Would someone be willing to do a write up of all her 2013 combos? I know it’s a lot to ask but you could also add it to the 2013 combo thread and it would help so many people.
If anyone is willing to notate the combos, (I’ve stopped playing this game.) I’d gladly update them.
hi everyone,
here are some jump ins that can be used anywhere on screen. i tried to utilise f+mk~mp/hp rather than f+mp~mk because i had trouble nailing it after the f+mp~lp.
(tested on ryu)
- j.hk, f+mp~lp, f+mk~mp~p = 321
- j.hk, f+mp~lp, f+mk~mp~k = 341
- j.hk, f+mp~lp, f+mk~mp xx qcb+p =371
- j.hk, f+mp~lp, f+mk~mp xx dp+k = 376
Meter combos (1 meter)
- j.hk, f+mp~lp, f+mk~mp xx qcb+pp = 396
- j.hk, f+mp~lp, f+mk~mp xx dp+kk =
Super combo (2 meters)
- j.hk, f+mp~lp, f+mk~mp xx qcb+ppp = 490
Interesting, but why would you use these combos instead of just your standard j.HK, cl.HK, cr.HP CADC Party Crasher, cr.LK xx Tiger Strike? Does more damage, and the post-Tiger Strike situation is usually better than the post Rising Kick situation for Julia.
Do you know if ex Swift Arrow combos from cr.LK? Just seems like a good further extension.
j.HK, cl.HK, cr.HP CADC Party Crasher, cr.LK xx EX SA, f+MP>MK, cr.HP xx Tiger Strike.