing I found:

22:10, he fucked up sadly but man, that looked pretty sick
1:09:05 Pretty fucking sexy Dirt Nap combo

Yeah I’ve been playing around with this ever since I started playing Dante and noticed his assist pushes back. You can get into some dirty stuff especially if the character is shorter than normal.

Yup…plus anybody who’s really big like Hulk or Sentinel you get free instant overhead mix ups against.


Quick vid for the stair relaunch tech I’ve been messing around with. As long as you have the timing on the TA M follow-up it’s actually really easy to pull off consistently. Frank murders damage scaling everyday just for fun but any of the horizontal assist that keep the opponent on the ground can be used for this (and used better). It’s possible to do the relaunch portion from a juggle, but they have to be really low to the ground or you won’t be able to do the m>down+h low enough to the ground for the relaunch. Damage comes to ~824k on both combos since Frank allows the extra hits to offset the scaling. I’m gonna see if I can optimize this a bit and see if there’s some options for further extension.

Wow that is gross, nice tech!

I just found this mix-up involving WhirlWind yesterday as well haha.


At 2:30, game two, my laura kinda goes off. Enjoy.

What’s up Diemme! We actually just put up your matches half a page up. Good shit man. Only thing I would say is you use TA M a whole lot and I tend to get thrown out of that every time by the people I play against. That I I feel like you weren’t abusing your level 3 arthur. If you’re gonna pop xf you may as well gold armor up since it’s unlikely you’re gonna come back if they’re not dead after xf runs out anyways. Especially once you’re down to 20 secs on the clock, there’s def. no reason not to. Good luck at your next one!