Kibbles n' Bits: The Amaterasu Combo Thread

Also, alot of Ammy Task tech that I’m going to steal :3

Ok so I spent sometime practicing and you guys were right, the tk okami shuffle is a hell of a lot easier than i thought. On the flip side, the glaive Bnb is just impossible, I still can’t hit the st./cr./:l:/:m: after the :qcf: :l:, and on top of that, the few times I get the link, I launch into :m: :qcf: :h: and the head charge whiffs every single time. I tried delaying the head charge, tried adding an extra :m:, nothing seemed to work, the head charge just refused to connect.

The most frustrating part is I have no idea what Im doing wrong, in most combos I can always tell what Im doing wrong and the issue is just making a mental note to stop making that mistake, but in this case I have no idea whats wrong. Gosh this combo is taking so much to get, the day Im finally consistent with it it’ll truly feel like an accomplishment.

What are you doing as a glaive BnB?
sM, sH, cH, QCF+L, sM, sH, cH, QCF+L, sM, S should work no problem once you spend a few minutes on getting the timing. I’m wondering if maybe the problem is that you’re trying to get a sL/cL in there.

Well I am trying to get a couple lights in there, the exact bnb I go for is cr. :l: cr. :m: cr. :h: :qcf: :l: st. :l: :s: jc :m: :qcf: :h: etc… I start it with a cr. :l: because its faster and easier to open people up with and I go for the :L: after the :qcf: :l: because I thought it would be easier to link.

It’s bizarre because it’s not necessarily easier to link one or the other. Basically you either have to link the :m: as soon as they fall or the :l: just before they hit the ground. It’s a pick your poison kind of deal and you might as well pick the one that does more damage imo. Or pick the one that you find easier, obviously.

Might as well just start practicing the :m: since it does more damage and its not like I’ve been hitting the :L: consistently. Any idea why my head charge keeps whiffing?

Not true. There are situations where you need to use cr.l instead of st.l, and situations where you need to use st.l instead of st.m. After crossups usually you need to use cr.l to continue the combo. In the string cr.l cr.m cr.h thunder edge you need to use st.l because of the speed. The reason you have to use st.l in that situation comes down to spacing. If you’re near full range cr.h xx thunder edge the thunder edge will hit slightly meaty giving you better recovery letting you hit with st.m.

Of course none of this applies to really floaty characters like aurthur. And characters like zero tend to favor the st.l.

Wow, and here I thought this shit couldn’t get more complicated. Oh well least I got something to practice over the christmas holiday. So just for the record, after a cross up go for cr. :l:, during the block string go for st. :l: and when I hit the thunder edge from full screen go for st. :m:?

It all depends on their height, because st.:l:, cr.:l:, st.:m:, and cr.:m: all hit slightly different spots.
I’ve found st.:m: to be the one used most often in UMvC3, because characters float a bit higher for some reason.

Okay after just hitting the lab a little bit I rescind my earlier statement. You can go cr.:l: cr.:m: cr.:h: thunder edge st.:m:. But yeah, it’s mostly about their height and distance away from you. Some of it is character specific due to individual character floatyness and hitboxes like I touched on in my earlier post. Like dr.strange you need to do a cr.:l: every time if you do st.m st.:h: cr.:h: thunder edge(except corner) and st.:l: if you do cr.:l: cr.:m: cr.:h: thunder edge(I just figured this out). On characters with normal floatyness as long as you pay attention to the height and distance it should be pretty clear which one you need to do in the spur of the moment. I should mention though that with the cross-up thing it’s only if you’re doing a solar flare crossup and doing a stance change combo into the thunder edge bnb. If it’s just a glaive :h: cross-up or w/e you’re cool to do a st.:m:. I didn’t mention that because I’m just so used to stance changing and never thought to ask myself what would happen if I didn’t stance change lol.

I think that covers it. If you have more questions don’t be afraid to ask I might have overlooked something.

Yeah I was actually just noticing this.

Aight ill run with st. :m: while Im learning and then once I get it down consistently ill learn the situations for all the others.

I’m quite happy with :l: as my default followup there. It’s not damaging but it’s highly consistent and works for all my purposes in the vast majority of situations.

Also: I have a new avatar. It is the most adorable. A fan drew it for me.

So has anybody been messing around with ammy combos after a TAC? Air stance changes have given a big buff in this department since she no longer has to be in glaive when she comes in to do anything worthwhile. I’ve got a couple of different variations depending on if you are or are not coming in with glaive and which direction you are stance changing into.

First off combo’s with no stance changes

Down exchange: (glaive) Fully charged j.:h: x2 (land) fully charged :l: thunder edge
Side exchange: (glaive) Fully charged j.:h: x2
Up exchange: (glaive) Air dash Immediately canceled into Fully charged j.:h: x2 (land) fully charged :l: thunder edge

With stance changes

Down exchange: stance change to glaive immediately, slightly delayed Fully charged :h: (land) Fully charged :l: thunder edge
Side exchange: stance change to glaive immediately, Fully charged :h: > air dash immediately canceled into another fully charged j.:h: (land) Fully charged :l: thunder edge
Up exchange: stance change to glaive immediately, Delayed fully charged j.:h: x2 > Fully charged :l: thunder edge

*The airdash in the up exchange no stance change combo is to stop your upward momentum so you fall down faster so you can get the charged :l: thunder edge
*The airdash in the side exchange stance change combo is to stop your falling momentum so you can get that second charged j.:h:

Has anyone been able to pull off Launcher to Paper to Okami Shuffle?? I can’t seem to do it at all anymore.

I think I heard its not possible anymore, but Im not entirely sure.

For a couple reasons. One, it’d be harder, due to changes to launcher launch speed. Two, they also added hitstun decay to paper, a change I am no fond of, and that just straight up ruins it.

Hey Stark, is there any chance of you annotating some of your Ammy/Spencer combos? :slight_smile: I’m new to Marvel and I’m liking those two but trying to figure out exactly what’s happening in each video would be so hard for me right now. If they are already posted somewhere and I missed them I’m incredibly sorry. Thank you so much for the work you put in to all of those videos though, those along with your recommendation in the team thread are getting me to pick him up on my team.

Ok so I decided to learn me some wolf, her combos are so sweet looking and I love the possibility’s with the Moon/slow super coupled with Dormammu and Strider. Im thinking about learning these 3 combos, for starter B&B I was wondering are these 3 combos below still good or are they outdated?

Nice to see more new recruits, this vid [media=youtube]iAhcwdZSOL8[/media] has pretty much every ammy combo you wanna know at the moment. Learn the first, third and forth combos, they are, at the moment, the most damaging combos for each of her 3 stances.