Hey guys, new to this game so if this is already known then I apologize but I don’t think I’ve seen anything on it yet, but if it’s known then please disregard all of this. :oops: Basically it’s the return of the TAC glitch but with more restrictions and much harder to do. Again, this is breakable if the opponent guesses which direction TAC you do correctly.
Turn on captions for more specific descriptions. Sorry for shitty quality it’s the only thing I have available.
Like old TAC glitch, you need to be in glaive mode and whiff your TAC after j.:df::h:. To do so is very hard on most characters and requires really strict timing on each of the hits leading to the TAC. It really does depend mostly on what character you do it on. I find it’s retarded easy on short characters like Rocket Raccoon and Ammy where you can just mash each hit up to the TAC and it’ll work and it’s not too hard with correct timing on characters like Haggar, Akuma, Storm, and Nova. Other characters like Phoenix Wright and Ryu I have a real tough time getting it on.
So basically your j.:df::h: hits them down and bounces them back up into the explosion of the cherry bomb created from Ammy’s TAC, which means you need a free ground bounce. It also can probably only be done in the corner. Depending on which direction you input for your TAC the explosion will blast them different. Down will ground bounce and give you the most time untechable time, side will wall bounce and give you slightly less untechable time, and up will blow them up and gives you the least amount of untechable time. Down can be followed with basically anything which makes it pretty awesome in scaled combos where glaive j. j.:qcf::h: doesn’t work anymore.
You can also reproduce this with the new air X-Factor which is much easier than timing it correctly. You just have to do the :s: j.:df::h::s: part as fast as you can then X-Factor before the cherry bomb hits the opponent.
The final part I show in the vid is something I got on accident while recording but you can have your TAC partner whiff their move on entry and then follow it up with stuff. It’s really weird and requires the right TAC partner on the right opponent, which may only be Rocket Raccoon since he’s so damn small.
Lastly, this is probably known since it should have been in since vanilla and probably didn’t have a use until now, but you can also delay your timings so that the TAC cherry bomb whiffs completely and you’ll just land while the opponent bounces from j.:df::h: and you can follow it up with like :f::h: etc.
I did that Exploit by accident, But didn’t combo after it because it wasn’t what I wanted to do. But I didn’t know you could continue a combo from it. Just thought of it as me messing up my inputs as usual.
I am not sure about double posting but here goes. It’s probably been done before, and I wasn’t going to upload this but since I did it in an Online Match I may as well. Rosary isn’t all useless, it can be stylish too.
“M-S, sj.H-QCF+H, air.H, Land, Dash Forward, S, sj.H xx QCF+AtkAtk”
I haven’t seen anybody do something like these yet. I’m hoping that if I get these out you guys can help me get something more concrete.
This does just as much damage as a regular reflector x6 combos involving ground bounces and it’s pretty easy and definitely practical. I’m actually liking it more because they’ve messed with the way her combos feel and I’ve been wiffing the groundbounce head charge a bit.
This is a relaunch combo without using the ground bounce. However it’s much less practical. Maybe we can make something out of this.
That looks very stylish. I was expecting her new combos to look a lot like that. I’ll see if we can’t squeeze some extra damage or more meter building into those combos with assists or something.
Glaive: midscreen forward air throw, air dash j.:df::h: :d::d::l: land :h: :d::d::h:c.:h::qcf::l:, :s: Shuffle (~430k)
Works from pretty much any height. If Ammy’s in another stance, you can try weapon changing after the air throw. Back throws don’t work well because Ammy’s a rebel and loves to air dash in the wrong direction.
Also, I played in my first Marvel tournament. Conclusion: best of one matches are stupid.
I actually came up with that the other night, nice to see that other people are on the same track as me. The back throw thing happened to me once but after that it never happened again. You might try plinking a df.:H: into the air dash to change the air dash direction just in case. As for weapon changing after the throw, I couldn’t get it to work well for me. But maybe I just wasn’t doing it right.
Im in need of some execution tips on two of ammys combos. First off the disc Bnb with the jump cancelled okami shuffle, I can’t seem to land that shit consistently at all, but my main issue right now in terms of combos is ammy’s glaive BnB’s, any of them at all. I can’t get the or :l: link after the :qcf: :l: consistently. The Bnb I go for is [cr. :l: :h: :qcf: :l:] x 2 :s: j. :df: :h: :qcf: :s: I realize this isn’t optimal but its all I can hit marginally consistently. Should I just drop it and practice the cr. :l: st. :h: cr. :h: :qcf: :l: :s: j. :qcf: :h: charge :h: qcf :l:(charge) st. :h: cr. :h: :qcf: :l: okami shuffle instead since that does more damage anyway?
I remember having trouble with it too until I re-read the actual combo transcript in the guide back in Vanilla. You can squeeze out more damage if you start with cr.M st. H cr. H -> QCF + L -> st. LMH. but I’m too much of a bum to change habits and my Ammy tends to get into face-to-face staredowns often where the 3 frame c. L is better.
As for the disc, you either TK the OS or just jump and do OS immediately. With the HSD clock getting tighter, TK’ing OS is more reliable I think but I don’t spend meter often as I do in Vanilla.
It’s easy to TK Okami shuffle After Launcher. I just do… ":qcf::uf::u:+AtkAtk "
And for Glaive, I still do “M-H-cr.H-QCF+L, M-Etc.” To connect the medium now, you have to be closer to your opponent when starting this string, so I’ve found out.
Yes the combo is much more character and spacing dependent now. Not so much where it’s unreliable though. You just have to adjust your combos slightly. Instead of a standing light or medium try a crouching light into medium. See if that doesn’t fix your problems.
Thanks for all the feedback, ill try to practice all this stuff this weekend. The tk okami shuffle shouldn’t take too long to learn, but the ammy combo might take me quite a few tries to ingrain into my muscle memory.
Finally got around to figuring out my BnBs last night. I might replace these, but for now they’re reliable for me.
Reflector start: =>:h: =>:f::h:x5 =>:s: =>j:m: =>j:h:x3 =>:d::d: =>:m: =>:df::h: =>:qcf::s: =>:qcf::atk::atk:
560k, ends in glaive, so you could :df::h: =>:qcf::atk::atk: again. I’m sure I’ll end up updating that to get more air action in, but the above is very forgiving.
Glaive start: =>:h: =>:d::h: =>:qcf::l: =>:l: =>:m: =>:h: =>:qcf::l: =>:m: =>:s: =>j:m: =>j:m: => :df::h: =>:qcf::s: =>:qcf::atk::atk:
600k. Feels the same as in vanilla.
Haven’t messed with assists too much. I can definitely feel the nerfs to her normals, but air weapon switching is pretty significant. Also glaive charged :df::h: into immediate weapon switch is hilarious
Connecting the medium feels the same as in vanilla: extremely strict. Try adding the :l:, it seems huge to me.
Also, I can’t for the life of me figure out why I can’t do that combo on Nemesis. I like his music during training so he’s usually getting beat up. When I tried it on Wolverine or RR, it works just fine. Maybe Nemesis’s gravity is really high. It’s weird.
Works fine for me, but one thing I noticed is it didn’t look quite right, visual cues are might be misleading with Nemesis. Maybe practice it with your eyes closed to make sure you get the timing as you would on any other character?