Kibbles n' Bits: The Amaterasu Combo Thread

Amaterasu Advice

This is my first post I didn?t know where to post this question so I figured this would be a good spot rather making a new thread. Two questions.

Any advice on switching from the disc weopon to the sword in the middle of a combo? In other words for example the combo Standing M, Standing H, Crouching H, down down M (weapon switch) than continuing the combo to standing M, Crouching H. Its actually from one of the mission of hers.

I find it hard to switch weapons after Crouching H into sword weapon than continuing the combo. What throws me off is pressing down twice during the combo when going from the disc to sword weapon. Any advice on the input would be much appreciated.

And finally what does QFC stand for? Kinda like Ryu?s shorukyen input?

Stance switching is kinda hard at first. Just practice, and you want to time the stance switch to occur at the moment the cr.H hits. You might need to do the :d::d: motion earlier or buffer it, I can’t remember but I can get it like everytime I want it. I don’t use this in my bnb’s though just fyi. Damage difference isn’t much, it just looks cool.

and qcf=quarter circle forward or :d::df::f:+atk
dp=shoryuken input :f::d::df:+atk
qft=quoted for truth

practice st. h, wep switch to glaive, st m a lot, and the rest of the wep switch combos will be a lot easier to time

Any advice on getting the second Okami Shuffle OTG after a combo in sword stance into the 1st Okami shuffle. I get it like after 13 tries or something, but I keep getting auto blocked on training mode nearly every time.

Is the OTG supposed to hit on a certain frame, or is it a positional/timing thing on the first Okami Shuffle?

Someone explained this in another thread but I’ll do my best to reiterate.

The reason Ammy’s re-shuffle combos work is because :df:+:h: (Glaive Dive) causes a ground bounce. The trick is that you’re only allowed 1 ground bounce per combo unless you reset that value. You reset your ground bounce allowance by getting air :qcf:+:s: (Glaive Chop) to hit a minimum of 3 times.

So if you combo into a Glaive Dive xx Glaive Chop xx Okami Shuffle, your Glaive Dive ate up your 1 ground bounce per combo and your ability to follow up with a second set of Dive/Chop/Shuffle depends on whether your first Glaive Chop got 3+ hits.

The way I do it is d.H xx qcf+S xx Shuffle (cancel into shuffle** as soon as the sword touches the floo**r) and it should send them kind of spiraling away and after that you can do d.H xx qcf+S xx shuffle again. If you have trouble timing the d.H after the first shuffle try mashing it until you figure it out.

Thank you for your responses. This is such a great site and I am still getting acclimated to the language. When you stated “st.h, wep switch to glaive, st m” does that mean standing H, weopon switch glaive, than standing M?

Thanks again.

Yes it does. St. = standing, and Cr. (or C.) = crouching.

Possibly common knowledge/already posted but I didn’t know about it for quite some time:

If you have already used up your ground bounce you can still get an otg sword stab (jumping df+H in sword/glaive stance) -> super if you use an assist.

disc stance: st.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH launch, H, H, H, qcf+H, land, launch, M, M, H, H, S, land.

from here you can’t just stance change to sword and otg into super because it won’t ground bounce again, but if you have an assist, you can call the assist while you stance change (i.e. down+assist, down+M rather than down, down+M) and otg with the j. df+H, it picks them up, the assist holds them there, and then you can cancel into super/qcf+S -> super.

or you can use it to “reset” into a safe slowdown super without giving them a free techroll away from you to run it’s timer.

sorry if that was way too much text for a simple concept. I’m deliriously tired.

I’ve only used it with tron’s gustaff fire, spencer’s slant shot assist, a couple skrull assists and maybe a trish trap. It seems that lots of characters have assists it’d work with though. Doesn’t take long for sword stab to cancel into qcf+S.

More combos with Amaterasu!


See team combos with Amaterasu on my YouTube channel!

Trying to figure out some slow combos that I can do off of a DHC glitch from Tron beacon bomb. The 2 I’m doing so far:

(sword stance) :qcf: :h: x 4-5 (depending on height I catch them) st.:s: (jumpcancel) :qcf: :h: Charge :h: land :f::h::h::h::h:

This seems to be the highest damage one able to kill Thor in one combo if I max out the damage on the tron combo. The hardest part for me is doing the sword stance switch as soon as ammy comes out and landing a :qcf: :h:.

(sword stance) air df. :h: :qcf::s: :qcf::h: x 3 (maybe 4?) st.:s: (jumpcancel) :qcf::h: charge :h: land :f::h::h::h::h:

This one has far more relaxed timing in the beginning if you have to stance switch but does a bit less damage, the :qcf::s: resets the ground bounce so you can do the same ender as the last combo.

If anybody has some more I could try out I’d be appreciative.

I’m gonna update the OP with a few BnBs for Disc and Glaive stances. The goal is to find 1 or 2 combos for midscreen and corner for each stance that provide the best balance of damage and consistency. So squeezing in 20k more damage by adding a difficult link would not be ideal.

I’ll post some initial ones then we can upgrade from there, so please post and contribute!

*Note - BnBs with an assist are also welcome and I’ll post them in a nearby section. So if anyone is a master of synergy with Ammy and some other character, like Stark is with Ammy/Spencer, please share your BnB for that particular pairing.

What’s essentially the best combo to do from a DHC glitch to Ammy’s slowdown super?

QCFL (glaive)x 5, about. Then launcher > S > 3h > QCFS super (if you have the meter).

If you don’t have meter, do the same, but instead of immediate S, do j.m j.m xx QCFL > fullcharge j.c > f.h x 5 (you can call an assist here to extend the combo somewhat).

Removed a few combos that no longer work with the patch. Gonna clean up a bit more and get into the lab to develop some more BnBs when I get a chance.

Whenever marlin pie dhc glitches to ammy, he starts with launcher to two fully charged air Hs (in glaive),
does anyone know the most damaging combo starting this way? I’ve found this variation more consistent midscreen, especially since qcf L crosses up differently against different characters

Hey I was wondering if anyone can help with the timing for some of these combos. After using the sword when do you press the M. button so that it combos. I keep dropping it.

do :l: then :m:

Right when the flash happens where the sword turns back to blue, press M then. Except against zero, always do L then M against zero.

Just decided to register here so that I could learn MvC3 a little better. Here’s a combo I’ve gotten in matches fairly easily:

Glaive combo ~ 700k - 750k

j.:h: > s.:m: > s.:h: > c.:h: > :qcf::l: > s.:m: > s.:h: > :qcf::l: > s.:m: > s.:s: > j.:s: > d/f.:h: > :d:/:b:/:f: :s: (exchange cancel) > j.:h: (fully charged) > f.:h: (x3) > :a1: > f.:h: (last hit of f.H string) > :qcf::atk::atk: > d/f.:h: > :qcf::s:/:qcf::atk::atk:

The timing on the assist during the f.:h: changes depending on the startup of your assist. Has to be a multi-hit assist because you can’t cancel the f.:h: into supers. Easy to DHC into and builds about 2 meters (don’t remember sine I haven’t played in a while). The exchange cancel is counterable, but easy to land since it is really easy to combo from all three directions. It also works anywhere.

I couldn’t find anything on Reflector that wasn’t out of the ordinary except for a fairly weak corner combo. I might try to redo that one to see how much meter the combo builds and the damage output.

I played against an opponent using an interesting reset intended combo recently. I am not sure what the exact inputs were but he basically ended in a :qcf::l: to knock me upwards and there he attempted an air throw. It’s a bit gimmicky but at first I was caught off guard and didn’t tech the throw. I was wondering if you guys were aware of this little trick and I also wanted to know which inputs would get you the desirable out come of :qcf::l: knocking them up. Seems like a weird angle.

EDIT: A jumping :qcf::l: btw. Sorry :smiley: