I sometimes used to get this when I didn’t land when I wanted to and meant to get a charged Thunder Edge. It’ll pretty much happen whenever, since that move does knock them up. But I bet it was because they screwed up a combo rather than intentionally going for a reset.
No, I am sure it was for an intentional reset. I just watched LLND perform the same set up on WNF. It’s a one time gimmicky reset that doesn’t leave you at any disadvantage if they tech the throw because you are in the air. (I THINK it was LLND. If it wasn’t my mistake. It’s several hours of gameplay after all.)
Well, yeah. That’s kind of how that sort of “Oh, I screwed up, NO IT’S A RESET HAHAHA” things go. Just because you didn’t mean for it to happen doesn’t mean it isn’t technically useful or viable. And the reverse is also true.
I use that reset sometimes, it’s pretty good. You can put a meaty j.H on them to beat the throw tech attempts and them j.236C to continue the combo if you counter hit.
Lol. As I said, it wasn’t an input error. It’s an intentional Ammy reset.
Thanks. What exactly do you have to do in the air though? Do you just do 3x j.H and then QCF L?
Has anybody posted any counter followups? Is there actually any comboing you can do afterwards or is it restricted to hyper or glaive otg hyper
The counter has become a pretty big part of my game these days
Someone on SRK actually made and posted this video himself awhile back, though I can’t remember who it was:
Thanks. That looks like the only way to go for now
Basically at the end of your air combo, j.HHH (or however many H’s you can fit due to hitstun scaling) j.236L (opponent techs) throw/j.H. If j.H hits, j.H j.236H > combo.
Sometimes the positioning is weird so you have to air dash to stay at their level to throw after the j.236L. Works really well though.
Today on the TeamKhaos stream, I saw Stark hitting what looked like a variation on those great Spencer wall-bounce combos she has uploaded on her Youtube account (I assume it’s the same person, anyway). It’s here at 1:42:30, and it manages to kill a nearly full health Trish (she’d taken a throw and I think a head charge). Fun combo.
Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgl-tjdWy30
Similar to that, but without Task’s assist.
Bahaha that was gdlk Stark.
Yeah, that combo is fantastic. I love that combo so much. And apparently so does everyone else, 'cause I got a lot of comments from the crowd about how my ammy was the best they’d ever seen, which made me feel great! Haha. I’m pretty happy with how I did in that tourney. Top 8 is respectable enough.
As an aside, my stick is now in an unusable condition, I think. In the last round of that fight, (after it was too late to make any real comeback, I mean, MKP did straight up outplay me) there was an audible crack from my stick. Someone asked me to play on stream for casuals after the tourney, and I was noticing my consistency on my quarter circles of all things was gone. MKP came up to play me five games and beat me up each time, which is to be expected because yeah. Going in to training mode later I found half circle gave a readout of back, down-back, down-forward, forward. Yeah, skipping the down but hitting the diagonals. I don’t even know how that’s possible! For casuals later on in the night I was borrowing someone else’s stick. Although, I do have a spare back here at my apartment, it’s just not the same…
Just playing around with DHCing to Dante Devil Trigger, using the untechable knockdown from elements hyper.Doing this does more damage than DHCing to million dollars and lets you build some more meter from assists used after DHC. Here it is:
cM-H-cH xx qcf+L M-H-cH xx qcf+L M-S super jump M-M-S dfH xx qcf+S xx qcf+AA DHC qcb+AA df+HHH-fH xx A+S S land Amaterasu qcf+M (assist hits) jump S land dp+M xx dp+M Sentinel qcb+L xx H (drones hit) jump S land dp+M xx dp+M xx(before last hit) qcf+AA
Here’s an example of DHCing to DT from an air throw, sure you could DHC glitch instead, but where’s the fun in that?
jump Throw qcf+AA DHC qcb+AA wave dash 3 times dfHHH-fH xx A+S S land Amaterasu qcf+M (assist hits) jump S land dp+M xx dp+M Sentinel qcb+L xx H (drones hit) jump S land dp+M xx dp+M
^wow really cool DHC from Ammy to Dante. The damage is 1 mil, net meter -1.6. Interesting, I need to figure out how to do this combo with my other char.
Who are your characters?
Well I’m playing dante and ammy, but on different teams. Dante-Ammy-Dorm, Storm-Ammy-Dante, Dante-Ammy-Magz. Really I’m just trying to figure out which I like most.
Well there’s not really anybody else who can do what Dante can do with DHC to DT but he can obviously DHC glitch from Mags and Storm and, with Dorm, if you can set up a Stalking Flame he can do a DHC to DT super jump S into combo.
I have essentially this same combo in my Team Video (3:28):
I don’t use my third assist (Dorm) in the combo because this video was meant to show realistic combos that I actually use in matches, and often, my Dorm assist isn’t available to me because I use it to create pressure/mixup situations when Ammy is on point.
I know this is the Ammy forum and not the Dante forum, but just for the record, the Beehive -> Fly -> QCF+S x5, j.A ender does more damage than anything else (and sets up a good mixup situation), but also doesn’t work on smaller characters, but I threw it in there because it looks sweet.