Julia Partner Thread

I play Julia/Asuka with Julia on point.

My general game plan:
Julia is a well rounded character with gd mix ups, gd damage, has an uppercut, 1k health and while she can’t really qualify as a ‘battery’ type, she isn’t a meter reliant character which is great. Her mobility going forward isn’t the greatest so I find her to be a patient build up type and as a result, her come back factor suffers. I feel Julia needs the clock so I put her on point plus the above several reasons.

Asuka on the other hand has pathetic range hence suffers greatly in footsies and her mix ups are really bad. However, she has one of the best block strings in the game IMO and her counter is really good. Her EX anti air is REALLY strong as it’s a grab so it will never trade and scores a hard knock down.

So, as I play patient with Julia going forward, that will need a fair amount of time. By tagging in Asuka, she don’t have to play footsies to get in. Asuka can then keep the pressure on my opponent with her safe, uninterruptible block strings (Outside Alpha Counters). My opponent will find it difficult to keep the offence on as Asuka has her counter and has the meter for anti airs. Most likely, the clock will be running down so my opponents will be forced to go forward more and this is godsend for Asuka as it brings down the footsies game. Not to mention, her command grab sends my opponent flying full screen away if I need it.

Some weaknesses, at least for me, is this team is heavily reliant on conditioning. If I don’t have the clock on my side, then I will have to rely on agility and rush downs , which isn’t really present in this team. 2nd problem is that this team is centred on close range mix ups and pressure so grapplers like geif and zoning characters like Chun are really a pain to fight with.

Decently well. Zoney characters like Guile and Dhalsim will give her trouble, but her cr. LK is hard as hell for a lot of characters to deal with. Once it connects, you can hit confirm into cross rush and start your second character’s oki. She can get past fireballs with wind roll but it’s kinda meh, imo.

I have a feeling that she functions better as the second though, because she gets exponentially better with meter. Her normal DP’s are shitty and lose to throws so it’s easier to put her in a world of pain. However, once she can super, other characters can’t do ANYTHING that’s minus on block or has a 1 frame hole. Getting tagged in also allows her to immediately start with Tiger Strike oki, which is a big plus, or get in range to use her huge amount of frame traps.

My favorite partner with Julia so far is Hwoarang, he does not need to use EX at all so I can save all my meter for switches, supers and EX CADC’s with Julia.


Julia lames it out building meter and then abc’s into Jin. Jin’s combos are really easy to tag Julia back in so things seems to work so far. I’ve noticed I struggle a lot vs Dhalsim and Guile, I might have to go to Cammy or Sagat when I fight them.

I’m really liking Julia vs anyone who wants to rush me down though. Decent DP and an amazing low short.

Like everyone saying Juri/Julia seems like a solid team. I’m debating about Juri, Ken, or Vega.

I heard Vega wasn’t a bad character for Julia. Haven’t really touched the game since I just got it but Julia has always been my Tekken character so she is for sure. Since Viper isn’t in this game and Vega was my second in ae so I would love to heard you guys feedback on Vega.

(I’ve dropped my team for Juri/Julia)

There’s a vega player in GA who uses him incredibly well, he seems like a strong character but I don’t know about how well he would pair with julia specifically. I think the most important things to keep in mind for a partner are:

  1. Do they use a lot of meter? Julia’s super is a complete game-changer so it’s better to pair her with characters that don’t need it as much.
  2. Do they have strong, reliable AA? This is what Julia lacks more than anything else so it’s good to help round it out. Juri’s cr. HP is a ridiculously damaging AA that leads into julia oki for 1 meter, and cr. MP will stuff most of everything else. This is what really pulled me to her.
  3. Do they help cover Julia’s match-up weaknesses? I’d worry about this most with a Vega partner, I think he’s gonna have the same problem match-ups that Julia has.

I’m trying out Law/Julia for now and see how that works out. The two tag well off each other and for minimal meter, it’s easy to get 500 damage. Pretty respectable.

Law’s AA options are what concern me the most but I’ll mess around for a few days to see what works and what doesn’t.

Running Ryu/Julia, like -6.

Here are some combo’s I transcribed from -6 match vids (might have some errors, did this at work):
(Ryu) Jump :hk:, :d: :mk:, :hp:+:hk: (Julia), :f: :hp:, :hp:, :f::d::df: :hk:, :mp:+:mk: (Ryu), jump :hk:, :f::d::df: :hp:, :mp:+:mk: (Julia (corner)), :f: :hp:, :f: :mp: > :mk:, :d::db::b: :hp: (charge)

(Ryu) :f::d::df: :hp:, :mp:+:mk: (Julia), :f: :hp:, :hp:, :f::d::df: :hk:, :mp:+:mk: (Ryu), jump :hk:, :d: :hp:, :d::db::b: :hk:

(Julia) Jump :hk:, :d: :lk: > :mp: > :hp: > :hp: (Ryu), :d: :mp:, :d: :hp:, :d::db::b: :hk:

(Ryu) :d: :lk:, :lp:, :d: :mk:, :hp:+:hk: (Julia), :f: :hp:, :f: :mp: > :mk:, :d::db::b: :hp: (charge)

(Julia) Jump :hk:, :hp:, CADC ~ :f::f: :mp:, :d: :lk:, :mp:, :hp:+:hk: (Ryu), :hp:, CADC, :f::d::df: :hp:, :mp:+:mk: (Julia (corner)), :f: :hp:, :hp:, :f::d::df: :hk:

(Julia) :b: :mp: > :lp:, :d: :lk: > :mp: > :hp: > :hp: (Ryu), :d: :mp:, :d: :hp:, :d::db::b: :hk:

(Ryu) Jump :d::db::b: :hk:, :d: :mk:, :f::d::df: :hp:, :mp:+:mk: (Julia), :f: :hp:, :hp:, :f::d::df: :hk:

Any thoughts on Cole\Julia?

I have been noticing alot of what you said playing my Julia/ Chun team and they sync so well together it is amazing. They both have great footsies as you said and Julia’s DP can help to cover up for Chun’s lack of a good reversal. This post is a great read for a beginner playing this team thanks. I have also thought of using Chun/ Asuka too but you explained that team as well thx

I’ve been doing some thinking and I might switch my team from Ryu/Julia to Ken/Julia. Ken’s hurricane kick leaves the opponent standing, which allows for Julia to come in for a tricky cross up. Also Ken’s shoryuken is easier to combo into and it is safe to tag into unlike Ryu’s. After watching that one episode on UltrachenTV on how to play this game differently, I think this is the right thing to do.
Thoughts, ideas?

The logic seems sound. I did something similar after watching that and switched to Law/Julia and honestly, I like the team alot better than Poison/Julia or Julia/Kuma.

The damage was higher and the mix up potential was there as well. Ken’s Tatsu is very similar to Law’s shaolin kicks so I believe you’re on a good path here. Definitely experiment with the two to see what combos and the damage they’re capable of just to get yourself used to them.

Julia is a great character who does hit like a truck. So far I’ve used:

  • Ibuki: Great character and seems to be more mobile than Julia and has any easier time opening up opponents for her and in return Julia makes for Ibuki’s lack of power.
    -Asuka: Great Battery character who can build some great meter for Julia while in return Julia helps her get in.
    -Ryu: Nothing to say as he seems like a great partner to anyone
    -Hwo: Can open up opponents much better than Julia imo and has great tag off combos for her.

Julia is a great character who does hit like a truck. So far I’ve used:

  • Ibuki: Great character and seems to be more mobile than Julia and has any easier time opening up opponents for her and in return Julia makes for Ibuki’s lack of power.
    -Asuka: Great Battery character who can build some great meter for Julia while in return Julia helps her get in.
    -Ryu: Nothing to say as he seems like a great partner to anyone
    -Hwo: Can open up opponents much better than Julia imo and has great tag off combos for her.

I’m back on the Juri/Julia bandwagon, this time permanently, lol. Out of all the characters I cycled through, this team has been the most successful and dammit, it’s the most enjoyable.

I need to really work on my Julia though, she’s super-basic right now, none of those fancy PC combos yet. XD

I’m having a hard time finding a lot of synergy with Julia and most characters in the game, actually. Which is okay because she’s an absolute beast against most of the cast just by herself thanks to some nifty chains and cancelable normals.

I generally leave Julia in the background and stick anyone on point who could be used as a battery. Someone who builds meter fairly quickly and could produce reasonably solid follow-ups if I have to tag them back in.

Good choices that come to mind are Ken (tatsu FTW), Chun-Li (meter build and fairly good follow up on tag with b.Mk, Mk, jump hp, hp, land hcf+p), Kazuya (who is a beast on his own), and Hugo.

Been using bipson/julia . Seem like a good team, first real team I’ve used which seems to have good synergy. Both hit hard and can compete on their own. Still learning Julia but I do like her so far.

juri/julia was my team on release… got me a 52 win streak in ranked haha yea its really great. i went back to sf4 for a while but now im bout to pick up sfxt again… juri and bob is locked in as my A team…

now im lookin at usin julia again and i really like kuma… but im wondering on who i should use first.

kuma is quietly really good and can handle zoning relatively well but he really benefits from having at least a bar to deal with… julia can run point but i really like her as anchor cause you tag her straight into her mixup… not to mention kumas ground combos do a shit ton but he doesnt capitalize much at all off a tag in…

so i think ill do it kuma/julia

any thoughts?

I’ve done Julia/Kuma before and really my main complaint is that there isn’t a good follow up to a launch tag from Julia to Kuma. I’ve read this is because Julia’s launch is slightly lower than other people’s launcher, so the only attack from Kuma’s that’ll hit are his kicks. I’ve connected st.HK into Frollicking Bear, but not much more afterwards.

Try it out and see how you like it. They’re both good on their own, I just don’t think they work well together.

they really dont, sadly enough… their good synergy (that i could find) begins and ends with julia being able to land cr.mk off a frolicking bear tag out mid screen… i do think kuma on point is the way to go but online this team is just hard to use… its rewarding and fun but easy mode ryu/kaz can just crap all over all your hard work in seconds with no effort

julias out… suppose ill find new a partner for kuma

I also run Ken/Julia. (Hurricane kicks FTW!) I just picked up Julia last night and I’m loving her. My original main team was Hugo/Asuka, but my Asuka is shitty. I have some good combos with Julia, but I’m missing her mixup game. I need to level my Julia up. But this will be my new main team. I haven’t gone online yet. I’ve been practicing and doing the arcade mode on my friends PS3 but the game is mine. Does anyone know any good combos with this team? Mine aren’t that bad, but I need some help. And I do love using her super.