s.LK has the range of a shoto c.MK. That’s why.
c.LP is good inside, but s.LK is great for poking the mid range into a confirm. It out ranges c.LP by a significant amount.
s.LK has the range of a shoto c.MK. That’s why.
c.LP is good inside, but s.LK is great for poking the mid range into a confirm. It out ranges c.LP by a significant amount.
It certainly seems like a good poking tool and you can cancel from it, so there’s that.
What about f.:mk: poking? It’s a bit more risky (-5 on block, -2 on hit), but on CH, you can combo into f.:mp:-:lp: chain into a 300-ish combo
The range on MK is only slightly better. The reason s.LK is so good is that it is +2 on block and confirms into itself easily. Especially if you get a counter hit. So you can go something like this
s.LK > Counter Hit > s.LK > Chain into Launcher or Combo
It is a confirmable poke which is why it is so good. It was literally the reason I started trying Julia was when I was messing around with characters I tried her s.LK and realized how good it was. From that moment I wanted to try the rest of her moves.
From the s.LK range you can frame trap people since most pokes at that range are 5+ frames so when you are +2 on block you will beat the next poke with another s.LK. I’ve caught people pressing buttons all over the place.
Ah, makes sense. Dang, that is good. I’ll have to practice stuff with that now.
It’s stuff like this that make me love Julia.
Sorry haven’t updated in a while, I’m trying some stuff in training mode. (Harder hitting combos with less meter, Frame Traps, Resets and all that.)
[S]cr.LP, cr.LP, b+MP~MP, cr.LK xx qcb+P works. 232 damage.[/S]
cr.LP, cr.LP, cr.HP xx qcb+P (charge dash cancel) f,f+MP, cr.LK xx qcb+P is the way to go. 257 damage.
Red orchid combo:
f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx CADC xx PC, b+MP~MP, cr.LK xx qcb+P 337 damage.
replace b+MP~MP, cr.LK xx qcb+P with cr.MP xx qcb+P if you are lazy and think 6 less damage is an okay trade off for a much easier link (I think it is)
My execution isn’t the best, but technically you can loop like this:
f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx EX CADC xx PC (counterhit) counterhit gives enough frame advantage to connect another f+MK and do the whole thing over again.
f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx EX CADC xx PC (counterhit) f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx CADC xx PC, b+MP, MP, cr.LK xx qcb+P should be well worth the damage I think.
I am abit sleepy atm but how many reps can you get off the first combo you listed?
Me? 0
Someone with better exectuion than me:
f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx EX CADC xx PC (counterhit)
f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx EX CADC xx PC (counterhit)
f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx EX CADC xx PC (counterhit)
f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx CADC xx PC, b+MP, MP, cr.LK xx qcb+P
Should work. So 4 whole reps for 3 bars. I have no idea how much damage it’s gonna do. It probably isn’t worth it.
Watching trags combovid more intently though. I think you should probably also be able to
f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx CADC xx PC, cr.HP EX CADC xx PC
f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx CADC xx PC, cr.HP EX CADC xx PC
f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx CADC xx PC, cr.HP EX CADC xx PC
f+MK, MP, f+P xx LK wind roll, cr.HP xx CADC xx PC, b+MP, MP, cr.LK xx qcb+P
Someone go buy me Desk’s hands and I’ll check out the damage numbers for you guys
i have tested damage and at 10% scaled b+mp is not the best option after PC for ender. more optimisation is also possible with the combo you listed.
currently at from a couple days ago:
627 damage with julia from j.HK without optimisation.
3 bars for EX CADC.
will test more tomorrow to see if i can get more damage.
45+ hits with julia alone (so stylish)
Wow, that is surprisingly good!
i predict:
j.HK -> stHK ->
[crHP CADC -> crHP EX CADC -> MCxWR -> crLP*2] 3 ->
crLP2 -> crHP CADC -> crHP CADC -> boost combo
615 damage, 37 hits.
Could add more hits with stLK instead of crLP
Not really for damage but just for hit confirming purposes:
j.:hk: -> cr.:lp: *2 -> cr:hp: -> EX CADC PC combo
Granted, my execution with the EX CADC PC needs practice. I just need to up my damage when my opponent is too smart to get hit by HCF. :hp:
f+MP and HCF+HP have almost the same animation. But f+MP can be followed by a cancelable low attack :>
Neat! I didn’t know the LK was special cancellable. Nice find.
after a cr.HP do tiger strike but hold it while holding it do party crasher that mean DO NOT do tiger strike with mp you need that for party crasher
Or do do it with MP, and use the negative edge for party crasher. That’s what I do, it’s easy.
cr.HP xx qcb+MP (hold), dash release MP
So I went into the lab and tried to find some combos that I can perform consistently, so, at least for me they’re useful as ‘bnbs’. I’m aware of some more difficult permutations (especially involving the f+MK strings). I feel the f+MK string is a bit too slow, and on block actually has very real mashable gaps to be really useful. Which is too bad, because it looks badass. I’m sorry if I am reposting some combos. But I get the idea people have not been taking the best advantage from the party crasher dash cancels.
Not using move names but just notation, because move names confuse the fuck out of me.
[*]cr.LP, cr.LP, cr.HP xx qcb+P <charge dash cancel>, f,f+MP, cr.LK xx qcb+P 257 damage
Basic hitconfirm off her quick cr.LP’s You pretty much only need to conifrm by the time you reach f,f+MP and you’ll still be at + frames.
obviously instead of qcb+P, you can go into a boost chain.
[*]st.LK, cr.LK xx qcb+P 164 damage
The damage isn’t amazing, but it’s a hard knockdown and it’s off an amazing poke with great range.
[](jump-in attack) cr.HP xx qcb+P <charge dash cancel>, f,f+MP, b+MP, MP, cr.LK xx qcb+P* 322 damage
Best damage off a heavy attack. The link to b+MP can be tricky, it’s important that you cancel the dash into f,f+MP as soon as possible, even then the range is pretty tight. If you’re feeling uncomfortable you can always links into cr.MP xx qcb+P instead for 289 damage. It’s not as glamorous, but it’s consistent and an easy link.
[*]hcf+HP, wait, f+HP, f+MP, MK xx hcf+LK, cr.HP xx qcb+P 403 damage
Slightly worse damage than the combo mentioned in the bradygames guide off an overhead, but this combo is MUCH easier.
1 stock
[*]cr.lk > cr.MK > cr.HP x qcb+PP <charge dash cancel>, f,f+MP, cr.HP xx qcb+P 293 damage
Not the best combo off a low hitconfirm, but a very easy link and leads into hard knockdown. If you feel like doing 1-frame links to squeeze out a bit more damage, go into f+MK, P, f+P xx hcf+K, cr.HP xx qcb+P <charge dash cancel>, f,f+MP, cr.LK xx qcb+P (or something similar). Sure it’s more damage but it’s also 2 1 frame links, and the scaling will have knocked in big time by then.
2 stock
[*]cr.LP, cr.LP, cr.HP xx qcb+P <charge dash cancel>, f,f+MP, qcb+PPP 389 damage
Basic hitconfirm into super off her quick cr.LP’s
[*]cr.HP xx qcb+P <charge dash cancel>, f,f+MP, b+MP,MP, qcb+PPP 454 damage
Basic combo into super off cr.HP
[*]hcf+HP, wait, f+HP, f+MP, MK xx hcf+LK, cr.HP xx qcb+PPP 532 damage
Massive damage off an overhead.
[*]cr.LK > cr.MK > cr.HP x qcb+PPP 359 damage
Okay damage off a low poke.
Combo of a boost chain into tag
[*]b+MP, MP, cr.MK xx qcb+P variable damage
I think this is the best combo off a boost chain tag.
I haven’t looked much into tag cancel tags, and it obviously varies on the type of character is in your other team. I’d like to get some suggestions
As you maybe have noticed all these combos end in qcb+P. While technically you might be able to push out a bit more damage by going into dp+HK at times. I think the hard knockdown you get from the qcb+P makes it well worth it.
qcb+P sets up a free mixup.
Either you go for an immediate hcf+HP, which hits meaty, making it a safe overhead on block. On hit, you get a huge combo and it’s over
The other option is going for hcf+LP, and then choosing to go with the low hitconfirm. The difference between these is incredibly ambiguous and a good 50/50.
If the opponent chooses to roll, with hcf+LP you end up at the perfect place to also hit the roll with your cr.LK because Julia’s cr.LK has such amazing range.
If you hit qcb+P in the corner, and do an immediate hcf+LP, you’ll cross through in the corner. If you take the slightest step backward and then hcf+LP, you end up on the front. It’s a bit gimmicky, but combined with the threat of a high low mixup, it seems useful.
off a boost combo tag: b.mp~mp > c.hp xx qcb.p (347 off a raw launcher)
you can also do: b.mp~mp > f.hp > qcb.p (340 off a raw launcher)
f.mp~mk > c.hp xx qcb.p (365 off a raw launcher)
for tag cancelling back out, the srk.k is an obvious option; an alternative is: f.mk~mp~k(tag cancel)
oh, apologies for possible old sauce: my guide hasn’t arrived yet.
Any more tips for executing the qcb+P CADC PC? i am quite struggling with it. (with all the mp timing for the PC, especially form the EX version)