? Karas 101 - Yurine will guide you to victory

Well, on one hand, Souki has a harder time than everyone else in the game when it comes down to opening your opponent up, and his only solid defensive tools are his normal anti-airs. Sure, if you have 3 bars, your opponent doesn’t have atleast 2, and you have baroque, then yeah, you can put your opponent in one hell of an infinite. The only problem I see is that Souki can be so easily zoned, and so easily rushed-down in comparison to the majority of the cast that it’s rarely the case where he has more bar then the opponent. All of these variable combine to create a situation that’s otherwise unlikely, not impossible, but unlikely. So, suffice to say, if the stars aline themselves and the Saki player takes initiative, then yeah, he deserves the win, because at the end of the day this is all he’s got, for now at least.

Edit: I think the Souki and Karas threads are merging…

It actually is not easy to rush Souki down, at all. His biggest strength is in punishing you with his insane range off of advance guard.

You beat souki when you just turtle, cause he has zero mixup.

Well, I haven’t played any particularly good Souki players, so I’ll take your word in that respect.

your not really understanding what im trying to portray. so ill just drop it. i dont like arguments for no reason, especially when it will prove nothing. its not like if we were able to play each other, which we cant, so this is meaningless.

It’s funny how ever since the infinite came out people are trying to downplay Souki as if it’s impossible for Souki (against a good player) to have level 3 while his opponent has less than level 2.

The funny thing is, I’ve been in the situation numerous times vs my main sparring partner…and no he’s no n00b, we go back and forth _

But yah…Souki sucks, no way he can even reach level 3 lmao.

Ok this following post will most likely sound very noobish, (well, im new to competetive 2D fighters), but which directions are used for 1,2,3,4, etc…

I tried to figure it out by looking at posts in this thread that listed supers with numbers and comparing them with the arrows, but there seems to be either an error or something… for example somone may say 214, but according to other posts it should be 234… unless the numbers have nothing to do with the input?

Any help would be great. Sorry if this is the wrong thread to post this in.

And also, what is that standard combo that I always see with Karas in vids? He starts out with kicks/punches interchangably at the start (of course), then he slashes like 3 times, does this dashing move, then after like 1 second (which somehow the opponent is still stunned) he continues the combo with 3 more hits, and then launches into some kicks and does a spiral special attack thing ( which is Z + atk, i know that).

Thanks again in advance!

Iight Say you have a 8 way d-pad The number input starts from the down/left direction so here it is

1 = down/left 4 = left 7 = up/left
2 = down 5 = Nuetral (or Standing) 8 = up
3 = down/right 6 = right 9 = up/right

Interesting…Yingyay has already answered the other question rather terribly I must say

… but the basic combo is usually either gonna start with 5A or 2A, 2A is preferred because sometimes people forget to block low and it has more range…

After that it’s basically 5B,2B,C (both hits) to 4-6B (his charge move).

From there you can either go into the infinite or continue into whatever other combo fits the situation. I won’t go into those since I know judging from your posts they will go wayyy over your head, no offense.

Nah it’s cool, I like know what characters can do. I played Souki for a bit and just didn’t like how he played. I don’t think he can hold up to Karas at all. He does fine vs the rest of the cast but yeah. Playing against Karas as Souki and playing as Karas fighting Souki, I just don’t see him winning that matchup all that often. He can do it but it’s much in Karas’s favor.

yup, just look at your num pad on your keyboard(if you are on a desktop with a traditional style keyboard)

Ok thanks Yingyay :slight_smile:

@silven: no offense taken, I’ve played these fighters before but only casually :). Thanks for the combo :).

@Ken: lol i was wondering why the numbers were arranged so wierdly, i thought they’d be arranged in a simple circle.

@silven XP—
@Yoshi: No prob
@Ken: Man i jus woke up so watever looked right in my head looked right on the comp lol


at 53 look at that unblockable setup. That should be Bnb combo right there. Good match all around comeback after comeback. Who are these two anyways cant find better matches anywhere else.

That was a gud double bbq setup, i theorize that he may be able to loop that combo aat 53 at least once more.

Yeah he should be able to loop it until he doesn’t have megacrash meters or they crash out.

That was a pretty nice setup. I’ma steal that actually. Makes the megacrash stuff a lot more useful.

I used this loop at a tournament to win it.


Here’s a vid where my opponent used a counter-super to stop/kill me… but it was too late

With cass’s assist it seems a lil more escapable then with ryu’s but good stuff none the less. Its nice to see kara/cass win a tourney cause thats my team.

Man I feel like a scrub for asking this but uhhhh…

How do you infinite Karas? I thought I could but they always bust out randomly without me changing the timing, or half the time it just doesn’t work for some reason. Is there a trick / setup?

Edit: wtf I remember infiniting Karas on the left side the other day in a real match and now I can’t do it in training mode. Does it have something to do with what side you start on?

edit2: Yes it does, when starting as 2P you can only infinite him on the left side and vice versa for 1P. That’s weird as hell. Still having trouble timing it when starting in the corner though.

edit3: Answering my own questions. When Karas is in the corner you can do whatever combo into dash j.A j.B land 5AAA 5B 5C 46C delay 1C into infinite.

that was SEXY nice loop gonna try to use it more :3