Kibbles n' Bits: The Amaterasu Combo Thread

Can we get the notation on that? I use sent as anchor.

Eww!! MastaCJ got dog combos? He really is set on learning Ammy/Storm/Sent. My friend said that CJ told him his Dormammu team got boring and he liked this more but damn… he crossed over to the dog side.

Looks like CJ has downloaded MarlinPie for the most part.

I hate it when the double stance change (glitch?) happens :(. @ 2:55

New to this forum; Joined to receive feedback for once on the combos I upload to my channel. It’s nothing awe-inspiring, but It’s something to watch. I have other videos as well.


Nice combos. They give me some ideas for some combos that I should be doing.

Yea I particularly like the reset video, has some nice resets in there, some are old but I don’t think we have had a video that compiles all the known glaive resets in one video.

I just uploaded a new video. Here it is. I would like to think that is a pretty stylish Ammy combo, right?


Instead of another charged j.:h: > Glaive Chop > Okami Shuffle, a charged Thunder Edge (L) > Okami Shuffle would scale slightly less and deal quite a bit more.


I came into the picture with MvC3. I had MvC1 as a kid, but I was a kid. I don’t have the best execution at all for this, and the f+HHHH and assist is the most difficult thing for me to properly link. I don’t think I could time that in correctly personally. But even so, I didn’t even know it would be enough time to put that in and connect.

Edit: Okay, so I guess 45 minutes of me trying to learn then record that combo helped me a lot, Your input does work after all, and it’s pretty easy to do, too since I got in on the 3rd try. Well that’s neat, I was wondering how I could fit a Charged QCF+L in there…

How about two charged :qcf::l:s?


I don’t know if this was known already, but paper to Okami Shuffle combos even with hitstun deterioration. j.236H j.[H] 236[L] 5H 2H 214L Okami Shuffle works midscreen without an assist. It’s surprisingly difficult given how inputs work…

You can add a paper after 236[L] for a bit of extra damage in assist-extended combos (when S to Okami Shuffle whiffs).

I was really doubtful of this, but actually, paper will even combo at the end of the deteriorated Glaive BnBs. It’s just that elements have to be on the way out just as the paper connects; late in a combo, that deterioration requires the paper to be canceled so very early. Actually, initially, I was getting Mist instead of Elements. :amazed: Solved by just doing 41236 :atk::atk:, though.

Concerning damage, the paper slash instead of uncharged :l:Thunder Edge will cut off around 5k - If you had an assist handy, I’d still recommend putting it out, though (it’s what I currently do to make paper slash combo to elements at the moment). I 'spose this is handy knowledge for when you’re caught too far away to land the uncharged edge, but considering just how tight the cancel is, and that in Ultimate it’s easier to combo a charged :l:Thunder Edge to :h: c:h::l:Thunder Edge assistless, I couldn’t risk it in a match situation. I don’t think my terrible execution could handle it. :sweat:

Either way, nice observation. It’s nice to know.

Huh… Well I guess you like the thought behind the combo since you did that much with it. Those little changes do make it a little more stylish.

Edit: oh wait, I’ve seen you before. ;_;
Im already subbed to your youtube, I liked the Spencer/Task/Ammy combos you’ve done. Well now I feel just slightly honored.

Hahaha no fair. I had been working on that same thing, and was planning on making a video about it! Which I still will do, mind.

My trick to make the input work is to do :qcb:, wait a bit, :l::hcf::m:+:h:, flushing the qcb from the input buffer before I get around to doing OS.

Edit: [media=youtube]z-7c229seT8[/media]

Unedited footage to tide people over until I get around to detailing any more

Glaive combo with Zero’s DP assist in the corner:
c.:l: c.:m: c.:h: :qcf::l:, :l::s: sj j.:qcf::h: j.[:h:] land :qcf:[:l:], c.:h:{:s:+:a1:} sj:u: j.:m: j.[:h:] j.[:h:] land :qcf:[:l:], c.:h::s: TK :qcb::h: Shuffle
~700-725k damage

The ender probably doesn’t work on everyone (I only tested a few medium-sized characters). No vid, though :\

:s: :qcb::ub::h: :qcf::atk::atk:…? Oh. Oh.

I knew about the powerslash shuffle link, yeah. But this. This. This is an way to connect to shuffle pretty much no matter what… My longest, most scaled combos can still validly end in this. This is amazing.

You say it probably doesn’t work on everyone, but it worked on everyone I tested…

Alright, Yet another video. It took me long enough to figure out I could do these things, sheesh.


Sounds very appealing indeed. As nice as I see it being in my head, I’m managing to get mine my slashes to whiff completely after the launch (not that the slash comes out under them, but they end up too far away and it whiffs). I 'spose it’s just a simple matter of spacing, but it’d be helpful if someone could get a video of this so I can understand the set up and get it to land. I’m still stunned that paper combos into elements anyway. :rofl: If I can get this little ender does land consistently, I’ll be pretty excited. It’s something that could be done in any stance and not just glaive.

Speaking of which


Huh… So that’s what you people were talking about. the more you know.

Edit; Stark, do you use an Arcade Stick? It doesn’t matter since I use a normal basic 360 controller and Have done this a few times now after 10 minutes of getting the timing, but I’m just curious.

Edit 2; I got it into a combo… But when you are messing up the weapon change at the beginning of the combo over and over, that is when you know your hands are screaming to take a break.