Julia Chang Combo Thread

Well as I pointed out, you can use the negative edge. Which is interesting since Party Crasher doesn’t work on negative edge if you don’t charge dash cancel it. This is clearly an indication that they intended for use to CADC PC, since using the negative edge seems to be hardcoded in.

In the same way, if you simply qcb+MP+HP (hold) f, f+release MP+HP, you get a party crasher.

Try to do it as soon as possible.

Maybe it helps if you explain exactly what the problem is. Isn’t PC coming out? Isn’t it linking?

I guess that the main problem that I spent in the training room too much time with Lng and no enough with Julia

You can use negative edge to get party crasher on a raw dash. Just make sure you are letting go of mp quickly enough.

You’re right, my bad.

For qcb+P CADC PC, I double tap :mp: while my ring finger is still holding the :hp:. Also the motion for the whole thing isn’t quite as fast as other characters because you can dash cancel a charged qcb+P on the13th frame or later (according to v-ryu). If negative edge holds true, you’ll get 4 chances to hit PC if you double tap. The more difficult part I believe is just getting the rhythm of when to dash, since this is slower than some other character’s CADC. Since this is a rhythm thing, you can just chalk it up to practice and familiarity.

I’m still practicing it for sure. Too many times (especially online) do I get Tiger Strike and no CADC PC.

personnally, I do:
qcb+HP (hold) -> ff+MP~LP (plink).

and for the EX? (Still haven’t got a chance to train :oops: )

for negative edge, use the mp in the ex and it’ll work. if you prefer to press the mp explicitly, ex with the lp and hp.

for the EX:
qcb+LP+HP -> ff+MP (timed correctly)
qcb+LP+HP -> ff+MP~LK (plink)

For EX, it’s thumb on LP and ring on HP. Double tap MP. You’ll want to get in the habit of double tapping specials and 2 frame links and above. Leave plinking for 1 frame links. Basically, you have more chances to hit the link with double tap for 2 frame links and above as opposed to plinking.

Also, double tapping carries over to other games whereas plinking is strictly an SF4 engine thing (including SF x T)

just some thoughts here.
i was also pLinking this at first.
but i feel there is some characters where you should not pLink after CADC

after some testing you need to delay the PC to connect two reps. some characters you need to delay on both, some only one and some no delay at all. with nay characters left, it isn’t possible to connect 2 cr.hp x cadc’s (pLink these ofc).

so i think vs. these characters the pLink is pointless unless you want a guaranteed 1-rep combo because your PC will come out first frame anyway because you have delayed it slightly.

it seems you can also tell how far julia has actually gone before the PC, and with some time vs. different characters you should be able to confirm after PC if you are going to do another cr.hp x PC or cr.lk > ender.

so for players who never mess up there pLink this doesnt really matter and you can do it just for habit but if you mess it up every now and then you might as well just go for the safe damage.


yes I understand what you mean.
Because crHP CADC has about 4F of margin. So, you can delay Party Crasher to be closer, and be able to do 2 reps.

BTW, it’s sad.
We are at 1 pixel to connect with 4MP~MP -> crLP. Range is the problem.
If we were 1 pixel closer after 4MP~MP, we could do an infinite xD




Is that like 5 1frame links?

Oh wow these combos are pretty practical, good shit.

Man I guess it would be crazy to ask for the notations… but can we get the notations :D?

Its is one of the comments in the vid:

Transcription: J HK > Standing HK > CR HP > qcb + PP dash cancel elbow ff+mp > F +mk mpmp > wind roll > CHP > qcb + P dash cancel elbow ff+mp x 2 > clk cmp chp chain > qcb + PP dash cancel elbow ff + mp > F +mk mpmp > wind roll > CHP > qcb + P dash cancel elbow ff+mp x 2 > clk cmp chp chain > qcb + PP dash cancel elbow ff + mp > F +mk mpmp > clp clp link b+mp mp > F + HP > CHP > qcb + P

V-Ryu in the house.

A+ to VRyu for the Vid.

It goes by so fast, and the transcript can be a bit over whelming at first. So, I broke it down this way to make it a bit easier to follow ( at least for me). If you break each sequence of moves down into peices you get:

OPENER: J HK > Standing HK > CR HP >

A: Qcb + PP dash cancel elbow ff+mp > F +mk mpmp > wind roll >

B: CHP > qcb + P dash cancel elbow ff+mp >

C: clk cmp chp chain >

D: clp clp link b+mp mp >

E: clp > F + HP > CHP > qcb + P

So, I can more easly see the combo is:

OPENER > ( A> Bx2 > C) x2 > A > D > E