Julia Chang Combo Thread

For forum sake, just get used to using the notation emoticons, btw dp is “dp”, replace the quotes with colons. Similarly qcb, add colons and so forth for the rest.

given the trickiness with the link between the two tekken chains, i’m going to suggest that the cadc > pc malarkey is more useful. this feels like a 1 frame link and cadc is a 5 frame link off mountain crusher xx windroll:

:f:+:mk: :mp: :f:+:mp: xx :hcf::lk: MALARKY

also, cadc is useful elsewhere, but the timing on that link has lmited value (roi on training, if you will).

what are her most practical CADC PC combos that do good dmg?

Corner only

HCF + H wait Forward + H (must be ground bounce) Forward M into L punch then Cr Heavy punch xx cross art.

Does around 600+ damage

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The CADC PC combos are only as practical as you want them to be. By that I mean, they’re really fucking hard and it’s up to you to see whether it’s worth it or not. Personally, I would only use them when I’ve started a jab-hit confirm combo at point blank range, which is going to look like cr. :lp:, cr. :lp:, cr. :hp:. At that point I would follow with CADC PC, followed by cr. :lk: xx tiger strike. This does more damage than just comboing the cr. :hp: straight into Tiger Strike.

I would only actually do this, though, when I don’t want to tag my partner in. If I did, I would probably just go straight into launcher after the cr. HP and do a standard tag in combo. You can do CADC PC and then cross rush into launcher, but the scaling this creates makes it not worthwhile.

You can also do more reps on the CADC PC, especially by using EX Tiger Strike dash cancels, but this really ups the execution barrier and becomes (for me at least) prohibitively difficult. Personally, that’s time I’d rather spend learning matchups and improving my spacing and general play.

I’m sure as the game matures it will become more and more standard, however.

The Swift Step Explosion combo you’ve written has been known for a while. Try adding a wind roll before the cr. :hp: for more meter building and better spacing, allowing you to do it midscreen too!

You should at least do a cMP after a standard PC cancel. Its not much harder than linking cLK but you get more damage, especially if you go into a launcher.

Wait. That combos? I thought the hit box on cr.mp was too short. That’s really nice to know

cHP will work too, but the timing is really awkward. I have trouble even PLinking that link out, so I tend to avoid it and stick with cMP.

Here’s some of my personal favorite combos I tend to do:

  • Jumping HK, Forward MK+HP or MP+Any punch button cancel into LK Wind Roll followed up with Cr. HP into LK Wind Roll with Hunting TomaHawk follow-up. Does 359 Dmg.

  • Swift Step Explosion, (Wait until opponent gets on knees) Forward+HP, Forward MK+MP or HP+any kick into Iron Mountain Rush. Does 511 Dmg.

I can post more later if you guys want.

Combofiend did a sick combo with Julia on CC live (4/24/12). Is that combo input already posted on this thread? Sorry, i haven’t tested all the combos that are posted yet.

:f::mk: > :mp: > :f::mp:, :hcf::lk:, :d::lp:, :b::mp:>:mp:, :hcf::lk:>:hk:>:hp:

Looks sick, damage is not the best possible, though, I think.

It would probalby be better to just do:

fMK>MP>MP, Wind Roll, cHP, PC, cMP>cHP>Launch
fMK>MP>MP, Wind Roll, bMP>LP, Wind Roll~HK>PP
MK>MP>MP, Wind Roll, cHP, PC, cMP, Tiger Strike.

You could always extend with EX PC, but that’s up to you.

The first and third are my current BnBs with Julia, except I usually don’t do the Mountain Crusher combo before going straight into cr. :hp:. I’m not sure if it does too much more damage (I think starting with cr. :HP: gets you around 328 with a cross up jump-in, but I’m not sure), and on block the Mountain Crusher string is very unsafe, with several opportunities to blow through with reversals. You have to CADC backwards after the second hit of Mountain Crusher, and this leaves you in a position I don’t much like.

cr. :hp: CADC PC is pretty much safe on block, and very easy to hit confirm. I think if your opponent mashes DP and you’re not completely on point with the CADC they can blow through it, but it’s not a big problem, and if it becomes an issue you can always CADC and dash backwards to make them whiff the DP. Otherwise on block, you’ll be left up close and at frame advantage after the Party Crasher. If your opponent has a 3 frame jab or short, you can hit-confirm with cr. :lp: to look for another combo. If your opponent is slower, like King or whoever, you could even go for another cr. :hp: immediately. Very good setup.

It’d be good to post the damage numbers and approximate meter built by each combo, for reference!


i’m sure this is probably common knowledge but you can set up pretty beefy pandora combos off a crumple. only problem is actually getting 25% health and landing the hit on an opponent with half health.

All this is so very helpfull to me. =D i will study these combos guys.

I haven’t really read through this, so I don’t know if there are better combos that can follow the Vega section. Here’s the best I could come up with for a single bar using Vega/Julia:


Sorry if this is already known, but off a foward throw, you can land a heavy Wind roll Punch follow up, and have enough time to link a c.jab after it. midscreen or in the corner. You need a slight delay and mashing would beat it, but its an option

The windroll P followup hits meaty for the cr.lp, that’s nice to know!

You can also do windroll, p followup raw into super, it feels like a 1f link but it’s there.

Using Wind Roll > Tequila as a meaty setup is interesting! I wonder whether it’s a little too obvious, though. When your opponent sees a Wind roll coming, they know they can reversal you for free, right?

Anyone know an optimised corner combo off a tag in with Julia? I’m really jonesin’ for one, but I can’t get anything better than the optimised midscreen combo ( :f: :mp: > :mk: xx LK Wind Roll, cr. :hp: xx Tiger Strike).

I think her optimised corner combo on a grounded opponent is j. :hk:, st. :hk:, :b: :mp:, :mp:, :b: :mp:, :mp:, cr. :hp: xx Tiger Strike. Lots and lots of damage, and I haven’t seen anything better.


I keep meaning to test out Asuka’s st.hk xx hk upkicks > j.hk > st.hk xx hk upkicks tag cancel to Julia, j.hk > cl.hk > cr.hp xx tiger strike.