Julia Chang Combo Thread

D:< What?! Using Party Crasher to cancel out of a charge… I would have never thought of that. Julia keeps getting better and better.

How safe is her spin? For example, if you do f. MK, MP, spin to cancel (if blocked), how punishable is it?

Also, I like linking c. LP, c. LP, c. FP after a spin into whatever special I want.

That’s exactly what I was thinking. Her damage output is really high using the TS cancels. I’m not sure exactly what the possibilities are but using the TS cancels after her normals can make most of her moves safe. Or at least that’s what I’m thinking anyway, but I’ll have to test it out and see.

Anyone else having trouble linking Party Crasher into cr.H?

I can’t confirm this or anything but I don’t think it’s that safe. If you combine it in a string that puts your opponent into a good amount of hit stun then I suppose it would be safe but her best hit advantage on block is after a C.LP which is +3. I think I’ll test it out and see what the possibilities are with that because that can make her pressure game really good. I bet there are some good frame trap possibilities with Julia. Can’t wait to find them

I’m struggling with it a little too. It’s a 2 frame link so it shouldn’t be tough but it feels more like a 1 frame link

I think it’s one frame, I’m looking at the data now. :[

It’s a 2 frame. Party Crasher is +7 on hit and Cr. HP has 6 frame start up. Unless my Brady guide is off or something. But it does really feel like a 1 frame though

Man Julia really feels like Yun

If anyone is interested in Julia’s Meterless Combo damage potential:


these are tournament-ready :slight_smile:

party crasher is ff+m? and cr.hp links after it? then she has an infinite.

[cr.hp xx qcb+mp, dash cancel, ff+mp]xN



yeah I would like to know the inputs as well also I am having a hard time with linking C.FP into fwd MP

only two reps i can get… and my execution is really good :\ not sure how practical it is or how long you can do it for before too much pushback.

ff+mp > c.hp is hard enough as it is.

I haven’t been able to get that once… I have a way easier time with Cammy’s 1F links.


here are the notations:

  • = indicates a chain

1: j. HK, F+MK - HP - F+HP, HCF+K, c. LP, B+MP - LP, c. LK, QCB+P (330 dmg)
2: j. HK, LK, LP - B+MP - LP - LP (243 dmg)
3: j. HK, LK, LK, B+MP - LP, HCF+MP (275 dmg)
4: j. HK, LK, LK, B+MP - MP, c. LK, QCB+P (288 dmg)
5: j. HK, F+MK - HP - F+HP, HCF+K, c. LP, LP - MP - HP (297 dmg)
6: j. HK, F+MK - HP - F+HP, HCF+K, c. LP, LP - B+MP - LP - LP (307 dmg)
7: j. HK, F+MK - HP - F+HP, HCF+K, c. LP, B+MP - LP, HCF+MP (328 dmg)
8: j. HK, F+MP - LP, F+MK - HP - HK (334 dmg)
9: j. HK, F+MP - LP, F+MP - MK, HCF+K, SRK+LK (363 dmg)
10: j. HK, HK, c. HP, SRK+HK (374 dmg)
11: (one of her trial combos using a super meter) j. HK, F+MP - LP, F+MP - MK, HCF+K, cr. HP, QCB+PPP (502 dmg)


Threw together a little combo video for my Julia / Asuka team. Nothing amazing, but wanted to put this capture card to use and get some more video in these threads. Pretty sure I can get more after a tag, ideas?

Anyone got good blockstrings with her?

lol kwanzai i dunno what Naive is but youre using it in your video and so it’s blocked in the Netherlands. Can’t see it.

do ff+mp, cr.lk as much as possible. Everyone gets frame trapped by this.

cr.lp, lp->lp->mp for a blockstring that ends in a high. It’s not frame-tight though they can mash DP during the lp->lp.