Kibbles n' Bits: The Amaterasu Combo Thread

Love the video, Stark. Really handy to see the factors that stop the paper and shuffle from connecting. Should definitely make learning the spacing and timing much easier… Even to the point where even a klutz like myself could land it consistently :rofl:.
I’m not sure, but at the end of a glaive combo in the corner, instead of just doing a shuffle, it may be possible to fit Divine Instruments in there. I mean, doing launch, TK HSlash Divine Instruments (no combo beforehand) will work on Ryu, so it could be possible. I think it may just be my shoddy execution… Could anyone confirm/disconfirm that?

does anyone use ammys bloom assist…does it work for u.?..and how do u feel about her umvc3 changes…im about to add her to my team …mag jill…ammy…

I mean it probably works. Divine Instruments is faster than Okami Shuffle.

The only time it’s safe to use bloom is when you’re already comboing your opponent, since Bloom is waaay worse than Dark whatever from Morrigan. But you should be able to find a way to get a Cold Star in most combos, which means metergain plus more damage and possible combo extension. Also this means you have Cold Star for an assist, and Cold Star is fantastic, so

Don’t use Bloom! You could be using Cold Star.

i hear you, but theres a specific reason why i want a meter gain assist n i feel ammys better than morrigan…i call my assist n disrupter at the same time…or magnetic blast n assist at the same time…

I’ll never get tired of seeing my content on the front page.

I hear you, I really do. I used to use Bloom, towards the start of the game. But it’s just not worthwhile. Cold Star is much, much better. You’ll never be perfectly defensible and anything your opponent happens to do that beats disruptor means two dead characters instead of one. If you really, *really *need a metergain assist, go with Dark Harmonizer; Bloom is almost uselessly vulnerable.

I understand, but magneto builds about 2 bars on his own and more importantly you don’t have any assist to, well, assist your offense.

yea your rite morrigans recover faster, im thinking of hsien ko jill morrigan

yea i have to divide my team…i main jill …but ive been playing mag since day 1…so mag jill hsein ko for my main…n hsien ko jill morrigan for my troll team

I did one more test for the Power Slash > Okami Shuffle. It’s just as it was said; “If you can do a Launcher, you can link into Shuffle by TK’ing Power Slash”


Out of curiosity, how are you capturing your video, and how are you editing it? Because I don’t understand why the quality on those videos is so bad.

The only thing I have to record is a Dazzle recorder. Im using the composite cables that came with the 360 to record, and Pinnacle Studio 14 for any edits. I did recently get an HDTV (Finally) but I don’t have anything for high quality recording. Maybe for christmas I can ask for something, I hope.

Just wanted to post and thank everyone for sharing their finds on ammy combos, I have pretty poor execution but I’ve been able to greatly improve my combo potential thanks to everyone’s tips :slight_smile:

Also, wanted to post my completely unoptimized ammy-hulk glaive combo, to share some insight into ammy glaive combos that might be useful.

j.:h: c.:m: c.:h: :s: sj j.:m: j.:qcf::h: j[:h:] land [pause] :m: + Hulk(AAA) :s: sj (straight up) j[:h:] j[:h:] land j[:h:] okami shuffle OR land forward:h: x4

The thing I wanted to mention, was that Hulk’s assist allows Ammy to do her charged glaive bounces from anywhere on the screen, this most likely works for a lot of dp style assists as well. Thought it would be useful to share for ammy players which use an AA assist and want to extend their combos without a wall bounce in their team like Stark.

I don’t know if this combo will still connect in UMVC3, due to assists getting hit stun scaling. Also, if you’re willing to burn x-factor this combo is a non-meter kill combo (use the glaive combo ender) for anyone with <950k health, the x-factor can be activated right before calling the Hulk assist.

I hope this is useful for some people still. Concerning the TK’ed Power Slash to Okami Shuffle; If the combo is too long there is a limit for it to be able to work. From testing I have this to show. I think I’m finished now, till someone finds more tech for me to try out…


Wait, hold on. What happened to that slash at the end of that combo? It just… disappeared…

No idea. Thats why I made the vid to show. I think he recovered before it hit, but recovering animation made Magneto untouchable. So when the paper ‘hit’ him, nothing happened.

Came up with some ammy combos using the assists with my team. Was wondering if this is the best optimization. Also let me know if you guys like my vid or not. Any improvements to my combo would also be much appreciated :slight_smile:


I think you could be doing a bit more damage, with those select assist, in the corner…

After a little trial and error I came up with this. It works with the correct timing. (Total Damage; 700,000-735,000 and builds about 1 1/2 bar from what I tested.)

“M-H-c.H-QCF+L, M-H-(Phoenix Assist)-QCF+L, S, sj.QCF+H, H(Charged), QCF+L(Charged), f+HHHH-(Zero Assist)-QCF+AtkAtk(Okami Shuffle)”

Might do a video later.

please do. That would help so much :wink:

Here is the visual of the combo. It’s easier to do in the corner, and is still possible even without Phoenix. If you burn another bar to DHC into Zero’s Hyper, you get up to 900,000 Damage.


O wow thanks alot. Going to try this in training mode. That’s awesome man (: