Kibbles n' Bits: The Amaterasu Combo Thread

The hard part is timing the air-tag-in to not happen, but to get the pink juggle to happen. If none of the two happen, Amaterasu just resets and the opponent doesn’t juggle high enough to combo.

But thanks for the input, won’t be putting much time into it due to it’s damage per meter.

Hrm… guess the TAC glitch just kinda feels natural to me.

As far as it’s timing goes, the only help I can offer is that you don’t do the TAC immediately after the DF+H hits, nor too late after the hit. However, later is definitely better than earlier.

And make no mistake… his combo does good damage. If you’re not to keen on precise execution it’s a damn good option. If you are though, you can come up with some more damaging stuff using Okami Shuffle.

I wish you wouldn’t call it ‘Stark’s combo,’ since the only thing I contributed to that was using an assist to make it work midscreen, which really anyone could have come up with.

Now here’s something that I should’ve figured out awhile ago, but never did because apparently I am dumb.


In the corner, it’s much stronger than doing an extended string by using Spencer’s assist itself. Demonstrated on Wolverine because he has a difficult hitbox. Valid on everyone but Sentinel, but you don’t need to do it to Sentinel to kill him.

I’m sorry I thought when I saw the orginial video it was you who made it. I guess I’m getting my videos mixed up. I only gave you credit because I thought I recalled you made the original solo video. I wouldn’t have given you credit otherwise. Who was it then?

Neiluj95 was the person who first brought to our attention the whole head charge :h:, delay falling [:h:], 236[:l:] thing.

Made a little Combo Video using Doom Missile Assist. Let me know what you guys think.


Special shoutout to Stark. Learned alot from you and your videos about Ammy. =D

For the longest, since Ive used Ammy, when I’m in Glaive I’ve just done very simple combos so as to not drop them. But now I’d like to do some of the “real” stuff, and have been messing with the shit in this thread. Though it seems like after launch, the first hit is a qcf+H. Is there any kind of cue or goal to hit this consistently/ I’m sure the answer is just “practice it, good lookin’” but I thought I’d ask in case there are any general tips on connecting this move. Thanks!

Oh, quick followup question… anyone know of any players besides Mago that use Ammy with drones? I’m messing with Task Ammy Sent as an experiment, and would be happy if some additional video reference existed. Thanks again!

Its about half second delay once you jump in the air. It takes some practice, I hit it about 9/10 times online. As you said, just practice it for a about 30min or so you should get it pretty quick.

And Drones with Ammy is pretty cool, especially in Glaive. I’ve tried it for a couple days. But I just dislike Sentinel as a character. But to each their own right.

easy 100% with ammy/dante/zero, a team which i’ve been running for a while now:

(edit - revised version here: )

and while we’re at it, heres a combo with the same team that uses ammy assist with dante on point:

That’s real stylish. I like it a lot.

I should note, though, when you’re doing head charge to falling j.[:h:], you need to have your j.[:h:] come out a bit lower than that to do the more typical combo against most characters, although in that situation you’re fine.

Ammy xxx Sent was my first mvc3 team… and as with every other char, Drones helps Ammy out a LOT, making ADF to get in a lot safer/crossup-able. DHC glitch between them isn’t bad either. Cold Star isn’t the best assist for Sentinel, but it’s still Cold Star so… (Although I like using the blockstun from it to set up command grabs)

I just had to drop em cuz I couldn’t put in the necessary work to make Sent not a tin can on point. But man, do I miss drones…

You *might *see some synergy between the bot & dog in some of my early matches at StarBase & RamNation. IMO, if Sent on point isn’t a liability for you (i.e. F.Champ), use him.

Why does it seem so hard to switch to the Sword after this combo for the OTG?

Hit stun decay, and it won’t OTG. You already used up your ground bounce.

I found a disc combo out of the j.l instant overhead.

j. :l: :m: :h: :h: :m: :h: :f: :h:x5 :s: j. :m: :m: :h: :h: :h: :qcf: :h: land :m: :s: whatever

I guarantee you that doesn’t work on most characters when they crouch.

IIRC that only works on standing chars (aka not an overhead, they just weren’t blocking), & the big guys like sent/hulk/etc.

For the lazy, there are 3 main Ammy “IOH” starters that work against most of the cast:
Glaive: j.A-df.C (works on EVERYONE)
Reflector: ADDF j.A-(A)-C
Any mode: ADDF j.A-(A)-B.

(Attacks in ( ) are optional depending on char/height/etc.)

Last 2 aren’t exactly instant (especially against smaller chars), & are pretty telegraphed, especially against a player experienced against Ammy.

EDIT: Oh shoulda hit reply last night, I see Stark beat me to it. I’ll make my post semi-useful by adding shit that everyone should already know =\

Can anyone tell me the counter follow up combo?

Post Counter Options:

  1. j.QCF+PP

  2. j.QCB+PP DHC into DHC-Trick (Can also be done with shuffle, before the fire hits)

  3. ADDF / Glaive stance switch /\ j.df.C xx QCF+S / ( s.B xx QCF+A > s.B-S /\ ) QCF+PP

  4. & 2. Done while still in the air after the counter,

  5. The part in ( ) is optional, you can go straight into shuffle if you prefer ease > damage. Can also go into a short aircombo instead of shuffle after the launch.

My follow up to the counter is: :df: dash :d: :d: :m: j.:df: :h: :qcf: s: land :d: :m: :s: j.:m: :m: :s: :df: :h: :qcf: :s:xx Okami Shuffle

It seems like the opponent will flip out every once in a while after the QCF S, so I can’t get the M afterwards. What am I doing wrong?