Dude, this is a glitch. A move that does not hit OTG is hitting OTG anyway, and the character being hit is not moving away from the attacker with each strike AT ALL.
About Joe’s infinite - has anyone seen anyone win a match with this yet?
About winning with ‘one combo’ - you have two characters, so one combo, at best, can only take you down to 50%.
I don’t think I’ve even seen anyone do Joe’s infinite in a match, much less win one with it…
As dumb as it is to have an inescapable 2A infinite, it is not worth banning.
Yourmother and I started talking about this a little yesterday in PM’s. He thinks it can be done with other characters aswell, but I’m not seeing it happen. I tried it with other supers that do hit OTG (Casshern’s geyser, Roll’s sweep, Yatterwan) and could never get the ‘glitch’ to happen where they are pinned OTG like with Karas’. I also tried it with supers that have a hitbox that would intersect a downed opponent, but do not normally hit OTG (Ryu’s shinku, Chun’s kikousho, Ken’s DP super). Still no luck
I think there is something weird about Karas’ super that is, one: allowing the OTG property to transfer to it, and two: allowing the ‘glitched’ OTG property to then transfer to Oni Magic>Isen>BBQ 2A
Could just be me mistiming it, or maybe a different timing is needed… In theory it makes sense that it could work with other characters as well, but I’m just not seeing it in practice.
Edit: Nevermind, seems like I’m wrong. It works with Batsu’s fireball super according to abstyles20.
I agree, its not a glitch. its an exploit. an exploit that used intended properties already there to make it happen. a glitch would be something like freezing the game, making the screen flip(like in smash bros. melee) etc etc.
It is a glitch. The sequence in the infinite should not be producing those results, based on how the engine normally works.
Either way, it’s not very important whether it is or not. The fact is, this does make Souki/Karas dangerous in a new way, so… time to focus on safe Souki rushdown techs, aside from the existing Karas concern.
When i said joe infinite i was talking about his voomerang infinite. But like i said if the infinite aint banned then watever i’ll deal with it. Its just my opinion
Joe’s voomerang infinite is escapable, just like I said. Because you can block immediately after megacrashing, you can just block the next voomerang, pushblock it, then superjump out.
You’re not gonna be doing it after one night of playing. Ever since my advanced Souki video I’ve been practicing this…(not the infinite, I only found it out a few days ago)
My success rate with it is about 80%, ask Yingyay (he plays with me at school) I’ve done it plenty of times. I just don’t bother doing the infinite because it makes the match boring and plus it’s casuals so why bother going hard…
But yah if you actually PRACTICE it, it won’t be hard. Look at my post in the Souki thread if you actually need help on what to focus on for the timing…It’s very very tight but very practical.
I believe it only works in the corner at super close range and after Issen because the opponent is being thrown INTO you. If you do it out in the open (Ie: after Head Splitter) the character gets pushed too far away by the fire for the initial hit from Karas’ QCF special to hit so what ends up happening is it combos but the character becomes airborne…not exactly a bad thing but you won’t get the infinite from it.
For the most part this is generally what happens when I do Souki’s QCF special without the Issen or without a corner.
Well yah…I know you don’t care about this but just saying lol.
Actually just now I hit that combo off of a no-combo qcf super from Souki. I figured you needed the momentum from the issen too, but I guess it’s fine if they’re at the normal landing spot from that super.
This souki/karas infinite is by far the easiest and most fucking broken thing i’ve ever seen. All of queens marvel player did this within 5 mins of me telling them about it. How is this hard in any way? Like if you play any fighting game competitively u should be doing frame links with ur eyes closed. I play guilty gear too so cancelling and comboing something with a frame window is laffles. We started doing this in match just to see how broken it was and turned the game off cause it was disgusting. Is this what I have to look forward to in this game? HnK isn’t this bad. I was having fun with this game and especially Karas but now it’s turned into a game where ur scared to EVER get hit LOL. Poor game didn’t even get past 2 months old before we destroyed it haha. I’m still gonna rape at tourneys and go to SBO quals but this game has alot of room to grow before I can call it fun again.
i know, its worse. i know your post is a bit of an exaggeration, but tvc aint no hnk or mvc2. fact of the matter is, you still at least have more defensive/offensive options than have ever been given in a vs game.
what defense option is there when you call in your character in marvel, and he just gets that snap back, infinite shit to death by mags. where is the option of not dying when you get caught by a short by mags, and its instant death, with not even the possibility of breaking out. same with hnk. rei hits you with one combo, and its dribble death. kenshiro has a basic ass dribble combo to death. blah blah
that souki shit sucks, but this is the game. niggaz have complained, and then just adapted before, so why the fuck all of a sudden you wanna stop adapting now. oh, cause karas can infinite you, cause jun can infinite you, because souki with 3 meters and baroque can infinite you. shut that shit up. you die, you die. just like in marvel, just like in hnk, just like in xvsf, just like in mvc1, etc… you die, you die. vs heads should be the last people complaining. ya’ll should be use to the shit. if tvc never dropped, vs heads would be playing xvsf and mvc2 unitl the fingers bled.
IMO, you have to be a pretty bad player to get caught in that souki infinite. its pretty hard trying to keep 3 meters when karas is rushing you down and forces you to mega crash.
^ Youre assuming youre always gonna fight a Karas (not a bad assumption btw lol). Maybe it wont work on Karas but by the off chance youre fighting someone else who’s not using Karas then wut? Youre also assuming that the person playing Souki doesnt have Karas on his/her team, if so all they had to do is presure someone long enough to gain the meter, find a opening and switch to souki. Block a couple of times and catch em in your comb and there you go, Infinite.
Dude. Magneto can’t do what you think he does. Mags infinite goes to about 50 something hits before undizzy, which I guess can be describde as some sort of automatic megacrash. The only way for Mag to do 100% combos are escapable tempest combos, escapable resets, or maybe if Mag didn’t use Psy to hit you at first he can link a long infinite into an unescapable tempest into some killer DHCs all of which requires a lot of meter (Team Combofiend can actually kill without Psy, using a lot of meter).
As for Soki, whoever followed my posts noticed that I hated every time somebody tried to suggest any bans on TvC. However, running the clock with the use of dedabody infinites is banned on MvC2. Maybe doing the same in TvC, after the kill, may end up banned too. I’d say no to the ban simply because the japanese will probably not ban it, and US players need to be ready for SBO, but in time it may be a good idea, since it is akin to Casshern and Doronjo glicthes in a way.
Alright put it like this…if you ever get hit with 6C to anything from ANY Souki player at lvl.3 or beyond then you have to admit to yourself that you’re a bad player…I mean that’s pretty much what you’re saying since after 6C is basically the point of no return in terms of getting inf’d.