Jin Kazama thread

Jin’s Kazama Style 5 Hit Combo can be performed really fast as 5 whiffing normals when you are not connecting with the opponent. Does each normal build meter as any other normal, or less meter to avoid it being broken?:stuck_out_tongue:

After watching vids I’m even more hype about the way Jin’s moveset has been implemented in this game. Only things I’m a bit miffed they excluded are his Laser Scraper and df1,4 from Tekken5/6. Liking trap projectiles, and loving the idea of implementing Power Stance combos. Why the weird command for his Median thingamawotsit though?

i love how you can cancel his Tekken b+2,1 (b.mp,lp into crouch dash/mental alertness) <3

Not too sure yet, but I can run some tests & get some of the results since I do have the game.

Well the Kazama 5 Hit combo is mostly lights right? And don’t lights not build meter, or did I make that up?

Anyway this character has me so conflicted. I told myself I was gonna go Rolento/Steve, but depending on how hard Steve is I might just scrap that and go Jin/Hugo. Then again Jin doesn’t exactly look easy either…Tuesday really can’t come soon enough.

Read this. Incorporated it and on first use


trial 20, u are a pain!

for the tekken veterans/expert

also im prob the only one who has issues with special step…
im a tekken noob, but as a capcom OG, I can tell Jin is gonna be a very technical char, but i think he has sick potential

lols whiffing the kazama 5hit combo builds meter :smiley:

Seth Killian just posted this: http://static.capcom.com/streetfighter/downloads/05E_tk_Jin.pdf

My observations from Day 1 messing around…

Overhead f+LK cancels into Kazama 5 hit combo. That’s about it

You can link cr.LK > cr.LP > cr.MP which is very important. cr.MP combos into uppercut. As far as I can see, uppercut is safe on block. So buffering wave dash behind a cr.MK into uppercut is particularly good in footsies. You can also whiff punish using st.MK xx wave dash xx uppercut for big damage.

Juggles, the best I found for no meter was anything into Uppercut > walk forward > st.MK xx Wave Dash xx Roundhouse Hook Fist. With meter you can do walk forward > st.MK xx EX Median Line and then juggle with Roundhouse Hook Fist after the wall bounce.

His jump HK is amazing. Great cross up tool, good block and hit stun and can be very ambiguous.

After forward throw, you can do a MP Fireball which appears directly in front of the opponent on wake up and will stop any Shoryu type reversals which aren’t EX, so it will make for great mix up potential. Wave Dashing imediately after leaves you in range for a cr.MK or a f+LK

So I got to try the game and I must say, Jin is the most street fighter like character so far.
Some notable things.

You can cancel his command dash into back dash. The real perk is there are almost no recovery frames to the backdash. So you can do things like mk backdash, target combo backdash etc. Or you could wave dash under a fireball and backdash to regain position

You can link a st.jab after the 5 th hit of the 6hit kazama combo. It feels like 1 frame, but you can get a neat combo out of it.
f+lk>lp>lk>mp>lp ~ lp>mp X special step launcher into whatever. Best part about it is that it makes his overhead a lot scarier.

Interesting! You can also link cr.MP after it into Special Step Launcher for combo fun and better damage.

You can link cr.LK > cr.LP > b+MP xx LP xx Special Step Launcher… That makes things a lot better

link isnt working for me ><

Takes ages to load, leave it downloading by right clicking instead

jin’s crouching jab is probably the best in the game, the range isn’t amazing or anything (pretty average), but you’re like +100 on hit and +99 on block.

cr. LP links into cr. HP btw, cr. MP does the same.

cr.LK > cr.LP > cr.HP xx Special Step Uppercut > st.MK xx Special Step Right Roundhouse 275 meterless BnB

This character is beautiful.

I played jin then devil jin <In 6>as my secondary to christie threw a few games …is this gonna be a reverse ryu thing were everyone is playing jin bandwagon…where its jin every 10 matchs? i hope he is fucked to use and is low tier

All versions of MLD except for EX can be used to follow CD+1. If you are having trouble with CD (Special Step) then just input f,n,b,db,d,df (654123 in numeric notation for people who understand that better) and it will happen every time. It feels faster than the double fireball shortcut to me. Just don’t finish on forward or you will likely get the fireball or MLD instead.

For one meter you can do cr.Short > cr.Jab cr.Fierce (chain) xx EX Power Stance xx CDS+2 walk forward Shun Masatsu xx CD+1 (st. Forward) Fierce MLD for 343 damage if you have the spare meter (or just want to force EX Power Stance into everything like I do). If you use the st. Forward its 347 damage.


One meter 438 damage:

j.Roundhouse cr.Strong, cr.Fierce (chain) xx EX Power Stance xx CDS+2 walk forward Shun Masatsu xx CDS+1,2

so putting CPU Jin on the hardest difficulty, it appears that he has an EWGF in the game. Its basically an ex special step uppercut, except there’s no special step animation,so it comes out like shoryuken would, and it has invincibility frames. I still have no idea how to do it though.

could the CPU just be doing EX power stance into ECD+1?