I think someone was asking earlier if Jin had any bad match-ups?
So far I’ve been having problems against characters that don’t sit still, and can poke from a range further than Jin (seriously, why the hell are Jin’s limbs so stubby, dammit?) i.e. Vega and Rolento.
Also for one meter, my preferred combo is just cr.MP, back+MP~HP, back-forward-back+HP, Cross Cancel, [insert tag partner’s combo here]. Attempting an EX Power Stance cancel is just too risky online.
Anyone else having trouble canceling into Special step from crouching normals? If there a shortcut input for it? Having a really tough time canceling cr. Fierce into Special step, and Median line destruction. thanks
kinda easy to stop characters with better pokes because Jin got a parry stance and mental alertness with invincible frames on startup.
is it possibly to do mental alertness as a reversal?
Does power stance have any start up? As in, can you do it on reaction to things like say a dash punch from Balrog and have it parry it or is there a period of time in the beginning that you can be hit out of it?
EX Power Stance has no start up but can’t be canceled as fast as normal Power Stance. Normal Power Stance has 2 frames of start up (according to the strategy guide sample) and can be canceled almost as soon as it starts.
Well that’s not too bad, I bet if you’re fast enough you could utilize that on reaction to certain things. Could make for an interesting footsie tool. This character is so interesting in general, I can’t wait to get my hands on him.
This is fantastic. I plan on picking up the guide as soon as I can find it in a store here (in Singapore). But for now I’m just really glad that the sample guide covers one of the characters I intend to main.