kool man… gonna try it…
and btw i’ve noticed while playin CPU jin in the hardest difficulty sumtimes the cpu does an EX roundhouse fist … does any1 knws how to do tht?..
kool man… gonna try it…
and btw i’ve noticed while playin CPU jin in the hardest difficulty sumtimes the cpu does an EX roundhouse fist … does any1 knws how to do tht?..
I found a counter to the down+KK anti-air. For now since most players won’t know how to beat it, Jin may appear to be super strong. But once people realise you can beat it with something very simple, I think Jin will be relegated to mid/low tier due to the lack of a solid anti-air.
You can beat it as a anti air period it’s not overly complicated you can os throw or you can just delay something by like 1 frame he only has a few frames of invincibility.
I haven’t tested this, but I’m pretty sure jump-in OS grab will lose to down+KK willowing fist if you time it right.
If this move can beat jump-in OS SRK, why the hell do you think it would lose to jump-in OS throw? I already told you that the Willowing fist hits you during your landing frames before your OS option (SRK, throw, whatever) comes out.
well the online sux so cud’nt try it against any human opponent… but i tried in training mode… the timing for willowing fist is pretty tight… id rather do a High Power stance and cancel into High MLD… catches opponents in the air and can also tag out…
after a knock down when the opponent tries to cross up … i do Down KK, cancel into special step and run away :p…
I was theory fighting about your escape earlier, if you do down kk, special step to escape the cross up, can you backdash cancel the special step/CD, and if you do, do you backdash back to where you came from, or forwards, because the opponent has now changed sides?
So to explain that better using an example, you’re on p1 side, opponent on p2. you’re knocked down. opponent goes for cross up, you wake up with down+kk xx special step/CD, you’re now on p2 side. If you press right twice, that would be now be a backdash on p2 side, but jin is still traveling forwards. Or do you have to press left twice, and backdash out of the special step back towards your opponent?
Could be wrong, but I always thought only Power Stance Aka qcb+p can be cancelled onto anoter special move like Special Step. Cab down+lk be cancelled into other specials as well?
Anyway sorry to hear about your bad experience with online IronTrigger. I love in Asia… Singapore to be specific. And I’ve had quite a few lag free matches with hong kong players. Occasionally I do get lag spikes when playing against less-than-full-bar connections, but so far it’s been pretty smooth and I’ve been using down+kk, mp to great results. There is one counter to this, however. I’m outside now but when I get back I’ll do somemore testing.
Nah I think you might be right actually. If you replace mental alertness with power stance in my example, would it still work?
SO what are Jin’s useful anti airs?
sry sry my bad… i meant power stance … not Down KK …
Power stance absorb 1 hit… run away… but wot ur sayin is also right… u can do special step into backdash… u become invincible, but the timing is really strict tho…
Im from Pakistan… and really heart broken by this… used to play SSF4AE flawless… but this online is garbage seriously… everything laggs, audio, frameskips, gameplay… the thing is tht JIN is not one of those characters which u can play in delay… unlike PAUL or GUILE… theres too much execution required… u knw…
For anti-air, it depends on the situation and character you are facing, there’s no one go-to option imo (which seems to be the case for tons of characters in this game, a change I welcome). If I predict a deep, high priority jump-in like a HK or HP, I usually try to go air-to-air with j.HP or j.MK, or preferably use a very early Mental Awareness LK. The flying kick comes out very quickly, usually gives you a good juggle opportunity, or if it whiffs over there head, usually carries you away to safety. Great move in my (admittedly short) experience so far.
For cross-ups in general, I use special step to dash under and get away. On wake up, I stick to blocking or occasionally backdashing, if I didn’t roll away in the first place. For quick starting, lingering jump-ins that will beat your air to air attempts, power stance > mental awareness > swaying willow, or cr.HP (although this trades far too often for my liking). A close-range LP orb is also a great jump-in deterrent, and forces people to jump in at specific angles to avoid the orb. This angle is usually perfect for anti air with mental awareness LK.
I found something pretty interesting after you end a corner combo with hp median line destruction.
If you whiff a cs.hp and then jump back hk, your jump in will be really ambiguous but will hit on the side closest to the corner. If you whiff cr. hp, your j.hk will cross up. They look very similar and I haven’t tested out how safe this set up is yet, but it seems pretty useful for mixing up the opponent.
EDIT: I tested it, and the cs.hp jump back hk(non-cross up) can be uppercutted by Ryu. I’ve been trying the Cr.hp cross up setup, and I haven’t been able to uppercut it yet. Maybe I am just not used to the auto-correct timing in this game, but I have only been able to get it to uppercut in the wrong direction.
well from wot i’ve noticed… in the corner after knockdown… if u do the j.hk early is not gonna crossup and if u delay it then it will cross up…
so whats the inputs to jins glitch to free super?
its lp,mp,lk chain … but u have to connect the last hit when the opponent is in the air…
thanks!! time to troll online!! until it gets patched lmao
will it happens very rarely… so gudluck with tht…
really damn… hmm maybe if its set up as a tag combo after a launcher
Jin is very fun…is jumping HK is pretty ambigious his projectiles has its uses and his special step has nice moves to go with it as well as back dashing from it. Unfortunately his anti air moves are lacking and his wake up options are limited. But what I’ve been playing so far is nice i like using the projectile after special step > uppercut > s.MK > lp.projectile then dash up for a mixup or mp.projectile to make them block on wake up as well as pushing them back