Jin Kazama thread

I found that my most used combo with Jin, my BnB so far is the following.
Cr.MP, back Mp~HP, then Mist Step into LP uppercut (hit the uppercut a lil late so it hits deep for midscreen), then stand MK juggle into forward-back-forward HP (flurry punches) then cancel into partner in the around the last 3 hits of the flurry.
With someone like Law who has good juggles i did ~430s damage and by the time the combo is finished the 1 bar for the cross cancel is almost completely replenished.

Hey i found a pretty cool glitch / combo. When you hit an airborne opponent with inner axe (the overhead part), they will fall down EXTREMELY SLOWLY. During that time you have enough time to do a full charge devil beam and let it combo. The reason this is probably a glitch is because if you just normally hit an air opponent with the overhead, they will fall at a normal speed.

that’s a special juggle state. I saw something like that with one of Steve’s moves on an airborne opponent too.

I think he’s talking about something WAY WAY more slower than that, there was a video somewhere.

Marduk can do that juggle state as well.

I know what you’re thinking of, but no, what he’s describing isn’t a juggle state. It’s like they turned off gravity.

Critique my Jin:

I need some advise on:
-Ways to use fireballs against fireball users
-How to Special Step in on fireball users; Special Step travels half-screen only so what I usually do is walk back, forward dash, walk back, forward dash… if I visually confirm a fireball coming during my forward dash I will input the command for Special Step. Problem is sometimes the fireball catches me during my forward dash.

Just walk forward and on reaction to a fireball input b > db > d > df and do the Light punch input as late as possible. You have close to full screen range then. And if you do roundhouse fist you actually do have full screen range

Ok I’m having alot of trouble trying to cancel out Power Stance in time for CDS to combo, are you just doing hcb+PP~ d+KK~2 ? coz when i do it seems im always too late and theyre already blocking -.-’

The timing is REEEEAAALLLY strict. You have to cancel the cr.HP into EX Power Stance immediately, then wait about 3 frames and cancel the Power Stance into d+KK ~ MP because you can’t cancel EX Power Stance instantly like you can the normal version.

It’s really hard to get consistently. I respect anyone who can this early

well… fuck. I’m just CD1 all day like a faggot then, seems to be winning games for me so far lol.

For 1 bar you may as well just do cr.HP xx SS Uppercut > st.MK xx EX MLD > SS Roundhouse Punch It does only marginally less damage and is easy as hell

Wave Dash builds meter, and you can instant cancel it with back dash. So you can build free meter across the screen

Here is a video of what I was talking about:


probably be fixed day 1 patch or asap, i would not build your foundation on the glitch

Damn, Jin’s anti-airs are all crap. I’m having a hard time defending myself from jump-ins. I’m a Vega player in SSF4 so not having an SRK is nothing new for me, but EVEN VEGA has better defenses against jump-ins than Jin, what the hell?

Down+KK, LK is slow as hell, you pretty much have to predict.
Cr.HP is not as fast as other characters, and for some weird reason Jin lunges forward a little, misses opponents quite a lot.
I keep getting beaten air-to-air as well but I’ve been mostly using HK and HP. Any one found a good air-to-air?
Jump back HP is a pretty decent option but the air-to-air range is quite short.

^st LK is pretty gud anti air…

can any of u guys suggest any gud combos after launchers… i do either

back MP,LP xx Down KK > Lk
down MP , down HP (link) xx special step >Mp

for high damage i do

Jump Hk > Cr MP > Cr Hp > EX MLD > st Hk > Special Step Mp (456 damage, 1 meter)

St LK is pretty good, UNLESS the game screws you up by giving you a close standing LK.

Hmmm… anyway I just recalled that Jin’s down+KK has something like 10 invulnerability frames. Maybe as Jin you’re supposed to down+KK to make the jump-in whiff, then go for a counter-hit Willowing Fist into combo. When I tested it in training mode my recorded dummy managed to block Willowing Fist, but when I did the LP MP follow-up after down+KK I would sometimes score a counter-hit, sometimes trade.

Gonna try it in some real matches.

**Edit: **Yup, works like a charm. In fact it can be used to counter all sorts of ground stuff as well. Like the third part of Rolento’s baton twirling rekka. This thing even beats jump-in OS SHORYUKEN - you will hit Ryu or whoever during their landing frames before their SRK comes out.

Right, gonna have to train myself to react like that. But I still stand by my opinion that Special Step’s effective range is only up till half-screen. Any further and your opponent will most likely be able to recover from his projectile to block or jab you in the face (happened to me a couple of times). Also I generally prefer not to use any of the other Special Step follow-up options because all of them are unsafe. Only Special Step into LP is.

Gah, so hard picking between the Mishimas, they all look so similar but they’re so unique and different. Jin seems to have the best of both worlds though, the spacing and footsies of a SF character but the rushdown of a Tekken one too.

Surprised there isn’t more hype for these Tekken characters, i’m a huge SF junkie and all those characters look bland as hell compared to the Tekken cast.

I think this is Jin’s alpha counter (f+hp+hk), it looks like an electric cd+1. I was pretty confused when I saw the cpu do it too.