Wait, what?
EDIT: Oh, that s.MK is actually s.HK, and it’s a chain. That makes more sense.
Wait, what?
EDIT: Oh, that s.MK is actually s.HK, and it’s a chain. That makes more sense.
You’re right about that one. Gonna update post. Thanks for the correction.
I got the game early and was messing around with Jin and thought I’d share some stuff. EX Power Stance gives counter hit properties to the next attack and can be used to cancel chains and continue the combo (this is what trial 20 is about). All versions of Power Stance can block as many hits as makes contact with Jin before the stance’s animation ends and enters recovery stage (I was able to block almost all of Chun Li’s Roundhouse Hyakuretsukyaku before canceling into super). Power Stance cannot stop supers and throws though. It can also be canceled immediately whether or not it blocks an attack. Also I think Jin’s 5-hit string is safe on block. Sadly, it can’t be special cancelled.
Not Jin specific but trials allow you to input additional commands like in KoF XIII to make things a bit easier (I added an extra st. Strong to trial 17), and custom bgm can be played on the PS3 version online.
what can he get off ECD+1 (rising upper) midscreen? is it possible to link after his axe kick into anything other than kazama 6 hit combo?
Keep in mind I’m pretty tired at the moment (Its been a long day) so my execution and level of creativity is more abysmal than normal, but after CD+1 Jin midscreen Jin can land a sweep and that’s about it. Its good for damage in the corner though. Axe kick can only be followed by the Kazama combo.
Jin’s CD can be backdash cancelled at any point. The backdash looks faster than his regular backdash, but moves him back the same distance. You can do it before the CD even happens for a faster escape I suppose.
I can’t wait to take Jin into the lab, need to do that ‘DAHH!!!’
Dynast, any match-ups giving you day 1 problems online?
For the lulz, could you test if you can activate the Super easy input gem in trials? That would be really stupid of Capcom, since it makes some trials very easy, and others impossible.
haha cant believe i didnt think of this, I want an answer for this as well xD
As it turns out yes you can. I did not see that coming.
I only played one match online last night ( I really wanted to test out custom tracks online), so I can’t really answer that. Sorry. I’ll play online some more when I get home today.
A little more:
Jin’s CDS 2 seems completely safe and has pretty good push back on block. Even reversal Shinkuu Hodouken doesn’t seem to be able to punish it. I need to play around with it some more. 1,2,3 can be interrupted before the 3 by crouching jabs even throws. If the 3 connects it cannot be chained into the Kazama combo. It seems pretty bad to me at the moment. 1,2 is special cancelable. b+2,1 is awesome for combos. It has enough hitstun to combo into any special or super. You can use b+strong, fierce if you don’t want to do b+strong, jab. It has good push back (it moves Ryu outside SRK range).
Oh my god I love Jin and everything about him.
jin is also lord zero?
Omg Capcom, why so stupid!?
I don’t get why that’s a big deal really. It’s not like trials are some kind of a test where they’d care if you “cheat.”
For clarification, that means that you can always cancel it into a move if you do the input immediately, but to cancel later it needs to be timed with absorbing a hit, correct?
Power Stance can be cancelled at any time before its recovery. You can delay the cancel as long as you want. Countering an attack is also not timing specific at all. For example, if you use Jin’s Power Stance early and your opponent does a slower attack you can choose to either cancel the stance early and interrupt the attack (if you think the move won’t connect before Power Stance begins to recover) or wait until you see the move hit and punish the recovery. In the case of multi-hitting moves, you can just cancel into a special or super with no regard to timing. Its important to note that Jin can still be hit if he does a move without invulnerability after Power Stance. Canceling during Hyakuretsu Kyaku with anything other than Devil Beam or cross art will get Jin hit (None of Jin’s moves have start-up invulnerability except for super and cross art it seems).
To clarify the discrepancies between Max and Markman’s demo and what I’m saying, there was a small patch that I needed to download when I first put in the game. I think the patch changed Jin’s Power Stance to work like this (along with other changes I’m sure I know nothing about yet).
So the difference between EX and regular power stance is the counterhit property? I was assuming it had a wider cancel window, but I guess that works.
It doesn’t seem particularly off from the demo only because what they did wasn’t exactly scientific testing.
The EX Power Stance doesn’t last as long as fierce Power Stance but is longer than the strong version. The main differences is Jin has a longer start up animation for the EX version where he crosses his arms in front of him (the additional start-up still has guard properties). I think the point of EX Power Stance is that it allows Jin to cancel his chains into his other moves. You can comb LMcr.H Ex Power Stance CDS 2 (will counterhit for significant stun) b+2,1 Devil Beam for example.
Speaking of which, why does his EWHF look so…whack? It’s not even a hook punch, just a straight.
I am dissapointed with that.
I feel your pain dude, haha. I guess they just did it to save time/ not worry about giving it T6 like juggle qualities or something. would’ve been cool to see its CH groundsplat properties in this game as well. womp womp
Agreed. I had expected them to stay as true to Jin as they did to Kaz, but of course there had to be something amiss…
Also, the lack of d/b+2,2,3 and Laser Scraper/Evil Intent is weird to me as those strings are also the moves people immediately think of when Jin’s moveset comes to mind imo.