Kibbles n' Bits: The Amaterasu Combo Thread

Thanks for the video, yea Im super new to the wolf, I slept on her during Mvc3 (kept trying to make shuma work.)

I like her style of play, and she compliments Dormammu & Strider, and the vale of mist is so godlike.

She is a very versatile character, probably one of my favorites in the game and the only character I was excited for pre-release. Your team sounds extremely solid, and it can be played in pretty much any order depending on the match-up. Hope you enjoy playing her, ill try to keep the video thread updated with ammy footage so you have videos to fall back on.

I used to sleep on Vale of Mist. Now it’s my main Ammy tool and the reason I play her in the second position.

Care to elaborate good sir? I never bother to use it, although I know there is potential there I just haven’t gotten around to tapping said potential yet.

Hey guys, I just picked up Ammy a week ago and I’m having a hell of a time comboing off of her Fireworks counter. I just don’t seem to have enough time after landing it to do a weapon change, airdash, :df::h:. Is there some kind of trick to it?

Nah man, just practice, you can do the air dash forward, stance change, :df: :h: :qcf: :s: okami shuffle but I believe she has a much more complex one that implements a stance change after the :df: :h:. I believe RawwStewage posted the combo a couple pages back or something.

Yeah, after about two hours I’m starting to get the hang of it. The more complex one is a pain though, gonna spend the rest of the day grinding that one out

Just keep at it man, you’ll get it down. I gotta work on that as well actually when I get home, been relying on counter okami shuffle for far too long now.

Well like, the typical Ammy combo does about 550k without a bar and about 650 to 7k with a bar. If I’m not going to kill the character and set up a mixup on their tech roll, than I always slow it down, especially if it’s a slippery hard to catch character. Slowing it down is almost a nightmare for the opponent, because they’re forced to block for a good 4 or 5 seconds. From there you kind of just pour on relentless offense. Her glaive overhead from vanilla becomes available to her in slow and you can combo off any rawtag.

I’m still around… I guess. Here, nothing complicated though.


What do you guys do for instant overhead combos? In XF3 I’ve just been doing (Thunder Edge) j.:l: -> j.:df::h: -> j.:qcf::s: -> :m: -> :h: -> :s: -> j.:m: -> j.:df::h: -> j.:qcf::s: -> :qcf::atk::atk:. It gets 800k or so, decent enough but can I get more off of it?

I think Im gonna add a section in the ammy thread where I just link dedicated ammy uploaders youtube pages, that way people can just subscribe and keep getting updated. How do you guys feel about the idea? At the moment the only people I can think of who are that consistent are vaxtin, kreative, and stark but as I find more people ill add to the list. Is that something you might be interested in?

I think I might steal that Idea for the Nova Forums as well.

Good to hear its not a bad idea. With that said, I just checked out your page and there are a lot fewer ammy videos than I thought. Im gonna assume maybe you have more than one page because I clearly remember you posting a lot more ammy vids than there are on your page.

Yeah I stopped using that Youtube account and moved just a little bit to my current Youtube since alot of it doesnt work anymore in Ultimate. I do have some Ammy vids coming up. Just have to render it. (Lazy Mode)

Cool cool, looking forward to it.

You’ve motivated me , I’ll do it now lol

guys im new to mvc but i’ve been lurking for ages now and recently got the game
the BnB im trying to pull is:
thunder edge
M, H, 2H, 236L, M, H, S,
with the underlined im having trouble connecting it, to me its like 50-50 chance to land, does it matter how fast i input 236H after 2H or am i just inputting too slow?
thnx in advance

Does anybody happen to have any special combos involving Ammy with OTG gunshot assist or Sentinel drones? I’ve seen a lot of combos with drones, but the main problem is that they usually involve calling drones on like the 2nd hit of the combo, which seems kind of impractical for hitconfirming. At the moment I’ve just been using OTG gunshot to get a little more damage on my reflector BnB and combo after fireworks, but that’s about it.

I think the idea is that you don’t confirm before using sentinel drones and if they blocked you use drones to continue your offense, while if they don’t you use it in your combo?