All I’m doing with Wesker’s assist (if he’s not in front), is popping them off the floor into Okami Shuffle after the Vanilla disc BnB or easy-mode a fireworks combo… Really, all Wesker’s Samurai Edge provides you with is an easier time OTG’ing into combos. I’ve been transitioning into Ghost Butterfly since it more or less does what Spencer’s Armor Piercer does and I get to have both Slant Shot and Armor Piercer at the same time with Wesker. It also gives me a much safer blockstring since Ghost Butterfly pushes them far away.
I’ve been looking for a way to use an OTG assist well in an Ammy combo and I came up with this:
:h::f:+:h: xx :qcb:+:l:,
:h:c.:h: xx :d:,:d:+:m:,
:h:c.:h: xx :qcf:+:l:,
:s:, sj. :s:, :df::h: xx :d:,:d:+:l:, land, :s:, sj. :h::h::h::s:, land, Wesker, :d:,:d:+:m: :qcf:+[:l:] xx :qcf:+:atk::atk:
I have Wesker on gunshot duty on my team, and I actually end up using it more as a combo extender rather than an OTG when Ammy is on point. Combo is as follows:
(glaive) st. st.:h: cr.:h: :a1: st.
st.:h: fully charged :qcf::l: assist connects sword connects st.:h: cr.:h: :qcf::l: :qcf: :atk: :atk:
When OS ends you can glaive dive then chop for another OS. With one OS it’s about 700k, two OS’s reaches 800k. This is pretty much a mutilation of a combo that needs an assist to get the charged glaive to connect. Go me.
Also, hi guys, I’m new.
Edit: Forgot to say that it should be modified with quirky character sizes, should be easy enough. Also adding that the combo works from anywhere on the screen (odd as that is).
Welcome. We can always use more Ammy players to contribute and share tech with.
Pretty nice combo. It’s also meter-positive without too much trouble which is great since she isn’t as generous with the meter-building as she used to be.
The video quality’s awful, but here we go…
X-Factor level 3 infinite @ 0:30
so how do you link okami shuffle after cold star in combo number 4 in that video. I keep dropping okami shuffle at the end
Very quickly. The easier way to achieve this is to start doing the QCF motion while mashing out 2-3 shots of cold star. Right after you mash out one of the shots in Cold Star, follow it up with AtkAtk.
When you get the timing down, try doing it with just one Cold Star shot.
awesome thanks. its wierd I can do the combos just fine but its harder to link the super than to do anything else lol
This has most likely been done by now. But I don’t have anything to upload anymore, as I’m not advanced enough, and I just really felt like upload something.
Hey guys, I’m having a lot of trouble with the strongest glaive combo for solo Ammy.
This one: st. st.:h: cr.:h: :qcf::l: st.:l: st.:s: j:m: j.:qcf::h: j.[:h:] land st.:qcf:[:l:] crap
Everything is fine right up until the part where it’s crap and I can’t get anything to connect consistently. Not a standing H, not a forward H, hell not even a standing M. I can do it about 2 out of 10 times because they magically end up at a higher height, but it doesn’t look like anything I actually have any control over. Any tips? I am also horrible at timing the delayed jumping H so I’d appreciate help with that too.
Also, here’s an easy unblockable combo with a low assist and a wallbounce assist that’s an easy 700k+. It’s meter negative though, but not much. A1 is low assist, A2 is wallbounce assist. This also assumes they get hit by the ground bounce.
:a1: j.[:h:] land f.:h: :h: :a2: :h: :h: :qcf:[:l:] st.:h: cr.:h: :qcf::l: :qcf::atk::atk:
Mega Man card takes away unlimited groundbounce j.[:h:] and untechable :qcf:[:atk:] But it also comes with level 3 increased capcom drop rate! Why do I have to come up with new combos just for HvH? That do less damage than bnbs, even. Sigh.
HvH, with Mega Man card and wallbounce assist: Glaive. :l: :d::h: :qcf::l:, :l:
:h: :qcf::l:, :s: sj j.[:h:] j.:d::d::l: |> :s: sj j.
j.:h: j.:h: j.:h: j.:s: |> call :a1: :d::d:
j.:df::h: j.:qcf::atk::atk:.
At least it’s kind of fun to do.
Yeah that’s happening because you’re not low enough to the ground when you hit with the falling j.[:h:]. You need to be as close to the ground as possible so you can land ahnd charge :qcf:[:l:] sooner, so they fall less and are higher up when you go to do your followup. As for getting that timing? Haha. Just practice it. It took me so long to get it down, but it was worth it!
Crap. Was afraid of that. Now I’m wondering how long it’ll take me to get this down. Thanks for the confirmation.
Though there were times that I was right above the ground, maybe half of Ammy’s height off the ground, and it was the :qcf:[:l:] hitting kinda delayed even though I charged it ASAP. Happens especially with Wolverine in training mode.
Anyway, I will now spew out another combo with OTG and wallbounce assists because these are all that I can come up with.
(disc) st. st.:h: xx :d::d:
st.:h: cr.:h: :qcf::l: st.
st.:h: xx :d::d::l: st.
st.:s: sj. j.:h: j.:h: j.:h: :qcf::h: land st.:s: sj. j.:h: j.:h: j.:h: j.:s: land OTG assist :d::d:
:qcf:[:l:] f.:h: :h: Wallbounce assist :h: :h: delay :qcf:[:l:] :qcf::atk::atk:
700k+ and 75% meter gain, woo!
Have a Combo Happy Christmas all you ‘god’ lovers.
Goddess and yes
Here’s a little something I don’t think I’ve seen before. Ammy combo w/ 5 Okami Shuffles and no character exchanging but does use a couple exploits. This is completely for show due to the unrealistic requirements (though everything up until the X-factor cancel could be doable in a match) but it does open up some ideas to extending Ammy combos using rebounce reset trick and TAC glitch. There’s still like a zillion ways to do TAC glitch-esqe stuff using assists, air stance change, x-factor, etc., you just have to be a bit more creative. Happy new years Amaterasu users!
edit. wrong thread
i was wondering if some1 could help me
:d::h:, :qcf: :l:, s:m:, s:h:
im having trouble connecting the s:m:, i get it 50% of the time but when i do the opponent recovers so the s:h: doesn’t connect, help please?
mainly the s:m:
Me too, I seemingly can’t get the timing of s.M down right after… …and also that bad habit of using c.M instead of s.M…
I’ve noticed this in multiple games, particularly in Guilty Gear and MvC3 but if you do a move that sweeps the opponent and causes a knockdown like Ammy’s c.:h: in glaive mode, the follow up depends on the animation from the previous hit. For example:
If you do s., s.:h:, c.:h:, :qcf: :l:, then it is much easier to connect with a s.
If you do something like c.:l:, c., c.:h:, :qcf: :l:, then it is very hard or impossible to connect a s.
afterwards so instead you have to go for a s.:l:
The difference is the move you do before the sweep. In the first combo you do a s.:h: before the c.:h: while in the second combo you do a c. before the c.:h:. c.
and s.:h: cause 2 different types of hitstun animations I believe which influences the timing in which the c.:h: hits . Other factors include the characters weight. Even if you do the first combo some characters are just really hard to connect a s.
after the :qcf: :l:. You have to use a s.:l: regardless.
Ehm. Sorry, no. What is happening has absolutely nothing to do with what animation they’re in when swept. The sweep will always knock them to the same height (unless they’re in the air already). That is not the variable. The variable is the spacing. :h: :d::h: pushes them out a great deal more than :d::l: :d:
:d::h:. What does this mean? It means :qcf::l: hits them later than it does if you do it while closer to the opponent. They don’t have much time to fall between the different times they can be hit, they’re mostly about level, so this doesn’t terribly affect the amount of time it takes to hit the ground after they’re hit by Thunder Edge. But hitting later means you recover sooner after the hit, so you have extra frames to hit the button before they hit the ground if you hit with it towards the end of the active frames versus towards the beginning.
That’s all that is.