Killer Instinct thread (zbattle)

**I hated this…

So… everyone is still using 36 and 42 I see… hasn’t changed in a year of my absence I see… :wasted: That means… I have to use that ugly one again…**

Huh? I don’t think it’s bad at all. Sure, the GUI isn’t pretty or super modern -lookin, but at least it works fine. And when you load a game, it looks, sounds and works just fine, too.

What I want to know is… why don’t people upgrade? what is so good about 36 and 42?

I had like to join this but…
…my ping:wasted: …
It stays very high when I go to North-American servers.:arazz:

They work great, that’s what’s good about them. And they’re very simple to use programs, too. Plus, zbattle is way better than Kaillera in terms of connection - much less laggier games. The reason why people don’t use any versions other than 36 and 42 is cause those are the 2 versions with the best online play support.

Bad news people… ZBATTLE.NET is down for some reason. Apparently, the owner seems to have disappeared off into space…

…hopefully he’ll come back and gettin everythin runnin again soon…

Best online support? How is it better?

**Kaillera, here we come. :wink: **

Answer to your question:
Some versions of ZSNES don’t have netplay fully implemented, and others are just simply too buggy to use for online play.

Yeah. Dunno when zbattle is gonna be up again. What emulator EXACTLY do you use for snes on Kaillera? Like the exact version and everythin…


So even connecting to a diff url like the website says on a page doesn’t help? The master server is totally offline for now?**


And yeah, I believe the master server is down. The forums are workin, but I think it’s because they’re probably hosted on another server. I hope Veeborg (the zb owner) comes back soon. :sad:


I just made a temporary server on Kaillera. Join if you’d like to play me.

Anti3D’s Master Server List:
N64 Emulation

Original Kaillera Master Server List:
Killer Instinct (North America) Server

Apparently, my server seems to have 2 different names, dependin on which master server you are on. But you will know if you joined the right server. :wink:

**I’d rather setup games over msn and not by forums. Cause I check the forums once a day sometimes and at other times not for a few days. So you might be setting up a server for nothing. :confused:
Anyways, later.


Hey man, what time of the day are you usually on MSN? I am not on too frequently, but I will try to go on when you may be online. Hopefully we can set up a game sometime.

It’s back up!

Just logged on today

YES, IT’S BACK!! Now time to kick ass on a regular basis again… :wgrin:

And with no lag this time, too!! (for you) :wgrin: :lovin: :lovin: :lovin:

LOL, for real. Hopefully I’ll catch you on zbattle sometime then, unless you like playin yourself on Kaillera. :rofl:

I just updated the list, and added a skill-based color code system, which I think would be a useful tool to see what kinda opponent you should be lookin for dependin on how good you think you are at KI.

Add DriftRaceR on Intermediate =P

Wait, are YOU DriftRaceR? I haven’t heard from that guy for a while…

Haha ya I stopped going to the forums =(

I never said I sit there and wait. I always have someone to game with for snes games on kaillera, and it’s more then KI. :slight_smile: