Julia Chang Combo Thread

still playing with frame data (gonna use poison/julia :>).

I have 2 questions.

  1. are the counterhit frames the same as SF4? (+1 on light, and +3 on medium/hard attacks?)
  2. if you do EX charge cancel during combos, do the following move have the counterhit properties too (giving +1/+3 on the next move?)

If both questions are positive, that means you can do:

… > crHP > EX dash cancel > party crasher (getting +10 since counter hit) > Mountain Crusher > Wind roll
repeat 3 times, or “indefintly” during pandora mode

Hi Jimmy,

For 1) According to the Guide :
Advantage on hit is the frame advantage caused after a normal hit. Almost universally, but not
quite universally, you can add +2 to this figure for Counter Hits. Some moves behave slightly, or radically,
different as Counter Hits, however, and this will be listed in notes.

For 2)
I didn’t see any notes indicating that it won’t keep the property during combos
I’m not used to her moves yet but is "crHP > EX dash cancel > party crasher" a combo * ?
Anyway party crasher (ch) to mountain crusher seems possible but it will be a 1 frame link

I’m also working on Poison with Some Hugo/Rolento/Kazuya on the side.
I just started looking at Julia, mostly through her atm. I like her cause she’s basicaly Akira with a mini skirt :stuck_out_tongue:
I thought she was going to be a heavy hitter like him, but isn’t her damage on the weak side ?
Plus, a lot of her chain mixups are very unsafe on block, so I can’t figure out what her strenghs are besides a good range on cr MK and a 1 frame super ?

Ok. That works!
Moutain crusher EX dash cancel > party crusher > Mountain crusher
CrHP > EX dash cancel > party crusher > Mountain crusher

yes it is 1-frame, pLinkable

yes this is an ok combo.

Vs. Larger characters you can Party Crusher > Cr.hp 2frame link and rep twice and go into more advanced stuff.

Tested on Ogre, Hugo:
*PC=party crasher
*MC=mountain crusher
*WR=wind roll (lk version)
MC x WR > cr.hp x Dash cancel > PC > cr.hp x Dash Cancel > PC > cr.lk x cr.mk x cr.hp x EX Dash Cancel > PC > MC x WR > cr.hp x Dash Cancel > PC > cr.hp x Dash Cancel > PC > Ender of;
i) cr.lk x cr.mk x cr.hp > Cross rush (tag launcher)
ii) cr.lk x tiger strike
iv) cr.lk x cr.mk x cr.hp x EX Dash Cancel > another rep. ***instead of using 2 EX here you might want to do easy mode combo from the start instead of:

MC x WR > cr.hp x Dash Cancel > PC > cr.hp x Super = 461 DMG or 491 with j.hk

you can also do cr.lp after wind roll and before cr.hp and still get a 2nd cr.hp after PC for a little extra damage when scaling hits 10%.

if anyone wants to compile a list of who cr.hp x dash cancel > PC > cr.hp works on it would be it would be useful for all Julias.
PC > Cr.hp is a 2f link and the reason it doesn’t hit on most of the cast is because the first active frames do not connect. However you can still do cr.hp x dash cancel > PC > cr.lk after counter hit PC because it gives enough FA for the cr.hp to connect.

you might think why should you use these long loops but it is excellent meter building and carries your opponent from literally one side of the screen to the other to present an excellent mixup depending on your ender options.


A couple of corner carry hitconfirms, the first one’s easy(and is my go-to midscreen bnb) and the other one is a little tough at first if you don’t have the dash cancel thing down and doesn’t seem to work if you use more than one jab. Does more damage though, and opens up the ability for a hard knockdown if you want one.

  1. cr.lp, b+mp > mp, cr.lk xx hcf+mp | 229 Damage.

  2. cr.lp , cr.fp xx qcb+lp xx ff+mp , st.lk xx hcf+mp | 261 Damage.
    (or) st.lk > st.mk > cr.hk | 246 Damage.

In the corner I use a variation of the first combo.

cr.lp, b+mp > mp, cr.hp xx dp+hk | 295 Damage.

If you’re willing to spend the meter for the extra damage, you can do the tag cancel thingy on the first hit of the DP and get a slightly-bigger-than-average tag combo. For my 2 other characters(Bob and Balrog), I can squeeze in a jumping normal before doing the standard ender(i.e. for Bob, j.hp, cr.hp xx dp+hp~hp, qcf+hp). It can get the kill if your followup combo is good enough. With Bob the damage goes from 295 to 425(and leaves him in a good position), which is a pretty nice increase IMO. Certainly worth spending my 3rd bar on, anyway. Sorry if these have already been posted, haven’t had time to watch any videos.

Can someone help me with this combo? When I see a raw tag I punish with the HP version that causes the crumple which I then go to slow punch combo forward+MP to LP for the float. Now my problem is getting the forward + HP (the move that looks like it should be an overhead but isn’t but causes the ground bounce) I can only get it about 10% of the time, I can’t quite get the timing, but when I do get the ground bounce I can go forward medium kick + forward medium punch to tiger strike and its about 400 damage free off of raw tag, but I can’t get it… any advice oh combo masters?

After the crumple of the hcf+hp move the opponent goes into two states. If you attack right away he’ll be grounded and you can do a regular grounded combo. If you wait a few moments he’ll be considered airborne and you can get the ground bounce with the f+hp move into a juggle combo.

That’s not what I was asking. If you do swift step explosion then slow punch combo it puts them into float from slow punch combo what’s the timing to hit with the F+HP to get the ground bounce? I can’t hit the F+HP after slow punch combo.

wtf is slow punch combo? is it one of those launchers? if so you simply don’t. you ground bounce and THEN launch. I dont think the oether way around is reliable.

and fuck these move names, notation please.

and to whoever:

lol guys don’t do slow combo after crumple from HCF+HP unless they are in the corner…

do hcf+fp > lk wind roll (free meter you have to wait anyway) > f+HP > f+mp ~ mk x lk wind roll cr.hp x ender.
if corner do hcf+fp > lk wind roll > f+hp > f+mp ~ lp x lk wind roll cr.hp x ender

neither of the lk wind rolls are necessary here but free meter is free meter

Ooh. That’s a neat idea for a combo. I’ll have to try it out later.

PS: Glad you’re interested in Julia. I hope you find just as interesting stuff for Julia as you did for Makoto.

Anti-Air combo/Mix up.

c.HP > Wind Roll > B+MP > LP > :qcb: HP

300 damage off counter hit anti-air. If you don’t counter hit you get a 50/50 mix up because it selects sides based off spacing and it is hard to judge where it will land.

I’ll try to :smiley:

Baiyuan Sanshou ([LP -> 4MP -> LP*3]) -> crLP(whiff) -> jHK
The jHK is very ambiguous. It’s a good knockdown ender.BTW, when you do ambiguous jHK, always follow with stHK, since you can confirm with -> crHP -> etc.

For example:
… > Mountain Crusher > Wind Roll > Baiyuan Sanshou
works great. Of course, opponent can forward roll.

you can start this setup from a crLP:
cr LP*2 -> crHP -> EX dash cancel -> party crusher -> moutain crusher -> wind roll -> baiyuan sanshou

ps: I think we should make some shortcut for her moves name…because they are too long :frowning:

For dash cancel, I say we stick with CADC (charge attack dash cancel). For her move names… I think it’s better if we just write the notation (i.e. :hcb: + :p: or :f::f: + :mp:). Gives visual cues how to do the move and not that long. But that’s just me.

Also, these long extended combos are great and all, especially when you can kill with it. But I personally think her gameplan is to build enough to store meter for Super. The game definitely changes once she has super. So unless she is going to kill, has full meter… or you want to style, I’d say keep it basic as possible and keep an eye on that meter.

did you not read my post?
Move notation is always a safe bet, though.

yep, but i think we should sticky something, then everybody could see it.

BTW, i’m sure you can do more than 2 repetition against big characters, because crHP -> dash cancel PC has 4 frames of margin. Meaning you can use PC later to be closer, so, the following crHP will hit on the first active frames.

Need some test.

If I remember the numbers from yesterday, I did a 579 damage combo (3 bars):
jHK -> stHK -> crHP -> EX dash cancel PC -> MC WR -> crHP -> dash cancel PC -> 4MP~MP (twice) -> crHP -> super

Has anyone found any good applications of her ground bounce f+HP as a combo extender? Doing it after a launcher is kind of finnicky and just doesn’t work on a cornered target., and I can’t really follow it up with much that I tried.

I do it every time after HCF+HP (the crumple move). Then when they ground bounce I do f+MP, LP (the launcher combo), cr.MK xx qcb+HP.

How much damage?

Can anyone explain to me how to dash cancel?
With these combos for example:http://forums.shoryuken.com/t/julia-chang-combo-thread/143100/67