Kibbles n' Bits: The Amaterasu Combo Thread

Simple but useful Reset…

:l: :m: :h: :f:+:h:x5 :s: sj.:m: :m: :h: :h: :h: :qcf::h: (land) :m: (air recovery) (Jump up and grab) :qcf::atk::atk: OR Air Throw follow up of your choice.

Hope this helps some people, it’s REALLY easy to land, I think it works anywhere I could be wrong…but it definitely works in the corner. I know you might need the corner for some combo follow ups…

It does about 750ishK with the super iirc.

Should I be doing a forward jump? I’ve been doing this in training mode with no problems with neutral jump, but when I tried using this online today, I couldn’t get it to work at all.

so HHHH super no longer works on the ground and it seems 19 hits is where H will drop so you can still hhhh S M HHH super if its at 19 hits or under…

I was noticing HHHH XF HHHH drops… is this no longer an xf combo or was i just sleepy?

This does not include the corner combo HHHH S HHH S weapon change glaive chop super as long as you launch before 19 or 20 hits they will not fall out.

I also found that HHHHH M paper M HHHH drops so if you hit a jump in you have to M paper on your 6th hit then M HHHH

I was watching an option select stream and Ryan Hunter mentioned that he had an ammy combo that went through all 3 stances and ended with a level 3

Anyone have an idea of what combo he is talking about?

Starting from Disc: c.LM s.H, t.H xx L Paper, s.M, c.H xx Sword Stance, s.MH, c.H xx Whip Stance, s.MS, j.H xx QCF+H, Falling j.H, (land), QCF+M xx Level 3
Note: some chars cannot be hit by the L paper when hit crouching. Also, some chars need to have the Sword c.H omitted in the corner.

Starting from Sword (low): c.LMH xx QCF+L, s.LMH xx Whip Stance, s.MS, j.H xx QCF+H, Falling j.H, (land), QCF+M xx Level 3

Starting from Sword (high): instant j.A jdf.H xx QCF+S, (land), s.MH c.H xx Whip Stance, s.MS, j.H xx QCF+H, Falling j.H, (land), QCF+M xx Level 3

This was the most damaging way I could find to combo into level 3 without using an assist and without using an exchange whiff, which is counterable. If you’re doing combos into Sword stuff, doing QCF+L xx level 3 is unreliable midscreen. To even have a chance of hitting it, you need to cancel the QCF+L immediately when it hits, and even then, it doesn’t seem to hit on some characters. This combo is my solution, just need to get the timing down a little better. The only significantly hard part of the combo is timing the falling j.H to give yourself time to hit QCF+M when you land. I was landing this combo in matches on Thursday, and I’ll post some videos soon. Need to go through 8 hours of stream footage to find videos to upload.

sweet, saw justin just do HHHHH S jump super… that helps since my assist hits multiple times and increases the chance for H to drop… its also easy to do if your hoping to just DHC out to save ammy, or just bring someone in safely

Jump forward works every time for me, always pray your opponent recovers backwards, if forward I think neutral jump might work better…haven’t tested that out yet. You can actually do land :m: :h: if you wanna deceive your opponent more into the reset. you can actually combo into a similar situation after air throw…so say your opponent is THAT dumb. You can get a free dead character lol.

I’m trying to set up Tron’s assist at some point for that reset to make it similar to JWong’s Tech Trap, still trying to figure something out…any suggestions would be Godlike!

Jesus Christ that sounds like some crazy stuff…how much damage does that all do?
You should come up to the Orlando CEO Monthlies and show off that Ammy, I 'd love to see those combos offline lol!
Kudos on landing these mid match, I probably would never pull those off myself…

I’m seeing a lot of mention of “exchange whiff,” but have no idea what it is. I have an idea, but am not sure why I’d do it on purpose. Anyway, before I ask someone to spoonfeed all that, 2 questions:

-Does an explanation exist somewhere already? I’m pretty well versed on the Ammy threads, but maybe I missed it?
-Does it much matter? Like, do I need it to get my Ammy to the next level? or is it just fancy shit that doesn’t really matter?


Notice how the dive hits and then they try to do an aerial exchange and it whiffs, it leads to extra combo damage. This is what they’re talking about…Does one need it? If you want, it’s all about what you’re comfortable with…or want to make comfortable. Ammy is the type of character with so many options you only need half of them to get by/do extremely well.

Simply put: Cancel j.:d::h: to direction + :s: at the right time and they’ll get blown in whatever direction by the explosion but you won’t switch characters, letting you do interesting combos out of it. But, I would recommend not caring about exchange whiff stuff. It’s all very flashy, but ultimately counterable, and it won’t lead to any more damage than you’d get with other stuff.

Thanks Ryan, those combos look amazing, going to try them out now, been awhile since I’ve had a new ammy combo to practice :slight_smile:


Killed Zero in a single combo, no assists. More videos soon.

ryan busting out the swag combos, on a more important note is that the highest damage lvl 3 no x-factor combo ammy has?

ps don’t drop ammy ryan, modok sucks

Man, I really need to find more time to get in the lab. After not being in training mode for about 2 weeks, I finally had some time to kill this afternoon and within 15 mins of messing around, I had an idea for a combo that not only worked, but was also more reliable and potentially does more damage than this one. The downside? You lose style points because you don’t go into whip stance :shake:.

Here’s the combo, and why I said it can potentially do more damage than the Whip stance combo I listed:

Starting from Sword (low): c.LMH xx QCF+L, s.LM c.H xx Disc Stance, s.MH, t.H xx M Paper xx Level 3

Compared to the Whip stance combo, this combo is significantly more reliable, and you only lose 20k damage. However, you can technically do:

Starting from Sword (low): c.LMH xx QCF+L, s.LM c.H xx Disc Stance, s.MH, t.HHHHH xx M Paper xx Level 3

This does more damage than the Whip stance combo (though only by 6k lol). The reliability and ease of this combo depends on the character you’re hitting and your screen position. On some characters, it’s super easy in the corner, on some, it’s easy mid screen, and on some, it seems to be very difficult, or maybe impossible in the corner.

When doing the 5 t.H version midscreen, the key is delaying the s.M (and all the following hits) after you switch to Disc stance, so the opponent is low enough that you don’t pass under then when you start doing the t.H series. If you hit the 2nd t.H and don’t cross under the opponent, you’re home free.

I’ll probably wind up switching to the single t.H version as my standard level 3 combo, because it’s super easy to do, and I only lose 20k damage from the Whip combo. And I’ll use the 5 t.H version in the corner only until I figure out which characters are easy to hit midscreen with it.

I dunno though man…that Whip combo is so sexy :wasted:.

So I devised some new Glaive mixup, it might not be new but I don’t see people use it, but its options are better than the standard stuff.

From about midrange, jump and either hit :uf::atk::atk: or :f::atk::atk: as fast as that will give you an air dash and immediately hit :h:. If you do the :uf: air dash, :h: comes out for an overhead, and if you don’t, it doesn’t, so you land and low/throw. This has the advantage of using a much less prorated starter for the overhead than the normal :uf:j.:l: j.:df::h: j.:qcf::s: opener; my standard assist combo in the corner gets 840-860k for one stock off of it, 30k if I’m using my second assist to cover me and can’t use it in the combo, both ways more than enough to kill lower HP characters. The normal run up and either overhead or low is still really good though considering how fast and easy it is, this takes some time so you have to have them blocking already or in wakeup or they’ll poke you out of it. But considering how much more damage the overhead is it’s worth learning.

Video forthcoming.

Good stuff as always Stark.

I’ll update the OP this weekend with some changes.

Stark: Nice! Let me see if I’m interpreting this right: if I were to normal jump, immediate air dash fwd, H, there’s not enough time for the sword to connect and I therefore just land (and can low/throw). But if I jump, immed air dash UP-fwd, H, it will connect and I’m able to land and continue to combo off it.

If that’s correct I can’t wait to test it after work. Looks to be an overhead option we can do from further away than instant jL.

Hunter: That combo is pretty sick, though if I’m not looking to use 3 meters for the lvl 3, will that work w/ Okami Shuffle? or is this just basically a good way to hit a lvl 3 when I’m looking to do so.

You guys are awesome, keep the good shit comin :slight_smile:


It’s like this.

I do the air dash C stuff alot. I do super jump so I can get a dash faster though. I kinda posted about it a while back in general thread.

ryan needs to drop dante and put hsienko back on lol