Updated again, will start to weed out the bad combos from the good. If anyone wants to compile a list of usuable combos to tidy up the thread let me know.
Updated again, will start to weed out the bad combos from the good. If anyone wants to compile a list of usuable combos to tidy up the thread let me know.
Some Hit Confirms will be very usefull to IMO.
If you’re interested - Julia and Nina Tag Combos:
How many frames are available from when you regain control of Julia? Having an abysmal successrate trying to get the f.MP to come out in this particular combo, for some reason.
You can do canceled EX Tiger Strike into Party Crasher for somewhat free counter hit. If you feel the need to spend the meter.
I’m not too sure on the frames. I usually wait until they almost touch the ground.
my fav so far is cr.:lp: cr.:lp: cr.:hp: XX tiger strike XX dash cancel party crasher chain cr.:lk: cr:mk: st.:hp: XX EX tiger strike XX dash cancel party crasher, red orchid kick version team switch punch version :lk: wind roll cr.:lp: cr.:lp: cr.:hp: tiger strike. you can most likely cancel the last tiger strike back into party crasher too but i got lazy Desk Combos ALL DAY XD
Im still having problems Dash Canceling with Her…any tips?
^ lol awesome, damage output?
I rook the notations from the Julia vid and used emotes to make it similar to the Brady guide.
1: j. :hk:, F+:mk: - :hp: - F+:hp:, :db::d: :df: :f:+K, c.:lp:, B+:mp: - :lp:, c.:lk:, :d: :db:
+P (330 dmg)
2: j. :hk:, :lk:,:lp: - B+:mp: - :lp: - :lp: (243 dmg)
3: j. :hk:,:lk:, :lk:, B+:mp: -:lp:, :db::d: :df: :f:+:mp: (275 dmg)
4: j. :hk:,:lk:, :lk:, B+:mp: - :mp:, c. :lk:, :d: :db: +P (288 dmg)
5: j. :hk:, F+:mk: - :hp: - F+:hp:, :db::d: :df: :f:+K, c.:lp:, :lp: - :mp: - :hp:, (297 dmg)
6: j. :hk:, F+:mk: - :hp: - F+:hp:, :db::d: :df: :f:+K, c.:lp:, :lp: - B+:mp:- :lp:, :lp: (307 dmg)
7: j. :hk:, F+:mk: - :hp: - F+:hp:, :db::d: :df: :f:+K, c.:lp:, B+:mp:- :lp:, b: :db::d: :df: :f:+:mp: (328 dmg)
8: j. :hk:, F+:mp: - :lp:,F+:mk:-:hp: - :hk: (334 dmg)
9: j. :hk:, F+:mp: - :lp:, F+:mp: - :mk:, :db::d: :df: :f:+K, :f::d::df:+:lk: (363 dmg)
10: j. :hk:, :hk:, c. :hp:, :f::d::df:+:hk:(374 dmg)
11: (using a super meter)j. :hk:, F+:mp: - :lp:, F+:mp: - :mk:, :db::d: :df: :f:+K, cr.:hp:, :d: :db:
+PPP (502 dmg)
Try slowing down a couple of frames, you don’t have to dash cancel too fast now. Also make sure your inputs are clean.
I also found out you can negative edge the party crasher but I’m not sure if it’s even more useful than just dash cancelling normally.
corner combo meterless utilizing dash cancels. im sure you could maximize this somehow. Pretty sweet looking.
lol, the not jewish combo?
317 not more than a simple jump-in combo but great if your hit-confirming the jabs into cr.:hp:
Hey guys… Is there a way to extend the reach of part crasher? I am having trouble connecting it after dash cancels. The most successful attempts I got after delaying the dash cancel. Maybe there is a more reliable way?
I know some people have these combos on here but I think they’re pretty good ones:
I dont know how to combo that dash cancel party crasher mid combo
I only have 2 problems one is after f-fmp and after L wind roll I seem to keep getting her target combo instead of C.FP
I realise Julia’s got some flashy combos, but from what I’ve seen so far, there’s not much that’s better than her simple, easy BnBs:
Slow Power Punch Combo into Red Orchid Combo (kick finish) [277 damage]: This does a really good amount of damage, and although there are combos out there which squeeze out a few more points right now, this one’s dead easy and will almost definitely be a 100% combo for you, leaving you time to concentrate on other aspects of the game.
Red Orchid Combo (punch finish) xx HK Rising Kick [262 damage]: This does slightly less damage than the above combo but is better for tag canceling into your partner.
Red Orchid Combo (punch finish) xx LK Wind Roll into Chain Combo for Launcher [248 damage]: This is a high damage way of getting a meterless tag, and isn’t too difficult to do.
These are my BnBs right now, and can all be done off both j. HK and cross-up j. MK. All this fancy stuff with the dash elbow is kind of escaping me, and I think I’d rather just work on spacing and timing than get this ridiculous combo with a 1-frame link and a dash cancel for an extra 40 damage.
Right now, I can’t see these other moves really having well-integrated functions in Julia’s gameplay. Advice?
Slow power punch combo (f.mp-lp) is unsafe if the opponent blocks and it cannot be special canceled into qcb+p backdash to make it safe. You can use b.mp-lp instead as it is +1 on block and can be special canceled at the cost of not having as much damage potential.
You should also learn her confirms off of crouching jabs. Off of an ambiguous jump in it may be difficult to know which direction to hold to get the proper chain combo to come out. Red orchid combo in particular needs f.mk to start it, neutral mk won’t work. Because of that it would be worthwhile to learn a cr.lp confirm. You can do jump in hk, cr.lp into:
The 3 finisher is a little difficult but 1 and 2 are fairly easy links. You also have the benefit of being at +3 if the cr.lp is blocked. From there you can do the lp-lp target combo that sets up the high/low mixup that jmcrofts talked about earlier in the thread.