Kibbles n' Bits: The Amaterasu Combo Thread

Yeah that was my inspiration, really enjoyed that video, I was doing a load of these and thought I should do Ammy for completions sake.
Kind of related I found a more damaging way of putting Ammy into your Dante combo if you weren’ already aware:

There is this really wierd problem with ammys instant overhead in glaive, on certain characters i’ll do my glaive overhead combo:
j. L, dive xx qcf S, MH xx qcf L, MS sj. MMS, dive xx qcf S xx super

But when I get to the end where I otg with the dive, the character just won’t bounce, I tried to fix this by doing sj. MM dive instead, but the ground bounce seems already used up, even though I should still have my ground bounce

This only happens on certain characters, like magneto for instance, and occurs most often in the corner, its seemingly random as well, sometimes the combo will work, sometimes it won’t

I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed this, and if there is a way to fix it

EDIT: Ok, I tested more and it just made me more perplexed
Firstly, normal glaive bnb works on magneto with no problem, so I figured that it was the qcf S at the beginning of the combo taking the ground bounce even though it shouldn’t

So I tested my overhead combo with glaive but I ommited the j. L and dive at the beginning and started with qcf S, and the combo worked :confused:
but when I start with the dive, the ground bounce at the end doesn’t work, doesn’t make any sense to me

I’m confused, as I understand it dfH uses a ground bounce but qcf+S resets ground bounces used.

Thats what made me confused, I should still have the ground bounce but I don’t
if you try it on magneto in the corner it just doesn’t work 90% of the time

Floating hitbox quirk? Tried Storm?

hmm, no i will later though, but two other characters i remember it messing up on were modok and phoenix,
thanks for the insight though, if that is the case at least I’ll know who it doesn’t work on mid match and finish the combo early

How many hits is your glaive chop (qcf+s) getting?

Greetings from the Zero forums. I’ve been working on some Ammy combos all day, hope it’s useful!


I assume you mean the beginning? I’m not sure, but if you don’t cancel it shouldn’t it reset the ground bounce?
You may be on to something though

Hey guys, is there a specific time to time the air throw reset?

When doing Oki j:df::h: xx :qcf::s: xx Oki is it possible to be in Disc for the first one and switch to Glaive. I tried it but I couldnt get it. But Im not good with weapon swaps yet.

I’m not sure. I’m no Ammy player so I’m not the one to ask. It might be possible if you do the air version of the shuffle veeery low to the ground.

I think glaive chop requires at least 3+ hits to reset the ground bounce limit, but I will check this to be sure and report back.

Just to be sure I’m understanding this correctly, by the first Oki do you mean getting a hard knock down ( such as with air :m: :h: :h: :h: :s: ) while in disc then landing, swapping to glaive, then going for the dive/chop/shuffle? If so then yes, you have time after a flying screen :s: to switch to glaive and do your dive/chop shenanigans.

no im talking about his :qcf::atk::atk: hyper. I thought it was called Okami Shuffle, and I thought I saw some ppl abbreviating it as Oki, not Oki as in continuous wake-up pressure.
and Im referring to the combo video that Evil Toaster FP posted here in this thread.

In the video on multiple occasions he did Okami Shuffle j:df::h: xx :qcf::s: xx Okami Shuffle.
But he always swaps to Glaive before the first Okami Shuffle, or starts in Glaive.
I can link these fine if I am in Glaive when I start the first Okami Shuffle. But Im curios if it is possible to do the first Okami Shuffle in Disc and switch to Glaive j:df::h: xx :qcf::s: xx Okami Shuffle.
My timing on weapon swaps isnt great, so im not sure if its that my timing is bad or if it isnt possible at all.
As bad as my weapon swap timing is, I can manage to do a weapon swap, Dive/Chop/Shuffle, after a normal launch j:m::m::h::h::s:.

So the combo im working on, and curious weither is actually possible is:
:l::m::h::f::h::h::h::h::h::s: ^ j:m::m::h::h::h: xx :qcf::h: land :m::s: ^ :m::m::h::h::s: land OTG Assist (Wesker Samurai Edge), Okami Shuffle, land, :d::d::m: j:df::h: xx :qcf::s: xx Okami Shuffle

It depends on the height Ammy comes out of Okami Shuffle with for switching to glaive after reflector okami shuffle. I believe the air version if done closer to the ground ends with her almost touching the ground, so you can land > switch > ground bounce and do it again. It’s not reliable because of the tight timing though but if you feel you have the time for it, go for it. Just make sure you didn’t do j.236C in there first because that uses up the ground bounce you need to OTG them with j.3C. That’s generally why you don’t see it used in reflector combos because most reflector combos use their ground bounce up.

I stole a combo that uses taskmasters horiz assist and uploaded a video of it–I’m shameless

edit: stark already did this and im stupid and forgot derp

That is exactly what I do, but with Iron Man. I don’t know why more people do Stark’s combo. Its does more damage. I guess people really don’t know about it.

So I’ve been interested in X-Ray’s Amaterasu combo I saw him do on stream recently. I couldn’t find any info on here, nor could I replicate it 100%.

BNB into -> :s:, :m:, :m:, :s:, :df: + :h:, :b: / :f: / :u: / :d: + :s:, sj.:h: (max charge hold) x2, j.:h: (max charge hold) etc…

is that all you need for the exchange glitch? to care

It’s easy to do… what can’t you replicate?

I’ve been using an altered variant of it for a while so maybe that’s why it’s easier for me to do though. With that said, it’s damage, from a per-meter standpoint, is non-optimal. So if damage optimization is your concern, don’t bother learning it.