Some matches from the tournament I got 3rd in. Lost out to DJ Huoshen and Steve H but can’t complain. DJ Huoshen taught me that I really need to cover myself against air throws better so we’ll see going into future weeks. I play X-23 first now like most of you guys now that I realize with less meter build I might as well just have her up front with 2 solid assists and just either play for the dirt nap or have her be a meter build for Devil Trigger Dante and Doom.
Great use of MFC, and nice to see you cancelling your MH MFC strings before they hit to bait out advancing guard. And does Wolverine’s divekick still have a gigantic hitbox or something? Swear if someone does that on wake-up, they should get stuffed due to pre-jump frames?
Yeah Wolverine’s still ghey. I wasn’t respecting his dive kick enough and paid for it. It’s not as big as it used to be but the trade still works in his favor so yeah.
Yeah I really like how the MFC’s get people to respect your offense. Especially since the s.H MFC is safe against XF guard cancels I can just let it rip without worrying about retaliation and then set up a throw mix up or dash in with doom and set up left/right or other shenanigans. If the s.H hits then of course I go for combos.
Here’s a vid of those assist relaunches I mentioned earlier. Turns out a lot of em you can relaunch from midscreen which I thought was kind of cool (Doom beam works in corner, rocks can work mid). Ghost rider gets my vote for coolest combo extension tho. Really random selection, I was just grabbing people off the char. select screen and seeing what I could get. Gonna try some X23/Vergil a little later and see if anything interesting crops up.
God damn, some of those are sexy as all hell haha. Ghost rider wall bounce was epically cool. I’m gonna have to experiment with this, see if I can maximize my damage a bit.
On the other hand I did reach 885k for 1 bar using 2 assists the other day… xD
Yeah. I’m sure those weren’t the most damaging options, I was mostly just having fun and seeing what I could link and who might make decent anchor assists for x23/felicia.
I think vergil might have some good synergy. You can combo off of rapid slash midcombo, use it for left/right mixup and while I dont know the combo I’m pretty sure WXP can combo into his sword super nonsense even after a full hitstun combo.
Yeah…X-23…so gdlk. It’s looking like simple ground chains are the way to go now and finding those combos to relaunch…and freaking hulks assist is so good for her. There should be more characters that can act as hori. assists and otg.
I’ve gotten Tron’s boulder throw to work in a similar fashion (looks really cool), but the timing is really tight in the corner. An assist that works both in the corner and midscreen would be ideal.
great vid, that mixup around 0:55 was nasty total guesses there. I wonder what’s that song I’m hearing in the background it fits the tone of those matches hahaha.
Yeah I’m thinking landing a raw CS as anti air could lead to some interesting stuff now. Oh and if you watch the very beginning of the video again you’ll learn more about the music.
EDIT: Oh wrong vid. But…I added info for the music in mine just incase.
Random note on Heavy CS if you mash out the talon attack you can cancel out of it after the first hit. I’ve only seen it from aerial CS, but it might be worth trying from the alpha counter. I’m not sure if you can only cancel on hit or what and I’m at work so I can’t lab right this second. For sure tho, if you S>(H)CS>fast TA (I can only think of examples where I’ve done H trying to see if there’s any wierd combos but I assume it works for the other two as well) you can cancel off the first hit of CS rather than having to wait until the recovery frames. Might be useful for picking up combos off the alpha counter? Might be worthless but thought I’d put it out there.
As always, great info in the vid DevilJin.
EDIT: I think it’s also worth mentioning in the vid that WXP still causes the spinning knockdown…which is kind of a pain because she can’t DHC to a horizontal super for crap…power supers are still nice, you just have to make sure you’re using those high hitstun combos.
Sorry…but EDITEDIT: On Dirt Nap, I’ve been messing around with X-23/Trish(Peekaboo)/Felicia(Sand Splash) and I haven’t hit the lab super hard on it, but it’s looking like peekaboo is gonna work well for dirtnap too since it keeps people from mashing on the way in and stays in game for 5 seconds so the timing isn’t as intensive on the assist call. Also having that otg assist means you can usually get the kill without having to pop x-factor to relaunch and if you’re keeping a good eye on the health you can kill without any additional meter usage too which gets you to another dirt nap faster.
Last note on using otg assists, you can almost always combo a last S>fast j.H>CS(H)>TA(L) at all but the most extreme hitstun to tack on that extra 100k. Alternatively, calling the OTG assist and popping them with a quick s.H causes them to air tech allowing for wesker-esque throw resets and I know that with Felicia her assist can be called fast enough that you can use her to relaunch after the throw again. If anyones interested, I can throw together a crappy phone vid. but I’m sure you’ve seen wesker pull that bullshit enough times to know what it looks like.
Fucking EDIT: not sure why I can’t think of all of this bs all at once. I have it in that assist vid I threw up a few days back but peekaboo can be pretty nasty for getting a throw reset. Call her along side your S launce with a high hitstun combo and when you TA them into it they’ll immediately air tech. One of the guys I play with locally played Jago’s old wesker/trish/dante and it was always hard even being familiar with his game to know where he was gonna run the reset since he could do it 30 different ways. I haven’t gotten a whole lot of match experience with it yet so I’m not sure how much not having utility assists will hurt her, but if you feel you need it for a specific matchup you can always switch trish to low voltage.
I never got a chance to look at these vids a while back but looking now…
I see you were able to get the s.H MFC out online a few times which was decent. Didn’t really seem to be able to launch after but it’s still a good poking tool even without confirming into full combos.
Against Hulk I would suggest making sure you have all of your fast, multi hitting tools available against him. Sentinel IMO is easier to deal with because he no real cross up game outside of welcome situations and his c.M has no upper hit box which you can air d+H into air qcf+L on all day and confirm combos. Especially if Sent doesn’t have an assist it’s easier to dash up air throw him or dash behind and anti air him if he’s just doing typical j.H/fly j.H or S stuff. Hulk’s grounded armor normals (at least s.H any way) doesn’t seem to have a dead hit box spot that you can dive on or press other buttons on without getting killed.
I was messing around in training mode and found c.L, s.L to be a nice string to deal with his armor once you establish close range. That’s mainly because c.L and s.L don’t have the whiff recovery that s.M does and Hulk can easily whiff punish your s.M with a random H if you’re not careful. Another solid option would be to learn s.M MFC which I’m sure works great also but it’s even more execution intensive than the s.H MFC so it wouldn’t be reliable online and it scales your damage heavily any way. The benefits mainly are that it gives you a s.M with the whiff recovery more equivalent to a L normal (allowing you to just throw it out there like a Zero hurp durp normal) and allows you to just throw out a lot of rapid fire hits that Hulk won’t be able to armor through. I guess I’ll try both out and see what I feel is more effective. The c.L, s.L is reliable but you have to be near point blank range to utilize. I have the execution down on the s.M MFC now so I guess I could use the longer range of the s.M MFC for getting in against Hulk and then switch up to the c.L, s.L once I get near point blank.
Charged neck slice from a distance is also not a bad tool as long as he doesn’t try to chicken block punish it. If he only has like one super meter I would definitely try calling an assist to add more hits and keep you in more effectively. Don’t do any assist calls if Hulk has 2 plus meters because his gamma wave super gives him easy 2 for ones. It’s easy for Hulk with meter to blow up assists so definitely keep your assist calls to a minimum if he has 2 plus meters. Hulk has to get in to really scare you any ways so utilizing the assists to help you get in isn’t as much an issue.
EDIT: After messing around in training mode some it seems to be c.L, s.L is the ideal string. It’s actually faster of a string than mashing on c.L or mashing on s.L. Even mashing on c.L or s.L is not fast enough against the armor of H sometimes but c.L, s.L seems to get through reliably. Even the double hit of s.M can be too slow sometimes.
Yeah the only thing peekaboo assist would probably lose to for dirt naps is air dash up or double jump stuff but I would imagine you can cover that nicely with air d+H into air S. I’d like to see if people can come up with similarly tight dirt nap situations without using jam session or repulsor blast assist. That could free up space for an OTG assist for combo extension surely. At least for now I don’t mind playing X-23 around resets since I feel strong mix ups and resets are basically just as good and frees up space for double utility assists. Plus I generally like the reliability of the jam session for the dirt naps. Like you said though…having the OTG assist will build up your damage and meter without having to mix up and in a tournament it’s always good to just have somebody closer to dead or completely dead in a game like this.
Luckily I just happen to find that the only characters that are cheap enough that you HAVE to kill in one combo all have shitty health any way. That’s probably the only thing keeping me from thinking about an OTG assist. If you couldn’t kill Zero in one combo I’d probably already be using an OTG assist by now and Wolverine up front I don’t think is enough of a problem anymore where he has to die in one combo. If he’s in the second XF2 spot then yeah he’s gotta go in one combo.
The nice thing about peekaboo assist also is that even if it doesn’t trap the opponent if the opponent throws an attack at it will absorb the hit box from their attack and make it so they basically can’t block or do anything until the attack recovers. You’ll have to play a little more crafty for your openings since you won’t have the easy access assist + M feint into combo stuff but it’ll be interesting to see if people can come up with solid teams for X-23 that aren’t as reliant on horizontal assists. Peekaboo has a lot of unique benefits where it could probably end up working though.
Oh and yeah I’ll replay around with the CS CC stuff and see if I can cancel it any earlier.
I think the OTG assist’s biggest plus is being able to get the damage off of air throws since otherwise that’s 400k that you miss out on and Felix OTG seems to be able to hit off of air back throws to so you get that block/throw OS. Plus with the cs>ta in ult, I think that gives a lot more options to get in safely so that the hori assist isn’t absolutely necc. anymore. One of our local guys just got a nice HD recorder so I’ll try to get some scrubby match vids uploaded at some point and hopefully get some new synergy running. I’ll try to lab some peekaboo setups on incoming and see what can get out of it too.