Still doing high damage I see. Eventually I’ll find out a 1mil Duo for myself.
[ 0:32 ] That was my Vanilla BnB, my favorite combo. It now of course builds slightly less bar as It used to build exactly 1 bar. But Yes, on it’s own it was the most damaging I had found.
“M-H-cr.H-QCF+L, M-S, sj.M-QCF+H, air.H(Charged), QCF+L(Charged), H-cr.H-QCF+L xx QCF+AtkAtk(Okami shuffle)”
[ 0:48 ] The whip is a picky weapon since adding H at the start makes it do less damage. The same happens when trying to extend the combo a little when just using the Rosary alone. So yes, when just using this it’s probably the best for damage output in this stance.
“M-S, sj.M-M-H-QCF+H, air.H, QCF+M xx QCF+AtkAtk(Okami Shuffle)”
The timing is different, yes. But I’ve already gotten used to it. For the Solar Flare, I always did “M-H-H-H” after a Launch, which still works.
Hey guys I saw some people taking about Ammy/Frank west in the Team thread so I thought i’d offer up what i’d found.
DHC’ing Ammy with Frank can lead to a lvl 4 Frank for 1 meter, (the combo builds 1) Although I’m using Doom Beam assist, I’m sure others will work aswell:
Timing the DHC is a ltitle tricky at first, but I find its best to do it as soon as the finial lightning strikes and the opponent is just below ammy, this well ensure Frank will whiff. Does approx 470k damage, which is kinda lame for 2 bars, but this ensures you don’t have to use low level Frank at all.
Does anyone one know If amaterasu’s reflector counter still works. I did not know how to do it in vanilla but I am trying to learn it in ultimate. After I do the QCF S I cant seem to land the St M
Hey guys im pretty new to Marvel and i really want to pick up Ammy as one of my characters, are the BnB’s in the first page still viable in this version of Marvel? Sorry if this isnt the right thread to ask. Thanks.
Can’t she just cancel into the head charge move? I mean it ground bounces right so that a free combo no matter where you hit the opponent. On a side note, is it me or can ammy not longer follow up a ground throw with an okami shuffle?
Okay, I apologize for the flurry of posts but I can see that revamping this thread is going to be a greater endeavor than I expected.
A lot of tweaks and fixes have already been made to the thread, especially the original post. But there are tons of mistakes still lingering so I’d appreciate any and all assistance in identifying these.
Also, damage/meter values for combos might be different now (especially meter values). Updating these would be nice, but it’s not a priority as of now.
Thanks guys.
Can anyone give me tips on doing the glaive combo that involves j.QCF H, charged j.H, charged QCF L?
The ground bounce doesn’t seem to give me nearly enough time for the charged QCF L. Is it not supposed to be fully charged, or am I missing something here?
I don’t know what issues your facing, but wouldn’t it be easier to just make a new combo thread anyway? I mean ammy isn’t exactly the most versatile when it comes to combos so your really only gonna need to transfer over like 5 or 6 combos right?
If you hit with Reflector j.:h:, sure. Glaive normals are less obvious; head charge after j. doesn’t work without the launcher.
Combos that I use:
Off Glaive j.: j. j.:df::h: j.:d::d::l: land :h:c.:h::f:+:h::s: Shuffle
Off Glaive falling j.:h:: j.:h: land :h:c.:h::qcf::l:, :s: sj:u: j.:s: j.:df::h: j.:d::d::l: land c.:h::f:+:h::s: Shuffle