You can juggle with cl. HK? Interesting…
would someone be cool enough to post Julias optimal hit confirm combo, punish combo, and combo off of a DP / boost ? I would really appreciate it
@5th horseman, why are you playing every character that I’m playing? Cammy, Juri, now Julia… LoL
Im playing Cammy cause ive mained cammy in every game since turbo, sans SSF4 (mained her in vanilla though)…Juri I used to main when SFxT first dropped because I was maining her in SSF4/AE, and even though I never played any of the Tekken series seriously, I always liked Julia. Honestly, if Jun were in the game, im sure I would play her over Julia. I likes Jun. (I know Asuka is in the game, but meh)
coincidence I guess lol
That being said, in every game I play I always fiddle around and try to gain an understanding of every character at a competitive level. What the character wants to do, what tools he or she has to go about doing it, what the character is good and bad against, etc.
cr.lp > cr.lp > cr.hp xx tiger strike / HK DP tag cancel / launcher /
cr.lp > cr.lp > b+mp lp xx tiger strike / hk dp tag cancel cross rush xx EX PC > cr.hp xx launcher/ hk dp tag cancel / tiger strike or if you’re feeling execution heavy you could try
EX PC > f+mk f+p f+p xx lk windroll > (cr.lp) > cr.hp xx launcher/tiger strike/hk dp tag cancel. (the (cr.lp) is just to make the link easier, can link it straight to cr.hp)
Post launcher/tag cancel combo is f+hp > > cr.hp xx tiger strike / hk dp tag cancel (this is harder in the corner, so you can try cr.lp > F+hp > cr.hp xx tiger strike / hk dp tag cancel)
Punish for me is usually cr.hp xx launcher or cr.hp xx hk dp tag cancel, I feel Julia doesn’t really do a lot of damage on her own (this will be sorted in 2013 with and ex lunge wallbounce buff) You can do > cr.hp xx whatever, this is a 1f link but it’s her most optimal punish, personally I don’t try this since it’s pretty risky if you drop it.
Off a party crasher, I just do cr.hp xx launcher or (cr.lp) b+mp mp > xx tiger strike if I want to keep her in, (can do party crasher, (cr.lp) b+mp mp > cr.hp xx tiger strike in corner, again the (cr.lp) is just to make the link easier)
I’m not a massive fan of party crasher combos, they scale pretty fast, I usually launch to Asuka when I can.
Hope this helped.
cant I do:
f+mk > p > p xx windroll > cr.lp ~ cr.hp xx cadc PC > xx tiger ??
would that do more damage than the one you posted ? or would it be pretty much the same ? im basically just adding the PC and link.
also, thanks for the post, youre amazing lol
My hit-confirm when my other character is still recovering health:
st.LP/cr.LP, cr.LP, cr.HP xx PC, cr.LK xx qcb+P
Most of the hit confirms were listed already, but I have a few good punish combos.
Punishing a raw tag -
HCF+HP, f+HP, f+MP > MK, cr.HP xx Tiger Strike - Does 401 Damage minimum
A good jump in combo is -
j.HK, f+MP > LP, f+MP > MK xx LK Windroll, cr.HP xx Tiger Strike - Does close to 400. The f+MP after f+MP>LP is a bit tight of a link so be sure to practice it. If you can’t jump in, it’s still a good go punish combo.
A decent cross up combo is -
j.MK, cr.HP xx CADC > PC, cr.MP xx Tiger Strike - It’s probably good to practice this now as theoretically, you can combo into EX Lashing Arrow post patch and continue the combo further for significantly more damage. Also, no. You can’t put a cr.LP before the cr.HP as then cr.MP will be too far to connect, but PC should be your hit confirming as it’s safe (advantangeous even) on block.
Going off of Fergus’ mention of cl.HK - Yea, it’s pretty risky, but if you cancel the cr.HP into CADC PC, then it should be safe.
Hope these help man.
Does julia have any juggle dash cancels? I seem to not be able to find any…
As in dash canceling a Tiger Strike? I mean, I suppose you could do like f.MP>f.MK on a juggle-state character xx Tiger Strike Dash Cancel, but you might as well just do windroll at that point.
Oh I see. I am trying to prove my friend wrong, we dished out bets that julia could dash cancel on an air juggle and keep up a combo. Well he said no and I said yes. He is the tekken guy so I am not sure if it was a good idea to make that challenge >.>.
Interesting bet, though not everything from Tekken translates into this game (though it sort of helps). Yea, f.MP>f.MK xx dash cancel on a juggling character is probably the only way.
The combo that comes to mind is
f.MP>LP, f.MP>f.MK xx Dashcancel, cr.HP xx Tigerstrike
Again, Wind roll basically does the same thing so it’s just easier to use. But thinking about it. doing the Dash Cancel version might produce more meter. But it’s probably such a small amount it doesn’t matter as much.
I thought so. I am probably going to try it out now. Thanks!
Julia can dash cancel off of a high tag cancel if her cr.hp hits high enough…
julia cadc is pretty useless for combo purposes, she has a long delay in which she can cadc (8 frames) and her forward dash is slow (23 frames)
her windrolls are 24, 25, 26 frames in length and are more versatile for using to cross under opponents during combos.
Edit: her light swift step has the same duration as her charge attack forward dash cancel so anything you can dash cancel you can use swift step too.
That’s why her CADC is really only used to combo into Party Crasher.
sooo…just making sure but
the only way to actually land f+mp ~ lp, is to start with a jump in first, right? there arent any other links into it? Its like 12 frame start up
also, these are pretty much all of her practical (meterless) combos:
mountain crusher xx windroll ~ cr.lp > b+mp~mp OR cr.hp xx PC ~ (or xx tiger
cr.lp ~ b+mp~mp ~ (or xx tiger
cr.lp ~ cr.hp xx PC ~ (or xx tiger
SSE > Kalda > f+mp~mk xx windroll ~ cr.hp xx tiger - - cr.hp xx EX PC - mountain crusher xx windroll ~ cr.lp ~ cr.hp xx PC (or xx tiger
launch > f+mp~mk xx windroll ~ cr.hp xx tiger > > f+mp~mk xx windroll ~ cr.hp xx tiger
cr.lp > b+mp~lp xx tiger
cr.lp > Baiyan Sanshou
cr.lp > divine intervention xx tiger
right? I think these are all of the worthwhile ones…just wanted to make sure theres not something important im missing.
- could someone list her v2013 new combos / combos that have changed to be 2013 optimized (with / without meter). I am still on 1.6 (PC =[ ) and it would be really helpful to know what her new combos are ahead of time. Isnt it just replacing a few normals in combos that she already has? and she also gets some EX Lashing Arrow combo right? could someone help me out with how the changes effect her combos please <3
Edit: Sorry for the long post…as with all the other threads, im just trying to absorb all that I can as fast as I can…im taking notes on everything yall are saying and its all helping immensely. Ive added numbers next to each point/question to make it easier to refer to for anyone who will take the time to answer these…
thank you Julia boards <3
so I just worked on a crossup combo, that gets pretty good damage for 1 meter (423). only problem is that there are 3 one frame links in it, so unless youre execution is up to par, I dont suggest going for it. Its basically this:
crossup > ~ cr.hp xx EX PC ~ mountain crusher xx windroll ~ cr.hp xx pc ~ xx tiger.
you may be able to get more if you omit the last PC ~ xx tiger, i didnt really test it. either way, its 3 1 frame links, the beginning of it is a good hit confirm, and it builds good meter in the process.
also, the damage it does is probably higher in 1.08. I am on PC so im stuck with 1.06 at the moment. Also, im not positive about in 1.08 due to the nerf, so this may not work, but if you want to scratch the whole combo you can do this:
crossup mk > ~ cr.hp xx PC ~ xx tiger. 357, which is slightly more than the crossup combo that Gemaki posted.
After practicing the long combo for about…20 min, im able to land it about 60-70% of the time. Im sure the more I practice the higher that chance will be. The links may seem daunting at first, and it can be really difficult to learn an execution intensive combo like that in the beginning (or V-Ryu’s 5 1fr links), but it becomes easier the more you practice.
So to clear it up, here are the numbers so far:
crossup > ~ cr.hp xx EX PC ~ mountain crusher xx windroll ~ cr.hp xx pc ~ xx tiger. - 423 damage, uses 1 bar (probably builds at least a bar), (3) 1f links.
crossup > ~ cr.hp xx EX PC ~ mountain crusher xx windroll ~ cr.hp xxtiger. - 418 damage, uses 1 bar, (3) 1 f links. Pointless when compared to the above combo. You get a better hit confirm to the combo ender (tiger).
crossup mk > ~ cr.hp xx PC ~ xx tiger. 357 Damage, uses 1 bar, (1) 1f link. Use when you dont want to spend a bar, does slightly more damage than the crossup combo that gemaki listed.
currently working on one more combo. I’ll post the results as soon as I get home and get the numbers for it.
again, im still in 1.6, so im sure the damage values are a little higher than what is posted here. If anyone would like to post the new numbers, that would be great.
Heres that final combo I was working on (its not hugely practical, but its flashy and is for styling purposes I guess…(5) 1 frame links and does more damage than V-Ryu’s)
crossup > > cr.hp xx EX PC > mountain crusher xx windroll > cr.hp xx EX PC > Mountain crusher xx windroll > cr.hp xx PC > xx tiger. 457 damage, spends 2 bars, (5) 1 frame links.
Yeah…ill just stick with the single rep instead of the loop. It nets similar damage and is much easier (3) 1f links.
If anyone would like a video ill do my best to get one up.
If you can work up the execution for it, I feel that the 1 bar combo is very worth it, especially considering how ambiguous Julia’s is. You can EASILY mix this crossup combo in after a tiger ender.
after tiger just do swift step feint > immediate jump forward, and they basically have to literally guess. If you use, you hit in front. hits as a crossup. this being said, its not safe from DP style reversals. It IS safe from some other reversals though…just kinda depends on the character.
you can literally kill pretty much the whole cast sans jack, bear, gief and hugo, if they guess wrong twice. Now I know that julia can do this anyway via SSE / SS feint mixup, but the crossup stiff just adds another option for her. boost into julia (304 damage, combo ends with tiger oki) > SSE / SS feint mixup (400 ish damage, ends with tiger oki ) > SS feint > 50/50 crossup ( 400+) = 1000+ damage.
Im really diggin this. Luckily ive practiced that 1 bar crossup combo and can nail it rather consistently.
Of course reversals and rolls will play a factor, just saying its possible…especially with people being more afraid to roll because of the inherent disadvantages in 2013.
anyways, hope this is useful to some of you.
Edit #2:
Scratch the ambiguous 50/50 after tiger ender. Its only a legit 50/50 if you do the tiger while julia is in the corner. Other wise it just a kinda ambiguous crossup (always crosses up though). Well, at least we still have corner crossup mixups (when the opponent is in the corner). I still think the crossup combo is valuable as Julia still has a pretty ambiguous Also, if you take a tiny step back before the SS feint, it hits in front. Just something to note I guess.
Also, im not sure if this is known, but julia gets a safe crossup (on quick rises) by ending a SSE > Kalda combo with rising kick > immediate jump mk (hk also crosses up in this situation), and if you take a TINY stutter step backwards before the jump, its hits in front.
Lastly, after a boost to julia > f+mp~mk xx windroll > cr.hp xx rising kick, she gets a free ambiguous crossup if they quick rise.
… thats all for now lol
I feel like I’m stating the obvious here, but if you land a jump in, Cr.HP, Ex Lashing Arrow, j.HK, cr.HP(deep), HK dp does her easiest most practical damage. 474 off of HK/HP jump in. <div><br></div><div>also re: EX Lashing arrow</div><div><br></div><div>For practical punishes and confirms, that same combo does 404 off of one jab and I think 364 off of two jabs: cr.lp, cr.fp, Ex lashing arrow, j.HK, cr.FP, HK dp.</div><div><br></div><div>All of the CADC PC stuff seems better if you don’t want to use meter, if you want to boost combo into partner or if you’re frame trapping. If you’re punishing or jumping in, I haven’t seen anyone talk about a better option than what I posted. </div><div><br></div><div>And credit to Desk, because he was the one that told me that her best lashing arrow damage comes off of a crouching fierce. Everything else just scales the damage. </div><div><br></div><div>I should mention this is the midscreen option. In the corner, PC becomes more useful because you can link back mp/mp for an extended combo. eg: cr.FP, back MP, MP(launch), cr.MP, cr. FP, HK dp(tag cancel) or Tiger Strike or super. </div><div><br></div><div>Still relatively low execution and low cost for 370-450ish damage, depending on your partner(and I didn’t account for jump-in). </div>
See now that’s what I’m talking about. I knew there had to be some great punish that Julia has that didn’t involve a bunch of 1 frame links. That’s solid as hell. Thank you. I didn’t have a problem with the 1 frame stuff but it was a little daunting having to CADC and do 1 framers that barely cracked above 400.<br>