Kibbles n' Bits: The Amaterasu Combo Thread

Thinking about doing a short 3-4 minute long Combo Video for Amaterasu in Ultimate…

Will be doing weapon change combos(simple or complex, depending o what my fingers can handle), assist combos(with whatever my team will be). Pretty much whatever I can think of including aerial weapon change combos if it will work well in combos.

Do I have anyone’s support on this, or should I just leave it to someone who may be better suited.

Nah man Im right behind you, have like a section for each weapon, assist combos, combos using cold star as an assist. Im definitely completely behind such an endeavor, our girl got overlooked in vanilla and Im looking to rectify that in ultimate so videos like that will be greatly appreciated.

I’d say go for it. If anything you may wanna some certain people your progress for suggestions. Might be worth letting a few people see it early if its ends up being front page material. You just gotta do it before Ultimate comes out.

The point is to do it in Ultimate.

I’d definitely give it your best shot early. Anything creative that you can get out there early will be good, even if they’re considered sub-par combos a couple of months into Ultimate’s release.


An example, I guess. Laziness held me off from posting this :\

Im doing the same thing. I have a ton of Weapon Switch Air combos in my head

Can we start a new UMvC3 thread for Ammy?
Somebody who has UMvC3 combos to post should do it.


I don’t know. You people make the thread discussions yourself, I’ll just post in them. Although I am about half way through making a simple Combo video for Ultimate Ammy right now.

Ammy’s Mission Mode.

Looks like they made her trials hella easier, I counted only one stance change combo. Kinda underwhelming though, was hoping what with 9 months of data to go with they woulda attempted to make the combos more practical. Plus why no whip combos at all?

Anyway, yea we should spruce up this forum in anticipation of ammy taking over umvc 3’s tier list. Ill gladly make the video thread since Im a glorified stream monster and there isn’t a lot of footage that gets by me.

They left the Whip combos for me to figure out. There are a few that I’ve done, stylish, but obviously not too damaging depending on what I’m doing… Also, if there is a new thread to be made I suggest; “Master of the Elements”, “Elemental Rage”, “Rage of the Elements”, or “Raging Elements.” That or either use Destruction instead of Rage; “Elemental Destruction”

Her trials look easier… and sexier. 9 and 10 look fun to try.

I said I was going to do it, and here it is. Amaterasu Combo video for Ultimate.


Nice rebooted day 1 combos. Should be a great jumping-off point for new combos in the near future. Her meter gain has me a bit concerned though. Only one of your combos gained a bar or more and that required assists. Resets will definitely be something to think about for UMvC3.

For a moment, I was thinking ‘Rebooted day one combos’ was some kind of insult. Like, Nothing special. But I should probably stop thinking negative about everything.

Yes, the meter gain is worse of course, which makes me a little sad since my favorite Glaive BnB no longer builds exactly 1 bar anymore. But meh… I’ll have to deal with it, or use the more ‘advanced’ combos if I really want Meter that badly.

I can assure you that it is not an insult. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice stuff Vax, I been messing with the console version and it seems my original combo doesnt work like it did at NYCC =/. Gonna see what I’ll be able to do. But might en up switchin her for a different Character.

Was wondering though, the sword combo at 0:32 and whip combo at 0:48, are those the most damage she can get without assists in those stances? I’ve been struggling looking for combos for both stances. If they are think I could maybe get the inputs please?


Amaterasu and Spencer team combos

Anybody notice that the timing on her combos feels a little bit different now?

Doing her normal reflector BnB, I started doing j.MMHH headbutt instead of j.MMHHH headbutt because the headbutt wouldn’t connect. Also, in my glaive BnB (cr.LMH, QCF L, st.LMH, QCF L, st.MS, sj.MMS, OTG, Chop, Super) I would have problems because Ammy would crossup the opponent during the launch, making it hard to get the knockdown j.S.